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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. 30 lb......slows the descent, untangles easier, and won't break your heart when a king or jumping steelhead is on.
  2. That is one to hold out for!
  3. Hey......pretty quiet on here....have you tried the "fish dance" or rally cap? Boat check for bananas.
  4. Let me know if you need help riggin' on one of your Seneca charters.....I need an excuse to fish the fingers.
  5. Ray wrote.... Well she soon changed her tune when I broke it to her that you were not her childhood television crush THE PENGUIN from the Batman series. I explained that there were two people in this world that smoke fancy ciggaretes with plastic applicator tips.
  6. Holy sh!t a Jason sighting!!!! Nice shooting. How is the new boat running?
  7. I wrote some articles for GLA that my mom said were "very good".
  8. You should have a GPS working as stated. Don't go to full power as you will not see debris in the water. Nobody is out there to help you so be self sufficient with safety equipment. Wear a PFD. Never had any luck after sundown, however, fish are on the move. Try after 10:30 pm. The graph comes alive with fish. Fish higher in the water, even out of temp in 60 degree water. Full moon helps. Glow stuff....spoons, and flasher/flies.
  9. Found the same conditions, baits, and hot bite times on Sat. We need the full moon to go away to get the morning bite going.
  10. This time of year go with a 3" fly (cut a standard 4" to 3") as you will be fishing deeper now for them. The peanut flies are more for spring time shallow water. 90' down, they are going to have trouble finding a peanut fly. Standard sized spin docs would do just as well.
  11. Doesn't Ray scuba near Oswego?
  12. Check your lures for weeds often as the inside water off Olcott has been loaded with Niagara tossed salad.
  13. Run the swr deeper than the dipsys.
  14. Most guys use the Aftco roller releases off the outrigger. This allows you to just place the dipsy in the water, then use the outrigger tether to move the line to the end of the outrigger while thumbing in free-spool the reel, to chase the dipsy out to the end and away from your other lines. Then once out to the end you reset the linecounter on the reel and deploy the dipsy to the desired distance back. Aftco roller releases can be bought online at westmarine.com.
  15. Haywire twist to Haywire twist with a coating of 2 min epoxy.
  16. Meclizine is available over-the-counter now. Non-drowsy. Works wonders. Over time you should get over the condition. Rite-aid I think offers their own generic version.
  17. The St. Lawrence locks are 30' deep, so something as large as a shark could in theory get sucked into lock system with incoming ships.
  18. The St. Lawrence seaway would be impassable to a shark. Could a seal go over the barrier???? Maybe. I know Bull Sharks have been found almost to Chicago from the Mississippi River system but I don't think they could get past the barriers they have set up. My guess is a hoax or a plant from a pet shark owner.
  19. Waste of money IMO. Better to invest in big boards and mast.
  20. You can get over-the-counter Meclazine for the seasickness. Non-drowsy formula. Ask your pharmacist for it.
  21. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: Gill-T Hooker ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water:7:30-1:30 Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: Total Boated: Species Breakdown: Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Touched down in around 200' and pointed north with all the other boats. Bleak screen until we hit some isolated bait and hooks around 450'. Two and three-year old kings and steelhead. Riggers took hits at 80-90' down with flasher/flies, 450' copper with fl/fly, and wire mag dipsys out 225', 350' with fl/flies. Ran a spoon on 300' CU but that was the only silent rod. Fish are scattered with a late bite from the full moon. ====================
  22. The handles are cheap alloy that bend when you bump into them, otherwise, I like mine fine.
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