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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. She still is holding 42 degree water offshore. Kings will be coming out of this winter in much better shape. Third year in a row that offshore of Rochester has held the largest bank of residual warmer water. The X-factor that should tip the balance to the West is Erie will warm quickly without the ice coverage. May will be rockin in the Niagara flow. http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/res/glcfs/glcfs.php?lake=o&ext=vwt&type=N&hr=00
  2. I put some of the product in my hands at the LOTSA show. It is MUCH more user friendly than copper. Very supple. I think guys will like the product. If I was starting off new in the copper game I would probably use it.
  3. IF you are going to do it.....go all out. The sound of wire hum under the water is so loud having one rigger with wire and another with braid will defeat the purpose.
  4. There was a clown on this site bragging about the perch he caught using goldfish as bait. He could not understand why all of the fuss. Here ya go clown. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/news/discarded-goldfish-are-taking-over-hamilton-s-harbour-1.3394203
  5. The gulf side has struggled since fall with red tide flare-ups. Fishing reports have been slow. I checked out a few jetties this weekend and nobody was catching ANYTHING. Get a guide to take you offshore on some wrecks and I think you will have fillets to eat.
  6. Not so much greens but more of the bright florescent fruity colors. Whites in Dodger and flies or jigs.
  7. I am on year 5 with Sears Marine batteries. They are really heavy but fairly compact for tight places.
  8. R&R super lite Mag in a spook pattern. Any Michigan Stinger mag or stingray with a green or yellow pattern.
  9. I flew over Erie today. Almost no ice on the lake. There is still 42 degree water off shore along most of the South shore over deep water. The shoreline needs warm rain to get it kicking. Otherwise the Gina Plant. My guess is earliest might be March 20th?
  10. I use them for 1 or 1.5 colors out the back when trolling shoreline and I have one for a dedicated wire reel for bottom bouncing with a heavy 2 lb weight for Lakers. I don't have much use for a 2:1 gear ratio otherwise.
  11. Todd, no doubt plugs still catch fish but given all the other great choices we have today, I tend to fall back on spoons and flasher/fly combos.
  12. In front of the piers in September, and during summer roll overs when you might have kings up high and close to shore.
  13. The Geezer is a spook pattern........its been around since the 80's in various forms. You can find comparable patterns that when flipping back and forth in the water the fish will never know the difference.
  14. I guess the old eyes don't work as good as they used to. Too much staring at fish finder screens.
  15. Brian, do you know if there will be a Niagara County meeting this year?
  16. I know what QDMA is. My statement was from a PETA person's perspective. They will see passing on young deer and not filling your tag as a good thing.
  17. Lots of things at play that the DEC considers. Lobbyists from the automobile insurance agencies, QDMA members that want antler restrictions, out-of-state and in-state hunters that don't want antler restrictions. I have heard rumblings that the tree-huggers that bring lawsuits are pro- QDMA.....huh? QDMA means small deer are spared and less tags filled means less deer shot. License sales are dropping in NY......being inclusive to the majority "will of the people" is in the DEC's best interest. Personally, I have hunted other states....I will take more opportunity over quality anytime. More state land, more deer, more tags means more opportunity. I have never had a problem seeing deer in NY woods.....trophys are another story. Rack size is approx. 90% genetic......can't do anything about that. If you want to see bigger/older deer then reach out to neighboring land owners and try to come to an gentleman's agreement to let the young ones walk.
  18. Ouch!
  19. That's it! Jerry could get Casino Niagara as a sponsor!
  20. Justin, I think you would be breaking navigation regs by having a red light on both sides of the boat.
  21. Maybe FUBAR TV? Everyone submits their "finest" moments.
  22. It is all about the editing to make it interesting. Rick, how many people fish for Bluefin Tuna? But "Wicked Tuna" has a following.
  23. Nobody will want to pay to trailer their rigs to Huron or Superior for those dink fish.
  24. It has always been a head scratcher to me that Cabelas could cover a two-fish Redfish tournament (glorified sheephead) and not consider our sport. Much more drama aboard a salmon tournament vessel running 8 rods.
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