Hopefully the sewage dumping going on won't ruin the run. I can imagine the jet boat tours running the rapids and doing their 360 degree hard turns that gets everyone soaked will have people with their mouth open screaming for joy......until they taste something strange.
October I usually leave the grunt tube in bag until the last weekend. This time of year they are bachelor'd up and sparring so I use the snort wheeze for bucks and use a fawn bawl for does. Both made with my mouth....you don't need to spend money on additional calls.
Up top. Turn left out of exit then next right in town parking area. Bring a flat shovel to clear crap from launch. Nice new launch but nobody cleans it of debris each morning.
Above and beyond good properly wired and working redundant bilge systems, the next most important item to keep from sinking is a couple of buckets. If you have ever seen the fishing fleet in third world countries you would first feel good about the safety of your own rig. Second, they have a crucifix or cross mounted somewhere. Third, they have buckets.
Start off Olcott. Search around in that 150'-250' area. If you are targeting new three year olds you will want some baits down in upper 40 degree water up to the bottom of bait balls showing on your graph. Nothing showing on graph??....,head offshore. Leadcore off boards for steel and find bait for the kings. More of a spoon bite.
Go to the Lake Simcoe fishing forum and you will find a wealth of info. Usually caught thru the ice with a small ice fishing spoon called a Meegs tipped with some bait.
Over on lakeerieunited some of the reports said slower fishing but also expansion into the upper layers with five colors of lead mentioned. Perhaps less condensed into that bottom 10'
Granted the rut hasn't kicked in to swell the neck, but since both pictures are taken in September one year apart rutty body shape is out of the equation. I would say you better shoot him (no duh!) as he looks like he is declining (mild winter too).
Can't wait to fish this year class next year when they are perfect sized. Gill them in an ice bath cooler and you end up with pure white meat. Roll the fillets in egg whites then corn meal / Italian bread crumbs/ salt mixture and fry.
Stupid easy fishing still off the Catt in 80'. Riggers, dipsys, three-way rigs......don't matter what you use as long as near bottom. Small worm harnesses and Warrior flutter spoons in UV perch pattern. 30 fish in less than two hours.
Jimski, not sure what you were intended with this statement as the internet does not reflect true meanings sometimes but..... of all the stakeholders (all have financial interest) on both sides of the lake that voted on the 2017 cuts, all except one voted FOR the cuts. Everybody on both sides of the arguments presented on this forum want proper stewardship. There is not necessarily a right or wrong answer as nobody has a crystal ball.
Looks like fun! I would be interested to hear how they taste, didn't know people ate Pigeons. Spent yesterday at the 3F club in Lewiston with my two dogs volunteering for their pheasant youth program/hunt. Really warm for the dogs but great action for them to get primed for season.
So it would appear this massive year class of Walleye extends from Ohio to Buffalo with everyone reporting similar size and similar results. They are feeding as competition is fierce. The bottom hugging fish have small gobies in their bellies and the suspended fish YOY alewives or Gizzard Shad. Hopefully there is enough food in the system to support the fish. They have to be in direct competition with the perch schools.
Yes Rick, I am using this forum to come out of the closet. Going to change my boat name to "hole in my transom".
I agree the bickering is stupid and will admit I have stuff going on right now in my life that has me particularly on edge. Rick, I think you would agree that a lot of good has come out of these threads on stocking figures/ alewife numbers-sampling methods/ functioning of Altmar/ pen projects etc etc.