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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Ya, I don't leave Niagara County if I don't have to so you would know better. Now these waypoints with large lakers on them, what are those numbers again?
  2. Agreed. Probable artificial selection. Not too many bodies of water can hide a 40 from snatching. A few years ago there was a 40 caught off the Niagara drop by a lady with no derby ticket. The Niagara could engineer 40 lbers.
  3. I don't think you want 40 lb fish in many numbers swimming around. Not now anyway. We are missing two year classes of alewives. I would gladly chose a lake filled with 15-35lb salmon and steady action over hours upon hours upon fish-less days with a chance to catch a 40. Kings in that 20-24 lb range fight the best IMO anyway
  4. That stretch from Shagadee to Sandy Creek to Devil's Nose is known for crazy currents. The Scotch Bonnet rumble strip makes sure of that. If currents were worse it might explain why Brian found fish above and below their "preferred" temp range as the current was probably displacing them. One tidbit I have been paying attention to is the direction of the surface current arrows on the NOAA site. I am finding when the surface current arrows are pointing south matching the usual down current direction in Niagara county waters, that the unyielding force in one direction push pelagics closer to shore. Until fish latch onto a piece of dirt to stage on, they are at the whim of the lake currents.
  5. There was this girl with bad teeth in college that used to frequent our dorm floor freshman year.........I will stop now.
  6. Three most likely scenarios. The antenna sender is shot. There is a section of coating coming off your cable so you are losing the signal to the water or the RCA cable needs to be replaced. Moor subtroll parts can still be bought online. Step 1..... on land, walk off 100' of cable and check it for visual signs of losing the coating. Step 2, if the cable is fine, replace the RCA cable with new. These you can get original replacement parts from Moor servicing or you can get them at Radio Shack cheaper. If those two things don't fix problem, assume it is the sending antenna. You can check the antenna wire for continuance yourself if you have a meter. The antenna you will have to order from the Moor replacement service company. esgdirect.com is the site
  7. Now is a good time
  8. Fish were concentrated from June thru July from Wilson to the Oak. Great numbers when traditionally June is a snoozer.
  9. Maybe a finger lakes trip?
  10. Jeepers Mike, you are "only getting out twice a week"? I could only be so lucky. I am going to have to start networking with you.
  11. 15 to 20% clipped I believe. The last ones will be the rare 4 year old next year.
  12. Correct. Canadian fish, fish stocked off piers (not pen reared) and Salmon River fish will not have clips.
  13. Always game in Niagara county. 2013 was last year of fin clipping pen fish. How many clipped fish did you see this year? I saw maybe 5-10? This was the year class of pen fish that were in their pens when all the south shore ports saw VHS/winter kill Gizzard Shad die-offs in spring. Pier fishing should be slooooow if those pen fish became infected. 😩😩
  14. Easy to make your own. The hard rubber stuff you can get at hardware store for dipping tool handles into to make a rubber grip. Dip a duolock swivel clasp part way in, and use a razor blade to make a cut in the material.
  15. I don't troll them slower than 2.25 mph on moor subtroll. 2.25 - 3 mph is good range
  16. You guys don't know panic. Last year I missed opening of gun because of a destination wedding. This year I have two more destination weddings in NOVEMBER!! My wife's family are not hunters. To them "the rut" is a bump in the road.
  17. $19.00 per acre, plus you carry a land lease insurance policy. I would agree to help him with downed trees and trail maintenance.
  18. Update on Noodles the rescue dog. She has rounded out as a nice dog. She is absolute gonzo for squirrels and rabbits and has even soft pointed birds. I have begun training her as a squirrel dog to sit at my side until I send her after a critter. She chases at breakneck speed and launches herself up the tree. On prompting she returns to my side til the next one comes by. I have never squirrel hunted but this weekend I will be looking up squirrel recipes
  19. So for those of you fishing the East end of the lake, what does a NE wind do to the fishing in the Mexico Bay area this time of year?
  20. Anyone taking bets that NOAA gets the forecast wrong this weekend? I am hoping I am wrong but usually storms going up East Coast means we get a NE stinker on Ontario
  21. She looks loaded with eggs
  22. almost the size of a paddle, see if you can get your hands on some 6.5" Big 'Ern spoons next time you are up in Canada. Bright colors like a fire tiger will work. Short wave tackle in Port Credit has some. Closest spoon to those are the Tomic 6" spoon and the Northport nailer super mag 5.5"
  23. Hell no not complaining. I hate using the stinky stuff that costs an arm and a leg
  24. I have yet to catch a fish on cut bait this year. Sushi flies I can get them on but bait heads.......notta
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