So good I had to share.
Step 1: Kill a deer
Ingredients you will need:
• venison blackstrap or tenderloin
• CABELAS open season steak rub or equivalent
• bag of wegmans frozen green beans and shallots
• olive oil
• butter or margarine
Step 2: bring nonstick frying pan to heat at medium-high temp and add bag of beans, a tablespoon of olive oil and spoonful of butter or margarine. Cook for a few minutes.
Step 3: place rub sparingly onto meat and sear in hot pan for approx 12-15 seconds per side.
Step 4: move pan to another burner set on “warm” setting (low heat), cover meat with the beans and place a cover over the pan. Flip once. Check pinkness of meat by cutting. As with any venison, don’t over cook.