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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Two weeks ago they were showing steady past 70’
  2. Question about the $1,000 per day event leading up to the invitational..... is a boat able to enter as many fish as it is able over 20lbs with the largest entry by the boat that day as the final and only entry. For example, a fish over twenty pounds is weighed and entered in the morning, then a larger fish is entered by the registered boat in the afternoon.....I would assume the larger fish becomes the entry. Also, can a registered boat win more than once per week? Thanks.
  3. I am looking at replacing my dated Boat gauges as I look to redo my console. All gauges work so wiring and sending units are working. Questions: 1. Can I just replace old gauges with new? 2). Do I have to replace sending units also? 3). Do I have to make sure the ohms is the same with the replacements? 4). What am I missing?
  4. I use a heavy dog clip instead of a light shower curtain ring to aid in the slide. My boards are out to the side (almost 90 degrees) with double 1/2 keels additions that make a taught line.
  5. Choker, go to Northportnailer.com and look at their "wild thing" spoons. It is the same blank as the old producer spoon with better paint jobs. They do not carry the mag size however.
  6. If I remember the dive curve I think it will reach 30’ down with 200’ of braid out.
  7. Use them. They work off a side rod holder or off planer boards. They double for walleye on Erie.
  8. Lake Ontario is not Oligotrophic. Researchers have stated this. The water is green. You will not see whiting events on Lake Superior. Lots of “stuff” in the water. That outlier phosphorus reading a few years back was because of the harsh winter and spring delayed farmers fertilizing their fields.
  9. 2 wire divers on inside, 2 high braid divers with slide divers on the outside. Coppers or leadcore go on boards past them........as far as you can get them out to the side. Or if you don't have slide divers then you can gain separation with mag wire dipsys with no rings on inside (1 setting) and two braid high standard divers (3 setting). No right or wrong way to do it. Pay attention to where the fish are coming from and try to put as many baits spread out in the hot zone. You may have it blow from NE and have your 5 color going off. You may have no wind and have to chase deep kings off the bottom in 200' with downriggers. You are correct in having lots of options ready for your trip.
  10. Not dying off in the the case of quggua but more of a rebalancing. Stuff is eating mussels. Prime substrate is used up also.
  11. Consider using two of your braid divers to run slide divers outside of your dipsys. You could also convert them into a four or five color. I don’t think you need four braid divers and two wire divers.
  12. Per Dr Weidel, early trawls look promising despite late start from bad weather.
  13. Will show in Buffalo also.
  14. Deep water blooms in summer on Ontario are “whiting events”. These do not occur on nutrient poor lakes.
  15. Wentworth, rest assured you bought your boat at a great time. Fishing is poised to be great on Erie for walleyes and Ontario for Kings this year. Garry, algae blooms indicate fertility. Good for fishery......not so much for drinking water or swimming holes.
  16. Unfortunately, many of the Michigan charter captains that are selling their boats were also the ones who voted against stocking cuts in the face of evidence of declining bait and food web. Lake Michigan is also a good lesson in how the charter business is reliant on Pacific species. Lake Trout do not drive charter sales. I think lake ontario managers have it right...Alewives and Kings-joined at the hip.
  17. Since the demise of emerald shiner stocks, I am having to fish a deeper band of water in the spring. When emeralds were around every port,stream,creek and ditch flowing into the lake had emeralds running. I would put my otter boats in three FOW sometimes because that is where the food was. Now it’s gobies, perch, gizzard shad, alewives etc deeper off the bank. Just some observations.
  18. Glad you had a better day. After reading your post again, I would add to scale down on leader size. Twenty-five lb fluoro is too heavy for browns. Your sticks and spoons will work much better with 10-12 lb leader. Just add a barrel swivel to your current leader and add a rod-length of lighter line to a snap.
  19. Forecast this week will clear the water off Niagara County. Expect much different results next weekend.
  20. This time of year in Niagara County those crazy screen shots are usually Lakers or near creek inflows- adult gizzard shad. Gizzards usually have an upward pointing hook on the graph so probably Lakers. The water needs to clear up a bit before those hooks start snapping with regularity.
  21. Read the water. Around the mouth today there was all kinds of leaves and human crap floating in the stagnant water. Trout need O2. Down East a little there is lake water mixing in. A little warmer too. This time of year stare at your surface temp. A degree or two makes all the difference most days. Once you find one or two, keep hitting the area as there will be more. Remember with cold night temps, the surface water (and the water along the bank) may be colder early but will warm up and be a draw later.
  22. Yes that 56 million was a 2017 estimate of age 2 or older walleye.
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