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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Maybe if you let her hang pink curtains in the cuddy, the Missus will allow you to keep two boats?
  2. I am looking for some vintage ciggarettes with plastic tips?
  3. I think we are ahead. Saw two button bucks without mom. Once mom starts smelling interesting she will not tolerate having junior's nose up her rear and will chase them off. Saw a mature eight pointer on side of 290 near Buffalo sat. morning at 8:30 cruisin' with a swollen neck. I noticed a couple of fence-post-sized rubs on trees when I was bird hunting. Things about to get interesting
  4. You could always become a Bills fan. It will force you to spend more time in the woods to keep your sanity.
  5. From scouting to the final kill shot.......great execution
  6. Earlier is better. Pike opener is a great time to catch them.
  7. Tighten up your spread. Don't run long copper in crowded situations unless you want to lose it. Mag dipsys dive steeper and are less likely to get tangled with another boat as there will be less line out. Adding a thumper 1 lb ball in lieu of copper would be another consideration. Be aware of the Charter Boats running North-South when everyone else in the general vicinity is running East-West........they just don't give a crap because they are probably catching fish on their course.
  8. Hunted Hanging Bog. Counted thirteen cars on 150 yard stretch of road. Birds don't have a chance.
  9. First time Phesant hunting over dogs. My 7 month-old short-hair and my brother's 6 month-old lab had a ball on their first hunt together. One for one on birds. Please no joking around about how large my cock is....
  10. Brian, next time you talk to your contacts at Altmar ask them if there has been any thought about tweaking the run dates for Kings to compensate for the apparent lack of tributary water in September. Since Kings in Alaska run in June and we have a September run.....someone engineered the development of the great lakes fish run later. Perhaps we could alter the run later into the fall when stream conditions and temps are better. Not sure of the process whether they are able to hold eggs viable for any length of time before fertilizing? Maybe pulling eggs from late-run fish only? Catch and release for Kings after October 15th? Just some thoughts.
  11. NO IT IS NOT TRUE!!!
  12. No Its true....its true!
  13. You might as well consider a lift kit for your truck......and throw in a set of truck-nuts while you are at it. A raccoon tail off the antenna is a nice touch.
  14. Now you can pee off your porch!
  15. If you are going to go with Big Jon, get the brute model to handle the heavier weights required for todays fishing. Both Cannon and Scotty high speed models handle heavy weights as well. Nice features offered by all models. Big john has less plastic, good pulley design, a tip-up feature which is nice on the center rigger for netting fish, and strong well made rod holders. Scotty has a track record for reliability, a clutch lever release system which is faster for lowering your ball while not draining battery power. Most don't like the plastic rod holders of Scotty. Cannons have the most advanced rod holders, but I have never been a fan of their pully systems. As you can see there are pros and cons to each. They all work fine. The important issue is picking the right model to handle the size of the weights you want to run.
  16. Jerry, invite someone else on the hill to shoot it Bad genes. Reminds me of my highschool days........kind of goofy looking and not going to get laid.
  17. Got a case of "doe-fever" Jerry? I think there are support groups available for such an condition.
  18. Put a cardboard cut-out of Larry up in the stand to confuse her.
  19. Automotive paint. Spray light coats. Do it now as fish don't like stinky new paint smell.
  20. I decided to sit in the rain with a bow in hand instead of watching that train wreck.
  21. That deer was licking powderd donut frosting off it's muzzle.
  22. I am planning on hunting on state land this weekend for grouse and I have to admit I am a little apprehensive. I am spending some money on an orange vest for my dog as a precaution This is not the answer to the license sales delima. When I was a kid I was excited about any type of opening day....I certainly didn't need a "special" day. The problem of shrinking sales goes much deeper than a date on the calendar.
  23. NICE!!!! Screw going to work, go and have a beer.
  24. Two years in a row my top two spoons were Northport Nailer Blue Mahi Glow, and a mag Luhr Jenson Shoehorn spoon customized. Don't think I washed a spoon past July 1st.
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