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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. There are a whole series of tweaks that will make the boards work better for salmon fishing. Go to Bloodruntackle.com and check out their blog on inline adjustments.
  2. Ah.....it been since the beginning of March that Lakerfest has been going on. Your late to the dance Brian! If the wind keeps blowing from the East it might be a year'long thing
  3. Yes, that is the radio transmitter for the Oswego Bull Shark.
  4. If you had line chaff, with a long run in shallow water you angle of the line was probably rubbing on mussels. If you hit a king in short water it is always a good move to have the driver head for deeper water as soon as possible
  5. Optitackle Duolock 30 lb
  6. The strains they are using are not native so the whole thing is a farce
  7. For a fish that lives 20 years we put a lot of them in our lake
  8. It bears watching as part of the Michigan bait collapse was fueled by the 10's of millions of lake trout they were shoving down anglers throats despite all the warnings on consumption
  9. I would love to see what the Niagara drop looks like
  10. How about dumping more bait? See also Bloater Chub. A conspiracy theorist might say that king fishing was off target on purpose to protect the new pet project. But that is just crazy talk ......
  11. Spiny fleas are not as rich as the Mysis Shrimp and Copepods that alewives start targeting deep in the fall and winter. During late fall Copepods begin to store lipids in sacs to gear up for reproduction cycle. Alewives get there grease-on by feeding on these large zooplankton and then pass it on to the salmon that eat them. You know that white stuff bubbling up from salmon meat on the grill? Thank the copepod. YOY alewives have difficulty with all the sticky projections and tend to eat more palatable zooplankton
  12. The video should be called "When Lake Trout Scream"
  13. I went to the symposium and heard Frank's presentation. Frank had not reviewed the current LOLA lower food web assessment so his presentation was more of "what could happen" not what actually is happening. Phosphorus levels this decade on Erie have been too high for water quality. Last year they passed a bill in Ohio that is meant to decrease farm runoff by mandating that fertilizer is not spread prior to a rain event and manure spreading when the ground is frozen. Since there are no manure police out there I think this will amount to a whole lotta nothing. Lake Erie turns over completely every 3.5 years so we on Ontario get all her goodies in rapid turn over quickly nullifying the effects of bad winters. Frank's figures on phosphorus levels in the spring of 2014 are misleading. Because of the prolonged cold winter farmers in Ohio were not out spreading fertilizer so of course downstream values are going to be less. Summer phosphorus and more-so fall phosphorus levels are where they should be. Remember how warm we were trending prior to the 2013-2014 winters. We were growing too many alewives and gizzard shad numbers exploded. Sechi disk readings were trending towards the lake getting MORE eutrophic. Remember the phytoplankton blooms we were having? Look we just came off two of the worst back to back winters in history....followed by one of the warmest on record. Everyone take a deep breath
  14. Last research I saw was from 1995 Lake Michigan that showed spiny fleas made up 30% of alewife diet. Spiny fleas are not a godsend as they are zooplankton predators responsible for a huge decline in the upper water level zooplankton community.
  15. . The lakers were a little weird yesterday. The usual spinny/fly dodger/fly combos only saw marginal activity. They wanted giant super mag spoons.
  16. You probably won't hear anything 'til fall after the spring and summer surveys are completed and numbers configured so don't hold your breath too long. Go fishing, the fish are fat and healthy this year.
  17. You try in the the trench hole at the fort?
  18. I do. I run my leadcore off line-counters. I have written on each reel the distance back to the lure. My outside leadcore will be usually two colors less than the inside core and then stretched back slightly longer. The idea is if a fish is following the inside core the trailing fish can also see the higher line 8' above as a second option. This setup results in zero tangles also
  19. As long as its 20% different than it's patented competitor it will pass the sniff test. I would think it looks more like Bechhold's flashers.
  20. They are there. We hooked one off Hopkins in 8' FOW Saturday that was the most awesome downrigger hit-scream-jump-scream sequence I have ever seen. Like hooking a Tarpon. Can't wait for next week
  21. Ah that was you we saw. Saw you launch then race back in so figured you forgot to put the plug in or someone had to go to the bathroom. Saw you fighting a fish. Good for you taking the boys out
  22. Very artistic. I would tell you if you are creating patterns to earn a living, you will have to pay attention to the bottom line. How much paint you use, how much time you spend doing the work. Certain crazy patterns get hot.. They come and they go. Day in an day out give me a realistic bait that matches what they are feeding on. IMO realistic patterns have staying power that will keep anglers coming back
  23. List the motors as stolen with Yamaha. List the boat as stolen with boat manufacturer.... In case they try to parts out and sell motors separately. File a report with your town police then using your counties police report, expand your police reports to surrounding counties. Good luck
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