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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Well I guess the cat is out of the bag. Yes both the DEC and OMNR are advising cuts starting with next years spring stocking allocations lakewide. The cuts are designed to get ahead of the apparent two year hole where we lost our YOY alewife class due to back to back historically bad winters. There is nothing wrong with the food web so these cuts will be temporary. Discussions about cutting lake trout plants are being considered. Hopefully they wait to see if we have a run of fish with the drought as we may have our own cut on naturals via Mother Nature.
  2. Agree with Les, absent of any marks........I am putting my baits in the "preferred" water temps. I will go into a walk-in freezer to get an icecream sandwich but I ain't hanging out in the cooler. Look at the average temp of the ocean off the coast of Washington where the Tule strain originates and you will see the ocean temp does not vary much from 48-58 degrees. This is the temp they evolved in...the temps they prefer.
  3. Looks like a tyee to me
  4. If you guys use round balls you could use a bowling ball bag
  5. Les, we contacted fish in 260' saturday. Temps were better out there.
  6. Les, I think the lake will reshuffle and look more like the lake before the roll over by the time the weekend comes. I think the A-tom-mik event is this weekend so you should have some large vessels on the horizon to give you an idea where the fish are.
  7. I almost sacrificed my lunch in those waves Friday!
  8. Northport nailers have a twist in the blank.
  9. Great work Nick, Teresa, the volunteers, and donors! Thank you Arney's. Great event. Never gets old getting a vet their first King. Look forward to next year! Now go take a nap.
  10. Too bad you didn't get a weight but she looks over 5 for sure. Nice bass.
  11. I saw some 10' rollers out there with a nasty cross chop in close
  12. Well it got to last years 6-10's. Made the slow slog to 280' and made one troll in with waves. 4 releases and zero fish. No bait or marks. Cold water still inside 120' where we picked up
  13. Hey Nick I can see white caps crashing over pier. You should rename the Friday event to "big-wave Friday". How big is the surf?
  14. Drove my boat 2.5 hrs down the road past countless marina services to Hank in Port Bay. ðŸ‘
  15. To your point Jerry, everything I have heard from LePan at the state-of-lake meetings is that funding is a non-issue for stocking program.
  16. Yep, went to school in Michigan. The stamp was an easy non-issue that is easy to enforce similar to a duck stamp. If there is a will there is a way.
  17. Jerry, who shot down the salmon stamp idea? If it was government agencies and biologists it would sure indicate that the powers in control are anti-Pacifics. Not liking the tone of this discussion. Some people need to get their heads out of their arses. Looks like time to organize boys.
  18. Are you trolling with a kicker or main engine? If you are using a kicker you maybe experiencing low voltage from all the accessories drawing from the batteries.
  19. Jerry it is not that I "don't care" about the new fertilizer laws enacted but rather I believe they will have little effect as they are not enforcible. There will not be any "fertilizer police" hiding in the bushes hoping to catch a farmers fertilizing before a rain event.
  20. Are we going to see a little dip in the adult alewife population within the next two years? Probably. Was there too much bait prior to the '13 + '14 winters? Yep. Did we have a mild winter? Yep. Are the fish healthy looking? Yep. To me it is a wash. If anything we needed a reduction in alewives from 2012 levels to get things back in balance. The lake has not lost it's fertility and won't any time soon......I don't care what regulations they enacted on farmers in Ohio. It is a wash. Keep current stocking levels the same and REDUCE Lake Trout stocking numbers. The goal of the Lake Trout restoration project was to have a naturally reproducing population. This has already been proven on the Niagara spawners. A decision needs to be made to see if the species will make it on it's own. If PERMENANT conditions such as pollution or gobies eating eggs or thiaminase toxicity are not allowing natural reproduction then why keep cramming long-lived chemically laden fish down our throats for public consumption?.........the problem will always persist, stop the madness. You need money DEC for King stocking programs?....put out a Great Lakes $10.00 stamp requirement for us fishermen and I will gladly pay it!
  21. You are asking for trouble leaving a fiberglass boat in the water without a barrier coat. Fiberglass can absorb water and cause blistering. Since the bottom of the boat is pristine, now is the best time to bottom coat. Go to Jamestowndistributors.com for their tutorials on how to do it.
  22. They come in from Huron. The only viable population of Pinks breed in Sault Ste. Marie. Doesn't take much to have them flushed into Erie. Cohos are stockers from Huron or Michigan. I have hooked into some Kings on the Catt. All these cases are rare on Erie so you could not call it a "fishery". http://www.landbigfish.com/articles/default.cfm?ID=373
  23. PM Vince "Thrillseeker" as he is an Okuma pro staff and might have what you need
  24. If you don't have a temp and speed unit, you may not have had your speed right. Fish have seen lures this late in the game and many have experience getting stuck so consider the real thing i.e. Meat to sweeten the pot
  25. No fillets are worth giving up screaming drags for!
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