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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Garrymny, as others has said, the downspeed and temp unit give information. Experience tells you what to do with it. You still have to use your eyeballs esp. in the spring! This morning out of Olcott before the winds picked up you might have noticed a slick line in the water at about 50'. That slick line is a "current tell". Usually there is debris in those slicks. Fish will collect along those current lines just like the debris found there. If you paid attention to the weather the day before, you would have seen there was an East wind which blows in cold water and pushes fish to the West towards the warm Niagara flow. As the wind picked up, you might have noticed that there was brown water coming in at 75-100' but the green water was persistent inside that line. Did you see many seagulls today floating around? Why not? If you were trolling towards Wilson and paying attention to your fishhawk, you were trolling into the Niagara current and against a stiff westerly. Your gps speed would tell you that you were barely moving, yet heading into the current as displayed by your fishhawk should have told you that despite not covering much ground, the current against your lure was keeping your lures working correctly. As you gain experience you will learn to trust your downspeed unit and find the units true worth, especially as the season progresses and you begin to fish deeper in the water column to find the thermocline.
  2. Don't know but that mottled brass looks like a gobie...., don't change a thing!
  3. Water temp along shore has hit the magic 50 degree mark. Water a little more turbid than usual. Bite has begun.
  4. Protrolls are little more noisy than spin docs. They have a metal grommet where the rear swivel is plus the clicking of the Echip. When kings start getting more aggressive in late July the protrolls come out. Because they are a little more noisy I will run longer leaders 30-35" mostly. Spin docs on my rods now.
  5. They sell a one-day $20 pass for your one-and-done buddies.
  6. Don't feel bad about your catch rate Saturday. The WHI results showed tough fishing by most even for the best teams on the lake.
  7. Go to the WHI Facebook page.
  8. Lots of sewage recently flushed out in lake. Add East winds in previous days rolling bottom in from the East. Add no wind or waves today. Add no current noticed based on your observations that down speed matched closely to SOG gps speed. Add it all up and you probably have low O2 levels keeping fish negative to neutral. If you had wave action from a west wind you probably would have killed them. Trout and salmon have higher O2 needs than most fish. If you have ever tried to release a farm pond rainbow you will usually find them floating the next morning. Last night I was night trolling for walleyes in a calm East wind. The fish were there but the water had zero movement so the fish were neutral. We landed two but lost 15 or so. They were just nipping.
  9. Agreed with what has been said so far. I would add that when the DEC wants to net Lake Erie Lake Trout to study, they go out of Dunkirk, hit 90' and head west. When I am two-timing i.e.. putting out baits that a walleye OR Laker would bite, I will run a silver-leaf spoon with a bait-holder style single hook tipped with a piece of nightcrawler.
  10. Huge whale sighted off Niagara Bar This could be Moby Dick .....looks huge. https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.php?region=o&page=1&template=sub&image=a1.17128.1748.LakeOntario.143.250m.jpg
  11. The owner of Arney's said the water started coming up in December.
  12. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2017/04/27/whos-to-blame-for-high-water/100895910/ When liberal naturalists get too much power, this is what happens. The water level act of 2014 was a stroke of genius!
  13. Decoy hound you have the rig to fish debris fields!
  14. I will say it.........so we were told we would get a reduction of stockers per location because pen fish have better survival rates to adulthood, and then most of the plants we were offered don't actually make it to the pens as planned? WOW.
  15. Read this. http://www.fishchallenger.com/Docs/THELASTFRONTIER.pdf The interesting thing about this study is the night time position of kings at 50' down is similar to what I have witnessed on Ontario. Something magical about the 50' mark. When I had my boat slipped at Youngstown, I would stay out and try fish in the dark off the Niagara drop-off. As soon as it got dark, shaker kings would line up nose to tail on the graph 50' down. This phenomenon would play out over and over.
  16. I wonder if having a float hanging from their back kept them higher in the water column. I picture three and the rare 4 year old kings with their big bodies, resting on the denser 38 degree water mattress when they go inactive with the smaller bodied 1 and 2 year old kings resting on the thermocline. This study may change that. The Lake Huron study had transmitters within the body cavity and showed much deeper average depth.....like 120' deep.
  17. When you run through those crazy graphs your rigger rods should be pinging like they do when you go thru bait right? But they don't. Turn your gain down a little and watch that false picture disappear.
  18. I gathered the same from the study. The average temp they played in was like 55 degrees I believe. I cant remember if there was an age breakdown because I usually look for 48 degrees during summer when chasing bigs. I haven't studied if the temp was averaged over a season. If so ... the data may be misleading as the annual movement of kings into the niagara flow during spring will have them in 50 degree water all May. I need to look at the study
  19. When I get those crazy graphs in the spring, I turn the sensitivity down to weed out the small signals. I think a lot of what you are seeing is the result of the mud in the water, warm water species like adult gizzard shad, whitefish species, sheephead etc. I have spent a lot of time "not catching" over those mesmerizing graphs. Think about how your graph picks up the thermocline in the summer. It is measuring the subtle difference in water density. The same thing is most likely happening with the mud water and green water throwing off different density values.
  20. Thanks! Weather forecast sucks balls. Friekin snow possible?
  21. I guess we have to take warning when a marina advertisement claims to have "water hook-ups". Looks like someone left the hose on!!!
  22. They do gaggle up out near the elbow of the fence East of Toronto in September. They move up into steelhead water to feed on newly hatched alewives
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