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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Lake Erie assessment puts walleye levels at 56 million. Any thoughts on catch and release should be squashed as bait levels in Erie is under pressure. Most of this huge class of fish were 14”-18” last year. These fish should be 16”-24”- perfect eating size.
  2. Not shown on that photo is I added another aluminum backer to sandwich the styrofoam on the tow string edge of board and then added bolt thru eyelets to tie the string to. All problems inherent with original board set up were fixed with modifications. I run these in any waves.
  3. I am pretty sure there is a LOU member (that we should probably put a missing person's report out -Ray Koziotek) used to fish stripers with nightcrawlers. Saved a ton of money.
  4. Off memory I think it is 8.5” front and 11.5” back. They are in my boat so I will have to check. Every connection point is reinforced with aluminum stock that you can get at Home Depot or Lowe’s. You can curl the aluminum backers to support the tow connection and use bolt-on eyelets to tie to instead of relying on the strength of the styrofoam to support ( it will break over time).
  5. The second keel will increase the tightness of the towline so your releases slide down the line easier. Helps in wind.
  6. Hurricane boat?
  7. Recoil is slight less than a 12 gauge 2 3/4" slug. The beauty of a lever gun is how quickly they mount and point. Having a sticky recoil pad may inhibit mounting speed. Plus, you probably will not be doing a ton of shooting with the gun because THE AMMO AINT CHEAP!
  8. Your free time will be filled with angst about the dogs. Kennel them IMO and enjoy the family time. My dog got into a dead Seagull and contracted Coccidiosis. The weekend turned into an emergency trip to the vet and a nice bill.
  9. As of now, Olcott Harbor between the piers is packed with ice. Oak Orchard is open. Check before fishing tomorrow.
  10. I was shocked 3.5 year old bucks in NY only averaged 110” B&C. Interesting that fertile ag land areas have the size edge on younger bucks but every area has similar sized bucks at 3.5 years of age. Genetics play a bigger role than food is what I surmise from that data.
  11. Bring breakfast for the crew. You will see how many calories get burned off as it is hard work. Bring a camera to take pictures for their presentations to the public.
  12. UV glow from anglers Avenue
  13. So good I had to share. Step 1: Kill a deer Ingredients you will need: • venison blackstrap or tenderloin • CABELAS open season steak rub or equivalent • bag of wegmans frozen green beans and shallots • olive oil • butter or margarine Step 2: bring nonstick frying pan to heat at medium-high temp and add bag of beans, a tablespoon of olive oil and spoonful of butter or margarine. Cook for a few minutes. Step 3: place rub sparingly onto meat and sear in hot pan for approx 12-15 seconds per side. Step 4: move pan to another burner set on “warm” setting (low heat), cover meat with the beans and place a cover over the pan. Flip once. Check pinkness of meat by cutting. As with any venison, don’t over cook. Enjoy!!
  14. They have to be concentrated as you found due to lack of rain. The warm rain this week should change things a little.
  15. There is a tutorial by Bill Saiff on how to float a dipsy using tension control out the back in the prop wash to get beyond wingers. Search YouTube.
  16. Awesome. I will join the hunt this weekend weather permitting.
  17. Weird snow cone.
  18. Capt Pete Alex uses 5 or seven colors and then adds weight to leader end with a hitched rubber band.
  19. Agree. Those black with yellow dots is a good goby look-a-like
  20. I run the braid thru my fingers before entering the spool. When it wads up enough you pluck it like a bow string and they fly off
  21. Then a mathematician can create a stocking formula. Good as anything.
  22. Name the video "ground hog day". Apply, rinse, and repeat. Apply, rinse and repeat.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPcGPC25Wyg
  24. 3.25"-5" spoon size is typical
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