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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. The last two years will become a blip on the screen IMO. Two of the coldest winters (2013,2014) on record. Previous years 2011, 2012 were the end of one of the warmest decade on record. The result of the warm decade was an explosion of bait and an unusual large increase in Gizzard Shad as they need warmer water. 2011, 2012 had spring time Gizzard Shad die-offs with confirmed VHS. If you read how this virus spreads and is really active in 50 degree water, are shed in the urine of fish and stay viable in the water for days......you realize that our pen-reared fish were being bathed in VHS as these die-offs in south shore ports coincided with when the pen-projects were going on. Add the gauntlet of the DEC tagging trailer experiment, cormorants etc etc. and you can make a good case for where the salmon went. Good news is we NEEDED those cold winters to knock Gizzard Shad back to their low numbers. There have been no die-offs the last two springs. IMO you will see a return to more normalized fishing next year but more likely in two years.
  2. Some were steelhead some were browns. We went swimming after pulling lines and the surface water was 74 degrees but 5' under it was freezing. I could have run my spring time leadcore program and killed the trout. Its a temp thing.
  3. If it was my choice I would fish year-round. September comes and house chores, dog work, hunting seasons.....can't do it all.
  4. Cold water is at the bar too, but manageable. Huge pile of weeds running north a couple miles East of the red can. Unfortunately, the great piles of Kings setting up there the last two weeks were blown apart with the influx of cold water. There were browns feeding on the surface. Lakers caught on a standard dipsy out only 100'. Kings were showing from 40' down to on the bottom. Plenty of shakers also. The picture is better inside 100" with the 75'- 85' band best. Good luck.....sadly my season ended today with no Tyees caught this year.
  5. 200 lb. Fish 307.com sells it. It has a cross-section diameter like Flea-flicker line so fleas are not really the problem everyone thinks. I would add that you probably will catch more fish with steel cable. What? yes, I do believe fish can be attracted to the cable hum, however, I believe older/wiser fish like their water quiet. If you are going to run it, run the braid on all downriggers. There is no point running it on one rigger as the other steel cable riggers will still be making noise......and catching more fish....which will have you frustrated with the braid cable. Steel catches numbers.......braid catches size. Coated cable for your probes does not seem to produce a hum.
  6. When I bring it in I will stop periodically and flick the rigger line like a bow string and they shoot off.
  7. I would assume the miracle rod catch incident is captured on the GoPro?
  8. I paint my balls to make them less visible for the reason that I don't want fish checking them out. Use the White-tailed deer color principle. Dark on top, green (like the water color) on the sides and a light coating of white on the bottom. These color principals flatten the object out against the background colors and lessen the shadow under the ball. Loose the steel downrigger cable to reduce cable hum noise. Think about it .....how many of those majors staging off ports have been stuck by a hook before? I would bet the ones that got away or released have a negative experience associated with noisy cables. Add to the mix the pounding by the fleet during this time of year and you have a recipe for negative fish behavior. When team Cold Steel went to braid downrigger cable I took notice as Oswego charters pound the crap out of the same water over and over putting tremendous pressure on fish. Good enough for them......good enough for me. Nicer on the hands too. I have been using AFW green on my riggers for about 7 years and I will not go back to steel.
  9. The problem is the same......we can't control the idiots who dump exotics into larger bodies of water. Canada has intercepted numerous trucks crossing the border with live bigheads inside. The Asian community covets the flavor of these fish. Unfortunately, probably just a matter of time.
  10. http://www.citynews.ca/2015/09/03/three-more-asian-carp-pulled-from-lake-ontario/
  11. What rock have you been hiding under?.......have not heard from you in awhile! Check E-Bay Cronz. Not many out there for sale that I could see. I am sure some of the Charter captains from Rochester, Sandy and the Oak probably have a bunch in their garage. If you strike out, call Dave German owner of Northport Nailer and have him paint up some of their "wild things" blanks in the color you want. They are a deep bend cup like the hooksters.
  12. I would agree with your assessment......he does look 30 lbs. Nice fish.
  13. Cmag, you may want to keep track of that storm coming across Michigan....Friday maybe a blow day.
  14. Apparently Olcott. Fish any port with spoons shallower than 100' FOW and you will be in the right area.
  15. Check your ground. Black wire from engine block to battery. Remove connection and clean. Try cheap and easy 1st. Also call Moor in Buffalo, they may have recommendations of why it is not working.
  16. Another pen-reared no adipose fin fish. Good to see.
  17. That fish is missing it's adipose fin. What you are holding is the result of the Pen-rearing projects around the lake at different ports. Nice fat and healthy fish. You are ruined now!
  18. East wind blew all night. Go West young man.
  19. Right....I think Nick and everyone else fishing the Derby are looking for Majors.
  20. Unless you are off the deepwater areas near Pulaski or Oswego with the fish coming home....I don't think I would be fishing out deep right now. We are late in the game. A lot of fish are inside of 100' right now. The Kings I caught yesterday were females with color and red rub marks on their bellies. The cold water on the North Shore has pulled Canadian fish into their piers already so less fish out deep to play with. Get inside and grind the next three weeks.
  21. Paint in the offseason as it leaves a persistent smell.....or use tape and you can fish right away.
  22. Yes
  23. Three weeks I think. I did my due diligence with making sure all the paperwork went to the right places. Also key was registering the motor as stolen with Mercury and multiple counties. When the police checked with Mercury it came back registered as stolen.
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