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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. You should try to become a mate on a charter boat first. You have to learn the business side.
  2. ut_falcon, how was the king run this year on the North shore?
  3. Coyotes will be hungry
  4. I would like to see a fish study take place in the spring as fish are coming out of the stresses of winter. Jim Johnson + collaborate with West Coast Biologists that deal with more disease issues. Asking the public what they think is causing the shortfalls is good ......to a point..........then you have to dig in and do the dirty work.
  5. Was there any talk about any on going disease studies of the salmonids while out in the lake? To get the reduction in numbers we have faced there has to be a disease process involved. Perhaps a combination syndrome? I have never bought into thiamine deficiency-only theory. There have always been bad winters. There have always been poaching, fishing tournaments, snatching, thiamine deficiency, and yes fly fishermen with fancy Orvis reels. So what is different? The non-inclusive "secret meetings" and finger pointing by both sides needs to stop. Not sure if DEC is trying to pit one side against the other to deflect criticism but nothing is gained by division
  6. We need a new moderate party.
  7. Without Kings, steelhead would die en masse due to thiamine deficiency as alewife numbers would explode.
  8. Agreed. Facing upstream but pushed with the current. Any fish not tied to structure that goes inactive and/or sleep for 4 hours can wake up 8 miles away.
  9. Except bait fish are filter feeders and most likely facing into the current also. Salmon, lakers and browns follow and attack from the rear. The easier meal (that which is moving slowest) is probably going to get attention over the one buzzing by. Put it into the current.
  10. Mine measure 6.5" and 10.5".
  11. For?? For a main-line leader? For a fly leader? Main-line leader would be from length of rod tip down to the reel (makes storage easier to clip snap on reel line guide). Fly leader 21"- 48"
  12. Doubled up section of braid to a OR-16 works fine.
  13. Pier casting?
  14. So you can pray for them to show up??? .....or maybe so Bobby can pray for his sins??
  15. No, I don't condone violence .....especially over spoon orders, but it is amazing what agreements can be forged when meeting face-to-face as opposed to texting or tweeting.
  16. Yes you could give up but then you will have to change your boat name.
  17. Agreed! I think with the downtick in adult alewives will be short lived and should result in hungry kings this year = excellent fishing.
  18. Lake Erie mixing https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.php?region=e&page=1&template=sub&image=a1.17067.1818.LakeErie.143.250m.jpg
  19. My guess if faced with a lawsuit he would declare bankruptcy and nobody will get their stuff or money back. Of course he has an address.......maybe take a drive and say hello.
  20. Bumping up the steelhead and brown stocking numbers would make sense. There are less of each in the system due to disease and night poaching. They are not as likely to pressure the adult alewife population which the DEC/USGS for 2016 show as low. I would at this point give credit to the lake managers for having the foresight to see the coming void in the adult population of adult alewives and make corrective stocking cuts. We have been asking for a proactive approach and we are getting it.
  21. Pap my boat is on West end. Because the lake water tempers our winter lows, we rarely see temps below 15 degrees so maybe that is how I have escaped damage.
  22. State-of-the-lake DEC meeting The meetings have started anew. Highlight to me was good crop of yoy alewife from mild winter last year. The lowlight was that the adult alewife numbers are really low from the effects of the '13,'14 winter chafe. When presenting options of stocking cuts and/or increase creel limits, charter captains will opt for stocking cuts because increasing creel limits means they have to stay out on the water longer to box-out. Gas bill cuts into profits. Gentlemen given the low census on adult alewives THIS IS THE YEAR TO BOX YOUR CATCH. With warm winter this year it bodes well for now back-to-back year classes of yoy alewife but there is a void in adult population.
  23. I see the Starbrite -100 says "do not dilute ". Three different manufacturers that claim their usage is for RV or winterizing boat engines. PAP on the surface I think you got the wrong stuff. I am going to try your test. I have to pick up some solution before my next outing.
  24. I am wondering if there is different formulations among manufacturers? West Marine sells the 5 Gallon tub I use and their labeling on their fluid states for engines? I am going to use the PAP test on west marine stuff and see what happens.
  25. The product IS called antifreeze .... I am not sure why the rep is incredulous.
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