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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. I don't understand the rationale. A dead buck is a dead buck and your tag is punched. It does not matter if the buck is killed October 1 or November 1. You manage the herd with the number of tags given out not the date the deer is shot.
  2. Thanks for posting that info. Now we have another reason to misidentify browns and atlantics on the finger lakes forum.
  3. I don't believe a brown and an atlantic can mate to make a hybrid as their genetic makeup is too different. I could make a correlation about humans and sheep ......but you get the picture
  4. I have glow in the water all day long.
  5. Good call on heading in early with fish as the seas grew to 6'-8'ers by 10:00. Luckily we had a Navy vet! Mac, as he is known by his fellow vets, handled the rough seas like a trooper battling kings on his knees to keep from falling over. I think we gave him an adventure he will never forget. I would have to say the sponsor product given out were FANTASTIC. Anyone thinking about doing this event next year....do it! PS: Unfortunately the rules committee will not allow smallmouth bass be submitted for the brown trout division
  6. Thank you to everyone involved with the event. Team Gill-T Hooker will be back next year for sure. PS: The fishing and conditions were pretty good today off Sodus. Big fish are around!
  7. To land a major take some skill and a little luck. To land four majors at once takes a lot of skill and experience. Nice work.
  8. You are correct on the scam/prices. Any southern tier Ag/feed store will usually carry that stuff. They don't have to pay to have Lee and Tiffany's face on the bag so MUCH cheaper.
  9. When Steelhead are just getting back on their feet after leaving their spawning rivers at the end of May thru the first couple of weeks of June they sometimes like a slower presentation say an evil eye at 2 mph. Once they get their energy back, 2.25mph- 3 mph downspeed. NK's and DW spoons are a good choice as they can handle that speed.
  10. Just because the steelhead hit in 73 degree water does not mean it was hanging out there. Steelhead are extremely aggressive feeders and will jet to a high running bait from below in seconds. You never want to fish below steelhead.
  11. Labor day mahem at the Niagara Bar drop off would be your only guarantee to see fish ......and boats. Olcott and Wilson can be hit or miss at that time of year for mature kings.
  12. Cap and rotor is a cheap fix so start there first as others have suggested. Might be plugs and wires. Might be the shift interrupter switch. Might be the carb.
  13. Out there I would say you should be targeting 30'- 60' down. Start trolling at 400'. Look for seagulls or any debris in the water and use spoons with some orange or green in them. Troll a little faster
  14. That fish looks a little like a chinook-coho hybrid but tough to tell from picture angle. I do know that when native Atlantic Salmon were in Lake Ontario, they used to run all the way to some of the finger lakes and spawn in tribs there. However, I didn't think the two bodies of water were connected anymore.
  15. Olcottfishing.com. Click on surface currents icon at top, then find temp transects for lake Ontario.
  16. Goat
  17. Refer to Olcottfishing.com and click on the Olcott Buoy icon at the top of the page. It gives real-time data on wind speed and direction.
  18. Copper and dipsys are set slightly different when putting out more than one per side. You want the inside dipsy deeper and shorter length back (use a mag). The outside dipsy you want further back but higher in the column (use a standard dipsy). With Copper you again want the deep line on the inside which means the longer copper segment. The shorter coppers go to the outside. Set this way when the outside line gets bit the fish will slide to inside and be above the inside line avoiding tangles.
  19. Guys just download the dive chart on Bloodruntackle.com. You will find the charts in the blog section of the site. The depths of the dipsys were confirmed by a probe. I have found them accurate. As far as why fish hit a dipsy at 450' out but won't touch it at 350' out has nothing to do with depth achieved as a standard sized dipsy will pretty much stop gaining depth at 300' out. What is probably at play is distance from the boat as it relates to boat noise.
  20. You have it backwards. Deep line gets a longer lead so the lure is further away from the second higher lure upon release. Make sure you have rods pointed at opposing directions on the same rigger so on release the rod tension on a bottom release will pull the released line away from upper line as the upper line still is exerting an opposite force on the cable and ball in the opposite direction (rigger rods are pulling on the cable in opposite directions). I assume you are talking about true stacking a second rod on one rigger and not cheaters right?
  21. My 2nd cousins are Christmas Tree farmers in Arkport. They have allowed the DEC to release bears on their property for the last decade. Could very well be one of the original plants. Huge bear!
  22. Unusual for this time of year to have a thermocline east of the Catt this time of year but the lake is cold this year. Steelhead can be caught near the bottom but they are true pelagic species and like to have a lot of water under them. Look at the bathymetry chart for Lake Erie and head for deep water. Barcelona has Steelhead. Put a spread of orange spoons at and above the thermocline with cheaters, dipsys, leadcore and you will catch them.
  23. Thanks for posting. I have noticed a decline of birds on state land to the point I don't even cut tracks in the snow anymore. Private land numbers are down also but still huntable numbers.
  24. Most of the Steelhead in Erie are caught over the deep basin. When you have the same water temp from top to bottom like you do in the summer from the Catt to Buffalo, you will not find many Steelhead.
  25. Nick, one of my crew is a veteran also. My guess is there will be many other vets participating on different teams. Looking forward to a great venue!
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