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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. No fillets are worth giving up screaming drags for!
  2. Good....... I was getting worried you had lost your way!
  3. Rocky....Rocky......Rocky!
  4. They will school by age class mostly. You will see a small percentage of two year olds in the mix and even an odd "Jack" male one year old but the majority of the run is comprised of three year olds. The immature salmon stay offshore
  5. If you are targeting panfish remember panfish will rise to a bait but gobies will not leave the bottom. If you are getting robbed by gobies try slip bobber rigging off the bottom
  6. What was in its stomach?
  7. We find quagga mussels in perch bellies on Erie. Opportunist feeding. Roots out the gobies too.
  8. Ya but you will come home tired with a smile on your face, a wad of cash, and smelling like fish. She might be a little suspicious.
  9. Chrome edge double-crush glow if I had to choose one
  10. Nice to see you got the speed right. I see so many of these underwater video footages of spoons spinning like a top. Notthport makes a good blank with the toughest paint jobs. Really interesting to see orange showing up!
  11. They will move East. We do have a little staging activity off the Oak, Olcott and the Niagara but 90% head back to the water of their origins ....the Salmon River.
  12. It will be a fun fight when someone hooks into one of those tag harnesses hanging off a fish!
  13. My '88 trophy does the same. You have possible leak points from the windshield gaskets going bad. Fish box lids will leak water into the fish boxes. I too scratch my head at "where does the water come from" when I take her out on the water as all the scuppers have zero connection to the bilge area. The exhaust holes in the bellows might be a source. In the end if your bilge pumps are working it doesn't really matter as there is always going to be water in there.
  14. How big is your boat? Windy today and tomorrow so fish are being reshuffled
  15. You can pry my riggers from my dead crusty hand! Just because you aren't catching them on the riggers, you are helping to line up the fish behind your boat for the junk lines to get them bringing up the rear.
  16. Same fish, they just run in summer
  17. It's a model made by Volvo. You should be able to download info on them
  18. Rockies were one of my favorite fish to catch off the dock growing up. I am sure gobies have displaced them. Don't catch them much anymore.
  19. North shore wild Canadian fish start running in August if water temps permit
  20. That is good news if that is all there is to the spill. I had a hippie representing NIPIRG show up at my door last week. He stated the Nuc plants in NY will probably be decommissioned when they come due I think in 2025? He went on to say wind power will be the future with blade-less jet engine-type of turbines.
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