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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Sorry guys I didn't sign up for this crap. I am going to try to burn it down.
  2. Hold on guys where are you seeing a place for a donation? I am not asking for donations and I really know nothing about the security of the petition site so if you are getting any prompts about donations I would tell you to ignore them. Thank you.
  3. This will make you sick. The feds ok the Columbia River power projects to feed the grid on the west coast and in turn destory the largest salmon runs the world has ever had in one system. Now we all pay for the mistake. I think it is time the federal government sent some of that money this way where it can be better used!!!!! http://www.taxpayer.net/library/article/feds-spend-3.3-billion-on-salmon-recovery
  4. Every tournament I have been to on Lake Ontario there were people tripping over themselves to ask for fish after weigh-in. I have no doubt that they exceed the in-possesion limit, but who cares as the fish were put to good use. Tournament anglers do ice their fish as fish loose weight if they dry out so they are well cared for.
  5. With a name like kingpossible I would hope you would be on board! Just the beginning. Steelhead and to some extent Browns have become naturalized. Rally the troops in Michigan you get too many Lakers shoved into Lake Michigan for most sportsmans' liking. Thanks for supporting our little experiment.
  6. It is my understanding that Canada will be going to almost exclusive pen rearing.
  7. Saltists without line counters for riggers. Penn 209 could have been used for 1 or 2 colors, wire line bottom bouncer for lakers, etc.
  8. Thanks dbutts. Just go to the 1st page, and click on the link. It will take you to the petition site.
  9. There are 15,000 + members on this site and so far 200 signatures. WE HAVE SOME WORK TO DO! Now I know what a telethon host feels like.
  10. Ah Dan....I don't know you but I would like a new GMC Suburban.
  11. There was a time when you could not use eggs on Naples Creek. The runs of rainbows jumping grimes glen was alaska-like. Not much happening there now as eggs are legal. I think if you identified natural reproduction streams and hold a no-egg restriction on them it would make sense. The polluted creeks where the meat-hunters prowl allow eggs and high creel limits. A little something for everyone.
  12. State government officials that work for us.
  13. I can't address state officials and convince them of the needed change if I only have 100 signatures! Get it VIRAL.
  14. I see a lot of charter captain's names absent from the list of names on the petition. Interesting that there are more views on the Genesee County tackle swap thread then this issue.
  15. If anyone is nervous about putting their name out there.......just don't use your full name.
  16. I don't do facebook or twitter so if anyone would like to take the initiative ......great! I think you can do it right from the petition site. Lets see if this thing gets traction. I want to have a healthy amount of signatures before I take it to the next step which is addressing state officials.
  17. I don't think people fully understand some of the undercurrents working against the king program. Nobody should take it for granted. I was warned by people who know more than me so I decided to investigate myself. After talking to officials in the DEC, USGS, USFW, charter captains, and other stakeholders my eyes have been opened.
  18. I put that up. I hope to prompt someone over there to do the same.
  19. So far 480 views and only 23 signatures.......come on people it takes very little of your time.
  20. Ok, link added to first post....go back to top. There is two hours I will never get back......what a process for the computer un-savy.
  21. I thought I hooked it up. Let me PM Chad.....que holding music.
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