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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Tim, do you still want me to do a lecture on how to best organize your swivels and bobber stops? Seems the address of the event is different than the location you told me to go to.......
  2. The blacks,greens, yellows and firetigers are deadly on Lakers. Run the silver/orange for browns along shore in spring and offshore for steelhead. Silver ones catch Kings. Can't say I ever caught any on the white ones.
  3. Investigation is ongoing.
  4. Interesting local DEC did not know the current law as it is written regarding dogs chasing wildlife. Initially, we were told we could shoot the dogs (didn't want to), but latter the DEC contacted us and stated under no circumstances can dogs be shot unless protecting livestock. The DEC is now changing there own policy due to lawsuits, that they also are no longer shooting dogs. Considering pellet gun to arse if they come back.
  5. Great hunt and stringer shots. Hopefully you drove around town a little to show them off.
  6. Had my hunt ruined this evening by two golden retrievers running deer. Both had collars and one even had a shock collar on. They were smiling from ear to ear having a grand old time. Deer running everywhere. The fine will be $1700 for both dogs.
  7. lots of perfume has deer musk added. Never understood why as if you go up to a girl in a bar and sniff her you probably are going to get slapped.
  8. Ah Jerry....looking at the deer's eyes I think he is still alive....you better put another one in him!!
  9. I would add that if you use the mag-sized dipsys w/out a ring your divers will stay closer to the boat with a steeper dive curve and therefore stay away from your coppers. Send the coppers out as far as you can also. When you deploy the copper over a diver....let it out SLOWLY out the back and then let it ride awhile before attaching to a board and moving it out ( what Gambler said).
  10. Hell, stay home and commute from Oneida to Mexico Bay for early season shoreline trolling for browns. His 19' boat is perfect size for this type of fishing and you don't need to buy a lot of extra gear.
  11. Wow the coat on that coyote is beautiful...almost like a wolf. How big of a dog? Congrats on the deer too.
  12. You can marinade the breasts, but the most important thing is DO NOT OVERCOOK ducks or geese in an oven as it will taste like liver. Leave some red in there and it will be more like roast beef. You can slow cook-em in a crock pot with a sauce too.
  13. I think your dad hit the reset button with his watch and the fish was a 12lb coho ......this fish from this fish story keeps getting bigger and bigger LOL.
  14. As a dog owner who also has had more than one hunt ruined by dog chasing I would say don't shoot the dog. I would be PISSED if someone shot my dog. It will only lead to worse problems. Confront the owner in person. If that don't work get video footage and go to the authorities with proof.
  15. Sounds like you need to fix that sausage party ratio.
  16. Agreed....I have seen a ton of small bucks so I decided a cull was in order. 6 point and doe tags filled sat by 9 am. Fourth small buck I had seen that morning. Had to be at kids soccer game by 3. Gut two deer, drag them both out by myself, and hit the road peeling rubber to get to game on time. Sat next to a well made-up soccer mom while I smelled like a gut pile.
  17. I don't know if everyone is noticing the huge crop of button bucks in the woods this year? I would say I am seeing 4 buttons for every female yearling. I have noticed the trend in all areas I have hunted. This may have ramifications on doe harvest and culling inferior bucks in the next few years as the buck to doe ratio may swing hard the other way. I also noticed every doe has two yearlings which has been counter to years past. I used to attribute single fawns to a large degree to coyote predation. I gal I know who runs the western NY wildlife rehabilitation center says fawn mortality is more about the diseases they pick up. Every year is a different bug. This spring it was a coccidiosis outbreak. My dog contracted this as well. Anyway, what is everyone seeing out there?
  18. Ah.......didn't look like that operation was "least complicated" lol.
  19. Well done!!
  20. May explain the "shark-like" teeth marks on fish that started the whole shark/seal/monster swimming around there discussion lol. http://www.esf.edu/communications/view.asp?newsID=2262
  21. Good guess on score. To be sure I am going to need a better look at the deer. If you tell me where I could find him I could give you true accurate measurements via tape measure.
  22. Friday night most of the bucks must have been out as soon as the wind died because there were scrapes EVERYWHERE without a leaf on them. Their hangover kept them from moving in the rain until 2 pm. Does moving am/evening. Saturday saw 14 deer with one chase scene with a four point. Shaved the back of a doe at 35 yards. Amazing animals..I shoot one pin which allows my arrow to be 8" low at 30 yards. With the drop of the deer I figure 8" is perfect so I hold dead on out to 30 yards and don't shoot any further. This doe must have dropped two feet! Enjoy the hair cut.....it will grow back. I would add I am seeing Beech and Hickory nuts dropping. In years past if I am not seeing big bucks they usually are hanging way back deep in the woods eating nuts. Been watching deer walk thru food plots only to start eating beech nuts on the other side. This time of year it is all about protein.
  23. Thanks for the update. Went out yesterday with Tinkerbelle and got three nice points and non-flushes from pheasant carcasses that a fox or yote ate on state land. My dog was very confused lol. Wish the Dakotas was closer.
  24. Quick connect goes to fly leader so you can change flies quickly.
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