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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Above the Niagara West of Wilson. Go to light in town and turn down the hill to yacht club. Parking is up top .., as you pull up the hill make a left then quick right to park
  2. Erie is brown. Might go to some of my ditch mouth spots on Oneida or Chataqua and night cast.
  3. Trailer up to the free Youngstown launch
  4. A little wash of poop hitting the lake today!
  5. Starweld, those look like Cohos.
  6. Mayaaaaabe Mostly big beautiful coho.
  7. Good bite off Olcott this morning. 48-58' FOW. Spoon bite.
  8. The Scotty stacker is fine on the cable.
  9. You talking cheaters Pap or stacked additional lines?
  10. Gordy, Canada has a lot of doomsday fishermen....... well respected fishermen. Please do some investigating and see if you can help spread the word that the sky is not falling despite what that misinformed gentleman Frank Krist from Michigan presented at The Credit River anglers symposium last year.
  11. The data has not been compiled yet, but the early consensus is lots of adult alewives at a time when the first year of a predicted two year dip was suppose to materialize.
  12. The zooplankton community over winter is Not limitless. Over winter the Mysids and Copepods mate from October thru November. In preparation for mating season the Copepods start storing lipid sacs. Mysids are as big as your index fingernail ( unless you snort coke). These are big fatty rich foods that help alewife fitness over winter. There population starts to plummet after breeding season so after December Alewives have to rely on low-fat phytoplankton. Plump alewives is a good indicator of the zooplankton community health. Dieoffs happen when the surviving alewives coming off the lean winter season are taxed further by their bodies starting to prepare eggs and sperm. Add a delayed spring and a delay to the new plankton cycle firing up and bingo they start succumbing to disease. THE ONLY WAY WE CAN MAINTAIN BALANCE IS MAKING SURE WE STOCK THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF KINGS. The lake is not getting cleaner. Look up the census data from the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) from 10 years ago and compare to now. Based on Sierra Defence Fund the average Canadian produces 63,000 liters of sewage per year. The amount of untreated sewage being dumped by Toronto and Hamilton in 1999 was 16 billion litres per year. With green water showing up on Lake Erie shores + the growth of the GTA, Lake Ontario is getting dirtier.
  13. Warmest green water with bait showing on graph. They roam in loose schools constantly on the move terrorizing bait. Usually upper levels of water column.
  14. Well ...... he wouldn't win on good looks.
  15. Junior thunderstick in UV firetiger- split ring removed/duolock snap 3.25" Northport Nailer in orange/ice glow on gold blank/ small single hook
  16. We have called on our Canadian partners for shortfall coverage in the past. They smartly raise extras as they have more hatcheries.
  17. Damn, I would have loved to see what they dredge off the bottom near the rumble strip.
  18. Lucky, the theory is not necessarily that adult alewives eat other fish larvae, but more so the pressure they exert on the entire plankton community. When fish die from winter kill it is because of a lack of fitness. One of the key indicators is plumpness. Evaluating stomach contents of some alewives on the Kaho revealed some Mysis Shrimp and apendage evidence of spiny flea ingestion, however, most of their stomachs were barren. Adult alewives suppress other prey species by eating them out of house-and-home.
  19. If that is the case then they owe those ports more fish. We were told they would decrease stocking numbers in favor of putting more fish in pens.
  20. Jerry you need to send me some donuts for all the content I push on your site!
  21. Speaking of hindsight......perhaps going forward the DEC should still collect and raise the typical fish species allotment even though a potential cut is warranted the coming spring. Seeing the swarming hord of adult alewives that are about to descend upon the south shore, it would be nice to have the normal stocking numbers in reserve in case estimates from the prior year were wrong. Hopefully the Canadians can dump in any extra kings they might have kept.
  22. No, I believed they believed there was a problem with a void in age structure. You have no choice but to believe the science when making stocking decisions. I think the problem we are all finding is that on certain years the alewives are hiding in the North shore rocks where they can't be counted. The USGS is now pushing the envelope and probing deeper into Canadian waters.
  23. Good mix to age structure. These are bottom trawls. Most of the YOY will be offshore and in the epilimnion. Also present were sticklebacks, deep water sculpin, gobies and YOY perch.
  24. I believe the only one smart enough to vote NO for chinook cuts was Capt Vince. Every other stake holder voted yes to the cuts because they believed the science. Out of the Questioning of the science however, the trawler survey has expanded their reach by gathering a much bigger sample size. Lots of good came from questioning the science. I am all for ball busting but your comedic timing sucks. The news is good coming out of the lake. Be happy.
  25. Not sure why you didn't get an invite.....hmmmmm. I think you should run down to your mailbox and check and see if your invite arrived. If you don't see it today, that's ok.... just keep checking. Your invites to all the birthday parties you thought you were not invited to might be in there too.
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