Evolution has a way of weeding out the weak. Life is very much a game of playing the percentages. We make choices every day that keep us safe or put us at risk.....turning left at an intersection at rush hour with a yellow light turning red comes to mind. Those of us that have been driving awhile know the dangers of such a scenario as many cars will blow thru the red light and t-bone you. With a car accident you probably walk away from it.......a bullet??.......I don’t want to play those odds. The buck I shot opening day passed behind me sitting on the ground (while wearing orange) at 5 yards.
Mink, in my case I identified my target as a large man wearing brown Carhart and correctly identified him as an idiot and not a deer. You would probably be safe with me in the woods but the "other" guy with poor eyesight.......not so much. Listen to the DEC video posted above.....someone shot a brown pick up truck because he thought is was a deer!! Hunt state land and listen to how early or how late people shoot before/past legal hunting time.
Agreed scary. When I was a young hunter I put a scope on a guy wearing full brown Carhart walking thru heavy brush. Shook me up. People are still ignorant about deer being colorblind. I routinely have deer within 5-10 yards of me sitting on the ground while wearing an orange camo vest.
Despite a few incidents, glad hunting accidents down. Can’t believe that woman walking her dog was shot at 5:30! I think the greatest cause of decreasing accidents in NY is opening up areas to rifle hunting. Buy a rifle - you put a scope on it - you have a high power scope, you can better identify your target.
That wound does not look that old. Was the meat green around it? Was there any stink or puss? If not, it might be only a few days old. The Whitetail's clotting factors work amazingly well.