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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Fillet your fish. Remove belly meat and the lateral line. Don't eat long-lived fish like Lake Trout, Large Brown Trout or warm-water species like carp or catfish. Take the mentioned precautions and there is no difference between the fish you eat out of Lake O and fish coming from the ocean.
  2. http://www.dailypress.net/page/content.detail/id/541480/Low-lake-levels-bad-for-shippers.html?nav=5003
  3. A couple of new products have come out recently that hopefully fix some of the problems associated with leadcore sheath failure over time. Sufix 832, and Tuf-line utilize a performance braid sheath which increases strength 3x's allowing for a smaller diameter and therefore less drag. The smaller diameter allows for smaller reels. When I read the specs.....I sold my 450 Cu setup and purchased a Saltist 50 LC reel and jumped in with both feet. I decided to go with Tuf-line 27 lb and was able to fit a 300 yard spool of #30 fireline fused backing + 8 colors + leader easily on the reel. One pitfall....the knots needed. Because the sheath is so narrow my usual double Willis Knot is not possible. Because the sheath is Spectra as is the backing....there is some issues with knot slippage. What I ended up doing with my attachment is to remove some lead under the sheath per usual, then make a double over-hand knot at the sheath end to act as a stop. I then tied in the backing into the sheath using a flyfisherman's nail knot. On the other end, I used the same knot setup splicing in a small segment of braid to marry to the sheath and then used a trilene braid knot to a improved cinch to the mono leader. Seems solid.......I hope.
  4. congrats on breaking your cherry.
  5. Chris, I posted the info to help the charter captains and the out-of-towners with big boats plan for their launch dates. Depending on the port, some people would not be able to get in their slips with current lake levels. Believe me when I say we are all "optimists" otherwise we would not be discussing going fishing in March. I fished Olcott in January and again in March and can attest the water level did not change from October (down 2 feet based on where the green scum line is on the marina retaining walls. The end of the launch pad has only 4' to spare with my 23' boat.
  6. Stay down there Ray, we are two weeks behind on the weather.
  7. Get a helper. Have your helper hold the spool with oven mits on and load the reel REAL tight. Fill the reel right up once, no need to put backing on. Helps to put a layer of electrical tape down on the spool to keep it from slipping. Without seeing the kinks....I can't tell you if they are salvagable,...better to start over for piece of mind.
  8. 7' Ugly Stick light action/one piece rods. Cheap, durable, fun.
  9. You will not have room to flyfish Naples Creek until the third weekend in April.
  10. I run non-toxic antifreeze thru engine after each usage the first couple of trips fishing in early season for peace-of-mind. It is a three-thousand dollar mistake if you don't spend the $15.00 on antifreeze. Since I run a trolling motor, my gas cost is only around $15.00 so the added cost and time of re-winterizing is a small price to pay.
  11. http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/data/now/wlevels/dbd/ Superior, Michigan still way down....probably from lack of run-off due to cool temps, but it does not look great for future water levels.
  12. I would hope Dave you continue to update and inform the public on this forum. I have no doubt if you needed volunteers for planting trees or habitat improvement etc. etc. you would have a wealth of bodies willing to help. If the DEC needs help ......ask here.
  13. http://www.craa.on.ca/pdf/Lightlines-January-2013.pdf Don't want to turn this into a pissing match, only wanted to inform the viewing public about the Atlantic program. As far as I am concerned the thread probably should be locked.
  14. I run four different colors....2 per side off planer boards. A couple of dipsys and three riggers for the usual 9 rods per three people aboard. Spoons or plugs off the lead. Flashers off the wires.
  15. Dave, I think you have quelled the fears of Pacific Salmon being replaced by Alantics on this side of the pond....esp. with a paltry 120,000 being stocked. The anger and resentment you are going to hear is from the Canadians(they have a legitimate gripe!!!!) For the amount of taxes they pay, for the small amount of Kings stocked on that side of the fence compared to the amount of time, money, hatchery space invested in the Atlantic program......I don't blame them one bit for being angry. A conspiracy theorist needs only to compare the stocking number of Atlantics vs Kings on the Canadian side to ask the question "what the hell is going on here?" I can't believe Lake Michigan anglers are putting up with the crazy numbers of Lake Trout being stocked at a time when they are cutting back on King stocking due to bait reduction. Lots of head scratchers going on all around us. Thankfully, you and others in the DEC sound like you have a sane approach to the Atlantic vs Pacific salmon programs. I think I speak for everyone....(your self included) that we NY sportmen and women don't want one Chinook cut from the current stocking figures. Pass it on.
  16. Sean, with that many lines out I assume you are running leadcore on the outside lines and copper on the inside lines? When you have to reset an outside line that fires, does the leadcore slide over the copper without tangling easily?
  17. Saw a Robin freezing it's arse off yesterday. My cue to start fishing is the seagull migration as they seem to know when the bait starts running. If I see seagulls in the parking lots.....it is time to go fishing. I have not seen ONE seagull to date. Looking more like the first weekend in April.....right after they take the boom out........this sucks!!!!
  18. 5-7 colors of leadcore. Esp. if there is a little chop on the water. If the lake is rolling from the east and cool water is pushing in, you may have to go as high as a 2 color.
  19. Rick, it is called work. I would have attended if it was later. Too hard to get home from work, grab a bite and shoot down to Lockport by the time it started.
  20. Over-the-counter Meclizine for nausea.
  21. Also look at the bases, and wether the booms are fixed, retractable, tip-up features etc....and what suits your style of fishing on your boat. For example, I have Cannons on my corners because I like the ease in which the bases swivel out. I have a big Jon Brute as a center rigger because it handles the heavy 20 lb rigger-balls I fish with and the boom tips up to help get out of the way during netting. As suggested by others, get on some boats and see how they use these tools to fish effectively....and take time to ponder how you see you running your spreads. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the rigger brands mentioned so it may come down to the accesories.
  22. Good spoons to run off riggers for shoreline trolling......R&R super-lites in 3.25", Northport Nailers in 3.25", Dreamweaver SS spoons (all these I run with singles). Savant Jake, Eppinger flutter chucks, devils and evil-eyes, and sutton spoons (can be run with trebles). Spoons like litle cleos can take their share just flatlined as well.
  23. No bottom paint either. I would be worried about the stringers or maybe a damaged/rebuilt transom?
  24. Dave, if you are getting Atlantic running in June after May run-offs as I am hearing.....would it not be in the best interest of the salmon to not catch them in bathwater conditions? Any thought to closing the Salmon River in June to protect the project?
  25. Dave, I feel much better after hearing your explanation of NYS stance on Atlantics, thanks for taking time to respond.
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