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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. I don't know if they found that boat and boater that went missing out of Wilson last year or two ago.
  2. Those type of products can be reproduced by dipping a clasp in liquid tool rubberized and letting it harden. Make a slit in the rubber for your main line to fit into.
  3. I thought Cuomo banned your six shooter?
  4. They can get 12"-15". They exploded on the scene with the warm decade as we are on the northern edge of their range. I noticed the last two winters really knocked them down. This spring I did not see any in Olcott Harbor.
  5. Yes I have had multiple law enforcement officers,on this site and elsewhere, offer to help. The serial number is in the system.
  6. I have not been out recently, but.....a NW blow will move fish from the bar towards Olcott so you should have good fishing. Start setting lines at 50' and troll out until you hit fish. The temp break on the Niagara plume is around 220' so that is probably as deep as you want to go. Fish are anywhere in the water column right now from the surface to 80' down so put stuff everywhere. Mornings fish are usually higher playing in the 50 degree water so get your leadcore out. Start your divers out short 80-90 back and bleed them out as needed. Still mostly a spoon bite, but later in the morning start sprinkling in more flashers/flies. A good rigger depth to start is 30-50' down with cheaters.
  7. Look at the shift cable or shift assist switch. Also if you set your idle RPMs too high.
  8. Never done it. You need a specific type of caulk to reseal the motor if you take it off and I can't remember what type. Really it is less trouble to unwind it in a park or school. If you are going to Olcott just drive to Krull park and unwind it. It will take you 5 minutes to perform and no can of worms.
  9. I tried it. I never had a problem with breakage but I didn't like the stiffness as it coiled easier than Malin. I do use the AFW downrigger cable and like it.
  10. Drive down to a school soccer field after-hours and unwind the whole thing out and wind it back on towing a 5 lb weight lifting plate across the grass.
  11. Did you spool your wire on backwards? Don't ask me how I know .
  12. Not sure why you would part with most of those? Good baits.
  13. Fleas are usually never bad out of Olcott. June you should be fine. ( I just jinxed it)
  14. Why in the world after spending all that money on gear, trolling around waiting to do battle with a beast.......want the fight to be over sooner?
  15. The walleye bite has exploded. Shine your light on your favorite bar or reef and you will see eyes everywhere. They are even chasing fish with a lure in it's mouth trying to get the bait like smallmouth do. Crazy stuff happening right now.
  16. Yep. Always a good play to check the plume location before going this time of year.
  17. I was out this evening out of Olcott for about 1.5 hrs solo checking on some equipment repairs. Found a blank screen also. Clear water coming inside from a east current and pushing the green water west and deeper. I would not waste your time out front if anyone is going out tomorrow.
  18. Or get some otter boats and stop worrying about if your board is going to dive. Fishing is not suppose to be stressful.
  19. I always try to troll into a down current. Your spoons are more likely to be kicking and you save on gas.
  20. Kings are everywhere from the bar to Olcott. Pick your poison it does not matter.
  21. What he said. Save your money and use the wire line knot. Place a crimp, a bead and a blacks release on cable 1st. With coating stripped off, tie a wire line knot and cinch down with pliers tight. Bring crimp/bead/release down wire to just above the knot. Easy.
  22. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. My DEC friend says they have to camp officers out on Walleye spawning tribs because of illegal fishing for spawning Walleye. There are walleyes spawning in some of the creeks that come into Otisco but have no idea about how much recruitment is happening. Perhaps now a little more conservation is in order? Keeping smaller fish and releasing big females might be a good movement to start.
  23. Agree that fronts have a definite effect on feeding. On the West end of the lake we have a significant escarpment that acts like a wind foil. Combine the wind foil with the denser air mass over the lake due to the cold water and you can get a complete 180 degree wind direction reversal without any fronts pushing thru. It can be blowing SW one mile south from the shore and coming out of the NE out on the water. This can be very frustrating to the small boat angler as NOAA's models cannot predict this effect. ALWAYS USE THE BUOY REALTIME DATA this time of year. So in this example you can get crappy East wind fishing without a front.
  24. Current, water temp and therefore probably oxygen content from deeper water levels rolling up from mid-lake change during an East wind event. The only tried and true tactic this time of year is if I HAVE to go fishing I will fish the Niagara Bar because the river negates the aforementioned changes to the water. Water temp is stabilized and usually warmer water from the Niagara, O2 levels are better because of the high O2 water from Niagara falls and there is always current to keep fish active (H20 across gills). Add the structure of the drop off, shallow and deep water nearby and .....there you have it. Expect more neutral fish so more spoons than flashers, spread out in all zones. Expect more lost fish due to fish being less committal or neutral resulting in more nipping at lures as opposed to slamming them and getting hooks buried in the corner of the mouth. You are as likely to catch a fish on a surface line as you are on the bottom so flood the system but keep stuff spread out. (talking out my arse is fun).
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