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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. The only way you are going to get a bow in the tow line with double-keel otter boards is if the driver is doing sleepy "s" turns. Not sure why you are having trouble with these delivery systems but perhaps time on another angler's boat or charter might help. Measure the length of the otter's tow rope knot to loop. Look at the angle of the keels etc. etc. and try to duplicate.
  2. Right, but if these fish were deemed to come from American waters via Chicago waterway then it is only reasonable to think those leapers are going to get in too.
  3. There are a series of Youtube videos showing the T-44.
  4. Spring spread always has a small hot'n'tot on an inside board line.
  5. Rob, I know you fish plugs. One you might not have tried is a Kiko Reel Keel plug. They shine for big browns in spring on deep rigger near bottom. I will also sometimes run them off leadcore for spring kings. Kikofishing.com
  6. The interesting evolution of the salmon fishing downward spiral on Lake Michigan due to two bad winters and overstocking is on display as you move thru the years of the 333 tournament. Nice boxes of Kings in the early years of the 333 to slim pickin's in the later versions.
  7. They are in Ontario. They have been found in Toronto harbor. The new news is the fertility issue.
  8. Ugh!! http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/grass-carp-great-lakes-1.3954946 Going to need a "smart" fish finder that can select for species.
  9. I have been going twice thru eye then improved cinch. I make an overhand knot in tag end and singe the end
  10. Early wave and wind forecast looks favorable for Saturday. Light winds out of SW changing to East. Anyone fishing out of Olcott needing a boat-bud PM me please....I got the itch bad!
  11. Raw sewage does dump into the lake......everytime antiquated storm sewers overflow. Ohio is trying to limit phosphorus levels further with legislation passed in 2015. They had green water coming ashore on Erie with boil-water restrictions recently. Phosphorus levels have been stable in Lake Ontario since early 90's. Problem is exotics. You can have all the phosphorus you want but if the water gets filtered it won't grow baitfish.
  12. I will pledge to eat more Mighty Taco to help things downstream.
  13. I am not sure I believe that color disappears at depth so much anymore after seeing footage of a spoon with orange paint on a downrigger camera down deep.......the spoon was still orange. I have diving buddies that claim their pink air tanks look grey down deep. I am not sure what to think anymore. Going to let the fish tell me.
  14. The head on that dinosaur looks like a rare 4 yr old. My guess it is a tyee.
  15. Signs If you know what to look for, the signs are there. On a trip down to southern tier this weekend I could not help but notice all the raptors along rte 400/16. This is a typical migration seen about mid-February. This morning I heard a Robin sound off. Starlings are fighting squirrels for tree holes as they have moved north looking for nesting sites in my yard already. The signs are pointing to an early spring.
  16. We do not have "fish counters" on our streams so there is no way to know the totality of the runs on the south shore. Canadians have a pseudo-scientific method/formula on some North shore streams with dams and fish ladders that include using an electronic-eye fish counter + direct observation to come up with a "number". I have recommended to Steve Lapan to get some "bean counter" machines to see if we can come up with a figure as to how many fish are making it back home. This is critical information to the communities that rely economically on fish-runs as it may shed light to how few fish are actually returning. Burt Dam comes to mind. If we are losing our direct stocked and pen-reared fish in Niagara County to predation via cormorants or larger predator fish, the run total would be a great indicator and help dictate stocking numbers. I gather from conversations with DEC leadership that they are very hesitant to move any more fish away from the Salmon River stocking site. The DEC leadership have said they don't want to risk not getting enough eggs from returning fish to continue stocking the lake and therefore keep the Salmon River stocked with the majority of plants ( even in a stream with lots of natural reproduction). There may be political pressure from all the fish-based businesses surrounding the Salmon River to keep the Salmon River flush with fish.
  17. Any given year you will hear 35-48% wild kings per year class. Most of the natural reproduction is on the North Canadian shore as they have better water quality and close streams in the fall to protect spawning. Probably 90% of natural repro on South shore is coming from Salmon River. I won't name other smaller tribs where nat. repro is happening but there are a few with good water. I imagine the wild rainbow percentage is higher due to catch and release and their ability to use smaller tribs, but I am not aware of numbers.
  18. The method is using either a blacks release with the braid thru the clip but not twisted or an aftco roller release. Place diver in water next to boat, clip line in release, send release to end of outrigger, reset your linecounter and send it back.
  19. "long gone" ....I am assuming based on your handle your last name is Long.
  20. Can I have your life Sean?
  21. The DEC does do investigations of public markets. They bust a lot of people around NYC selling Striped Bass. Call it in. They have 2-4 officers per area that encompasses many counties, they need everyone's tips.
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