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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. They are finally running the upper river for those who are looking to salt some minnows for Perch season.
  2. The lake needs to warm up so the plankton food chain starts up again. Alewives in Ontario are relegated to feeding on Copepods and Mysis shrimp zooplankton in deep lake layers during the winter. These zooplankton procreate during the fall and winter then die off. Other plankton species need to fill the void in the spring and summer. These dead alewives could be from severe temp changes, life cycle death or they may be starving at this point.
  3. Buy a new boat......it will make you feel better. Like losing a dog.....get a puppy!!!
  4. Ray that little icon bears a strong resemblance to you and appears to be to scale.
  5. http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/res/glcfs/glcfs.php?lake=o&ext=vwt&type=N&hr=00 The switch has been turned on.
  6. 2006 was a good early start for Kings off the bar as well. We had fish right in the trench hole at the mouth of the Niagara from heavy east winds and a good smelt run during the last week of April. We are still behind two weeks from the cold 2005-06 season. Looks like the river is ice-free from the local news shot this morning.
  7. Lots of reasons. Your hunting success taking birds. Food patterns......find what they are eating, if you do not have left over mast on the ground, they may have to hunt and peck in fields. Coyotes, foxes, and more importantly egg robbing raccoons and opossum. We have noticed our turkey population increasing with the culling of approx. 30 Raccoons, 5 opossum, and 4 coyotes.
  8. Agreed, I have been blowing thru the cheap Chinese bearing packs within a couple of years of light trailering. Don't go cheap on the bearing packs!!!
  9. Chas, as other fishermen have stated....Renoskys are set up by Lake Erie fishermen by upgrading the size of the rear treble and replacing the front treble with an additional split ring to balance the bait. I know fishermen who swear by this set-up recounting running them side-by-side with stock set-ups with the stock set-ups drawing dead while the modified stickbait gets hits repeatedly. There must be something to the action or the added clicking of the split ring?? Point being is it must be action related. Try different modifications and see what works.
  10. Lake Trout from the power plant to Wilson.....as many as you want. Browns and Coho with an occasional King along the shore.
  11. You don't need fluoro at all. Green mono disappears as good as anything.
  12. Get a Canadian license, bring passport, and fish in Canadian water.
  13. Some fantastic fishing occurs during North wind blows between the piers at most ports. Browns and cohos move right into the warmer water that gets shoved inside.
  14. 4' boom and a downrigger with a tip up boom feature like a Scotty or a Big Jon.
  15. Make sure you send the link to this page to the group that no-showed so they can see what they missed out on.
  16. Concrete King 2 check your messages.
  17. We had similar numbers off Olcott and yes I noticed the empty stomachs on coho and lakers. The browns are just starting to fatten up. Fish are hungry!
  18. Did the guy fishing nearby seem like he might be Russian? I have come across similar situations in the lower Niagara. Guys will make a little pool with rocks and place all manner and species in these pools. When you try to strike up a conversation with them they look at you blankly or say "no speak English".
  19. Good move. Should pay for itself in gas savings in no time.
  20. Apparently, when you store your boat at a marina good protocol is to remove your license plates off your trailer. To the ****'r who took mine......bad mojo coming your way with many a skunk!
  21. Any talk of Brown Trout numbers?
  22. You will not contact steelhead but you could contact immature salmon. Problem is this time of year they are in winter-mode, which means 150'-300' down. Difficult to get baits down that deep, and difficult to get them to bite. You will be all alone out there with no help if you get into trouble also so you may want to partner up with another boat.
  23. Black Opti-tackle clasps rated at 30 lb test.
  24. I think you caught the first king among all the great lakes.....congrats!!!
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