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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. After looking at the newly redesigned Brownings I bought a 1952 ish Auto 5. Love it. Paid $620 for it so I think your investment of $200 is safe. Do you shoot steel out of it? Still trying to figure out if I want to risk shooting steel out her, as I have heard conflicting information.
  2. Sounds like as he was heading out in the open to check the does memory kicked in an he remembered it was gun season and came to his senses. Smart creatures. There is a group of does I know of that shack up in an acre of red brush surrounding a house bordering a property I hunt. I have watched the young ones start to come out into the neighboring ag field before dark only to have the older does run out and shoe them back into the brush til after shooting light. I have seen buck stand in cover and stare at my buddies treestands to check if someone is in there. A person in that stand never would have known but if he reached up and scratched his nose the buck would have made him and slinked off without being seen. Deer remember.
  3. I don't know why not? How many species eat crabs or crayfish?
  4. I have to start hunting the northern counties! Great buck!
  5. I am going to leave your wife and kisser buttons out of the conversation!! Lol. I think I couldn't feel the kisser button on my face due to whiskers so I was pushing it against my face harder to feel it better and it was changing my line of sight slightly. No matter as I punched my third bow tag last night on a doe so I think I got it figured out. Mister itchy is coming off soon anyway.....too much gray!!!
  6. Cohos and steelhead the way the skyrocket to the surface often necessitate a fixed cheater to drive the hook home better.
  7. As good a buck as any found anywhere in the US! Great buck.
  8. On Erie we find both gobies and mussels in perch caught there. All species are still settling things out. Gobies, an invasive, have negatively effected sheephead (also an invasive species).
  9. Anyone have their beard effect kisser button placement and therefore arrow flight? Nothing changed on my bow other than I have grown a hunting beard. Picked up bow to practice today and my arrows are hitting low and left?
  10. Might be an owl swooping down on a mouse then lifting off.
  11. HUGE 8!!!!
  12. The last thing a farmer would want is a miniature horse running around the woods during gun season!
  13. Omg. 3.5 yrs old and only 150 lbs??? Everyone talks about Iowa and Illinois for deer but if I had my choice it would be Kentucky. Something about Kentucky and Tennessee deer herd having high incidence of non-typical racks.
  14. Congrats but please put some orange on the kid!
  15. You can make those yourself. Crush glow tape and use a paper punch on green tape for the dots.
  16. Today is state-wide deer drive day! Yipee!!! I try to use it to my advantage cause I know its coming. Funny how the drivers peak onto the property to see if they see any orange coats then turn tail.
  17. I think I got Rick interested in the AFW Braid downrigger cable. It has a elliptical shape like "flea-flicker" line so it does not accumulate fleas too bad, it is a stealthy green color, terminates with a knot, soft on the hands, and does not make that hum that wire produces. There is a video on Capt. John King's site with underwater audio that depicts how loud that wire hum is under water. The hum has an attraction factor when fish are active....no doubt but what about those big boys that have been stung by hooks before? There may be negative feedback to that hum and big fish that are equating the hum with danger. Those underwater feeds of kings screaming in to hit a bait then turn away at the last minute. Negative cues to blame?
  18. I see musky guys jigging the heads of deep holes when I drive by the river. Watch out for rocks around Strawberry Island as they are known to take out props and skegs. Always attach the anchor to the front of the boat. Be safe.
  19. You want goofy? Get a Brittany!
  20. Save your money, those are expensive terminations. Just use the "wire line knot". For coated cable just strip off 10" of coating and tie the knot so the bare metal is on the swivel for transmission of your speed and temp signal.
  21. The "hunker down" is still on. Spend four hours this morning still-hunting in 6" of quiet snow in some of the most beautiful clearcuts found on state land and never cut a track or bed. At home under a blanket watching football......crappy opening weekend!
  22. Sorry for your loss Dan. Hope you shoot that big one.
  23. Looks like that hoax bigfoot footage from the west coast during the 70's.
  24. Best post ever!
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