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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Nice mass. Goofy brows.....I don't think I have ever seen brows like that. I am going to start taking my bow when I jog around the block!
  2. My boat was on a yellow pattern from early spring til the boat was pulled at the end of August. Yellow NBK's, hammer flies with yellow glow beads, mountain dew colored paddles etc. Don't know why....don't care. I got on a yellow theme and went with it. Murphy's law dictates that next year it will be some other color.
  3. Anyone seeing?? What cover are they in??? Went out sat. and got a fat zero on flushes despite 3 hunters and 2 dogs. Tons of berries and apples present. Frustration continuing from last years dismal showing.
  4. Dicks has double UV crush/chrome blade with yellow dots in Buffalo stores.
  5. Anyone seeing them while out in the woods? Drumming? What type of cover are you finding early birds in? Been hitting all the usual areas and notta!! Tons of berries, apples, etc. so food is not an issue. Hope this is not another down year, my dog needs to taste feathers! Posted here hoping bowhunters may be flushing birds.
  6. That was an old dinosaur you were holding. Great fish.
  7. That is not a ballon.....that is Muskybob's bobber!
  8. You can get a lot of boat for little coin on later model carvers. The ones that I have been around have had issues with the fly bridge flooring getting soggy and need repair/replacement. Can't offer any other advise.
  9. I would have to say after losing 2 or 3 balls, you might have considered you might have been doing something wrong with your termination???? I tie a trilene knot to a termination swivel....no break-offs. If Tom Burke is using something....I tend to pay attention.
  10. The flea/braid issue is not that big of a deal. I just flick the line as it is coming in on the rigger and/or run the line thru my fingers. I have converted. I would agree that fish might be attracted to the hum of cables. I replaced one rigger with braid to try it and that rigger was always silent. The outdown next to it with steel cable caught fish 10:1. But after listening to the underwater acoustics of the wire cable hum on Capt. John King's website, you realize how obnoxious and loud the hum is in the water. What if older/bigger fish have learned to avoid the noise....esp. in ports that are pounded regularly? So this year I went all-in with braid and noticed now my center rigger started producing again and my fish were bigger. Experiment still in progress. If you are going to do it, replace all the rigger cables to braid IMO.
  11. Browns may be on the bottom in close feeding on gobies. Try there.
  12. I will be competing next year once again BECAUSE of the no communication events. I would like to see the events take the no communication rule one step further......do away with the required GPS coordinates of where fish are caught rule. Who cares where the fish are caught in Lake Ontario???? By having those coordinates out there after day 1 scores, there are too many eyes on those score sheets to effect day 2 scores. Who cares if you want to fish in Canada. If you want to burn the gas, get canadian licenses...good for you, it will spread out the field and give us all more room.
  13. Nice boat...I like it's features. Made for fishermen. I will ask around for you.
  14. Is that boat model an aluminum or fiberglass?
  15. No that is your typical fish pose face. You look like one of the "all night bottle tippers" found out there. Glad your back in the saddle again......least you can't sink while on the pier.
  16. Grandkids will want to see the rods moving. Go out deep to 400' and troll north. Run spoons down 20'-70' for steelhead and smaller kings. Silver and orange or silver and Chartreuse patterns. Check weather before heading out as you may be the only boat out there.
  17. Here is one more.....5" silver Luhr Jenson shoehorn spoon http://www.cabelas.com/product/Fishing/Hard-Baits/Casting-Trolling-Spoons%7C/pc/104793480/c/104732280/sc/104260680/Luhr-Jensen-Shoehorn-Spoon/1160398.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fcasting-trolling-spoons%2F_%2FN-1100331%2FNo-48%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104260680%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104793480%253Bcat104732280%26WTz_st%3DGuidedNav%26WTz_stype%3DGNP%26gclid%3DCO7YqKeT1rkCFbFDMgodlVkAXw%26gclsrc%3Daw.ds%26recordsPerPage%3D48&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104793480%3Bcat104732280%3Bcat104260680
  18. Here is another that has been good in stingray size. http://www.fish307.com/michiganstingerspoons-208yellowkillerglow.aspx
  19. Northport Nailer 3.75'" Blue Mahi Glow http://www.northportnailer.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=22_24&products_id=290 Reason I like it.......it catches all species. Having the blues, greens, glow, orange and the flash of a silver cup covers almost the full spectrum of good fish catching colors in a pattern that looks realistic. I don't have to weed thru different colors "of the day" in my spoon collection to find the hot spoon when all the colors are represented in the pattern already.....and that breeds confidence. The spoon also works at the speed I like to troll at which is important (2.25 mph).
  20. I have two convectors that have seen two seasons......maybe 10 times in the water. One of the reel's line counter button needs to be replaced. I am upgrading to saltists and would not mind parting with both. Chad
  21. Was this boat slipped or trailered? Fresh or saltwater?
  22. Too expensive still??? Fine, $80.00 buyer pays shipping. Going once....going twice....
  23. Use this link to check lake conditions before going out in a Kayak. If was REAL snotty out there today. http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=olcn6
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