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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. I have done similar testing using a camera flash just to test how long I can let baits wash before recharging them. Orange glow lasts the shortest. Blue glow (big weenie fly beads or lure tape) lasts the longest. Strands on flies don't glow long but having glow beads underneath keeps them charged longer.
  2. Usually both my outside lines have no weight so interchangeable. The third line in has a hot/n/tot.....this line gets moved to dipsy rod holder while I reset the line that just got bit. Between the downrigger line, the flat line out the side, and the chute 1.5 color I only run three board lines per side based on a three person 9-rod spread. If I was running a charter with tons of rods......yes I would do as you suggested to have everything interchangeable.
  3. This is a funny one....look at 333 tournament footage on Lake Michigan and you will see most of the top boats hand-lining. From what I can see some of these set-ups make no sense. If you want to run a super long leader off your dipsy for stealth....why in the world do you run an orange dipsy???? Go to a clear dipsy and run your leader as long as you can handle netting for your boat and you will have no problems. My 10' dipsy rods rigged for travel with the dipsy at the rod tip has the a length of leader that goes down around the handle to a flasher/fly with the hook in a rod eyelet about 3/4 the way back up the rod.
  4. Outside baits should not have any weights. As you add lines closer to the boat you should run something that dives a little deeper or add some splits and shorten the set-backs. Using this method will keep everything tangle free when you get a fish on.
  5. The growing Gizzard Shad population is going to take a hit as they are on the northern fringe of their range.
  6. You are NOT going to average 17 fish per outing UNLESS you are targeting multiple species with your spread. Come to Niagara County in May and you can shoot for that goal realistically.
  7. Gill-T


    They sometimes get them in Small Boat Harbor thru the ice. The lower Niagara will have a run in April for dip-netting.
  8. Its a big friekin' lake....spill the beans!!!
  9. Killer spoon http://www.northportnailer.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=22_23&products_id=300
  10. Keep us updated on ice conditions. There is no open water anywhere so I might have to resort to ice fishing??? Gulp. Any cheap flights to Florida?
  11. If he was worried about gridlock in Albany before the statement, how the hell is he going to get anything passed now??? Idiot statement. The other day I got a nice surprise to the tune of a $1660.00 bill because the state owes the federal government for extending unemployment benefits. The state is bankrupt so business owners have to bail out the state. I didn't lay anybody off during the recession. The multi-billion dollar corporations that gave out the pink slips and then sit on a mountain of cash refusing to hire anyone should get the bill as an incentive to hire. I used to hear my elders bad mouth the state growing up and I didn't understand why.....I loved growing up here. I now understand the cause of the angst.
  12. I understand the context in which the statement was made, however, the answer gave a little insight into the mind of Cuomo, and as an Independent voter.....I was offended. Like he said we are a state of "moderates" and yet his statements are as far left as you can get.
  13. Looks like some ice forming on north shore. Brrrrrrrrrr its friggin' cold out there!
  14. On the news 140,000 New Yorkers left the state last year......did he really say this????? http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jan/19/gov-cuomo-pro-life-conservatives-have-no-place-new/
  15. Esp. for Lakers scent matters. I typically have a gulp twister tail grub body trailing a peanut head behind cowbells. The problem with adding scent to your baits is what does it smell like the following week? Bad smells are a deterrent. One of the most powerful aphrodisiac is salmon skein.....and if you have fished with it you know the greasy stuff is very difficult to clean up. Fishing off the piers in September I will rub my spoons with skein juice. I will often dip the tail of a J-plug in the stuff also. For trolling lures and flies I place an open container of Berkley power bait putty in each lure box.
  16. You didn't see the scum bag who stole my boca grip did you???
  17. 23' Trophy 1988. Still restoring her. This is a picture from a few years ago with the rub-rail off and taped as I was painting the blue stripe.
  18. Add another boat launch lane.
  19. Since the DEC is not going to open Caledonia to Kings any thoughts about putting more pens in along the Lewiston launch on the Niagara? If the south shore is losing out on the natural reproduction returns due to warm September and October stream temps, any thoughts about trying to "engineer" the run timing to make it later in the fall when temps are better? Perhaps selective stripping of late-run fish kept separate and used to stock south-shore streams?
  20. To answer the question I think you are wondering about.....yes your divers are under your copper. Because the dive curves are different per line out they don't usually get together unless the driver makes a sharp turn and the inside copper drops into the diver on the same side or when deploying you don't let the copper settle a little before sending out wide on the board.
  21. In the end it does not matter. No REAL difference will be realized in depth of the diver over a couple of feet of line out.....unless you are trolling in 8' FOW.
  22. Mag dispys with no ring set on 1 with braid on inside. Mag or regular deeper divers on outside with wire at a 3 setting. I keep the braid on the inside diver rods to add a little protection during netting to guard against a fish making a late move lateral....I would rather mono be scraping on braid rather than wire.
  23. I will be at the R&R tackle booth. Stop by and say hello. Dave will have his famous ultra-light spoons. This year he will have you pick the blanks you want and then give you the stickers you desire to dress them up custom. See you all Sunday.
  24. Nice Jeff, looks like some young-of-the-year birds? Need some thaws here in WNY to get the birds out of the pine trees and into the coverts.
  25. nice!
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