Very secretive fishery down there. Very few take advantage of the species available above and below the peace bridge. Access is via Ferry St./ Rich Products Way across the canal and park. The break wall has a 90 degree bend in the seawall which creates an eddy. During the 80's the eddy was filled with sheaphead, rock bass and silver bass. Most don't realize the great trout fishery that exist there from now thru April. Lake Trout up to 15lbs, rainbows, browns and Walleye can be caught in the eddy. I was down there on Sat. morning fishing for Lakers. The game is a jig w/gulp or minnow, three-way rigs (3 oz pyramid sinker) with a small spinner/floater harness and minnow, skein under a float, and stickbaits at night for walleyes. Fish the eddy for trout. Fish along the wall dragging a stickbait at night or walk the pier upstream towards Buffalo (take a gun or knife) and fish off the wall out in the lake for Walleyes thru June at night. Typically the fishery is better with ice coverage on Erie as the Emerald Shiners head for the only open water. However, I did not see any bait on Saturday which has me scratching my head. The Lakers that were caught were skinny. Weird year. With good ice coverage years, top walleyes in the Southtowns tournaments are often caught by shore casters above the Peace Bridge.