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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. As much as we think we can play the ultimate steward of the land and waters, mother nature will have her say. Look at the poor souls in New Orleans. Can't change the weather. About the only thing that could be done is reduce the industrial/farm drawn down rates (not likely), and that would only be a drop in the bucket. We need rain and snow. Buffalo area had the hotest/dryest summer in like 75 years. We are in a bad stretch here but weather is cyclical. The sun recently threw solar flares in our direction......can't control that. Pray for rain.
  2. walteye, unless you have your transducer pointing out, you are not going to see fish swimming up to your dipsys.
  3. Nice fish Brian, and I agree it was the best year ever.
  4. Heading up that way with the family tommorow for a little picinic, and hiking at Chimney Bluffs State Park. Got a quick list of things to see or places to eat?
  5. 38 lbs Oswego.
  6. Anybody else notice the health of caught Steelhead looks diminished this year? We took a 5 lb'er yesterday on a flasher/fly-dipsy running along the bottom in 60' FOW. We checked the stomach contents and found only a partially digested 2" gobie. Not to sound alarmist considering all the bait I see offshore, but has anyone found many younger year-classes of alewives or emerald shiners in stomach contents?
  7. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 5 Total Boated:4 Species Breakdown:Browns, steelhead, king Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: 40'-90' Lure Depth: ================ Tough day of fishing in Niagara County today. Hit Olcott late morning on friends 16' Polar craft. Everyone was fishing inside today after the blow. Did not see any nets come out on any other boats.....slooooow. Fished from 10:00-1;30 taking only a brown. I convinced my friend to pull the boat and put in off Wilson. Well fishing was tough off Wilson as well despite a good graph. We ended up with a steelhead, brown and a 21.Lb King fishing thru sundown. The king took a spoon off a 7 color w/8oz torpedo diver out 120'. ====================
  8. Yes, but bum-rushing your thread is more fun!
  9. Tim, based on the amount of line on the reel in the picture, I think your dad hit the line counter button with his watch .
  10. Dark skies over here on the west end. Keep eye on weather.
  11. Tried hailing you a couple of times Tim as we fished off Olcott today as well. Same report on water and species. We set down at 350' and popped fish all the way out to the 400's. Nice bait picture. Had a flasher fly bite and could not get a spoon to go????? 300, 450 Cu, Mag Divers out 225'-350', riggers 60-90', braid #1 dipsy out 200' all took fish. Kings and Steel. At noon I had the brillant idea to leave 2-3 year old kings and go search for the derby winner in close........wow, what a blank screen!!!!!! Thought I had a derby Steelhead when this fish slammed the 300 Cu and jumped out of the water. When the fish was netted, I could not believe how skinny the fish was. In fact, I can't recall a year when the steelhead where so scattered EVERYWHERE. Generally, the steelhead have been skinny this year and I am taking lots of them in upper 40 degree water while targeting kings. Not sure if the emerald shiner crop went in the crapper and steelhead have to hunt alewives????? Anyway the "derby" steelhead easily could have been over 15 lbs on it's frame, but cashed in at a measly 8 lbs.
  12. If you stock muskies in the spring when the emeralds are moving from the river to the lake they will have plenty of food.
  13. Type in Dreamsteelie.com and click on Capt. Pete Alex's store icon. He sells pre-made up leadcore set-ups. Most trollers will find 5-8 colors of lead most usefull. Okuma convectors are a good value for a reel to hold the set-ups.
  14. Brian check your freezer and make sure that Laker is still there.
  15. I did not think Berber can come any thicker? Oh ya, one more prediction ........The Buffalo Bills will make the playoffs this year.
  16. Well friends have been asking me for my official "squirrel forecast" for the year. You see I have black walnut trees in my yard, and when the squirrel activity is high......bad winter. Who needs a farmer's almanac right? I was down at Barcelona Sunday and notice lots of early Monarch butterflies flying south over the lake (sign 1). Noticed Kings are really dark this year (sign 2). My squirrels have not been very active despite good nut crop. Sooooooo, my educated guess would be an early start to the fall cool season, but a mild winter. Hope we get some rain for the streams soon.
  17. My brother slayed the big jack perch off the Catt in 69' out front this weekend. Had the place to himself. Shinners on bottom.
  18. Something happened in the rivers three years ago as most of the great adipose-present catches this year have been coming from the massive amount of three-year old Kings. Perhaps the answer to the possible drought conditions could be catch and release on the Salmon until the egg quota is met? Maybe they could let out more water during certain times during the night to move fish over the shale drops.
  19. No ring on the mag divers, standard ring on #1 divers.
  20. Mag dipsys have a steeper dive curve and stay down out of way. As others have said keep you diver on a 1 setting. After deploying your copper, let it ride awhile before sending it out on a board.
  21. Ya, I am sorry for bustin' on ya, but the thread was going nowhere and I had a beer after work. My apologies.
  22. FLX = Fidel's Lakes.
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