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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. This new Yatzee-format definitely involves more stategy but also more opportunities to win from what I can see.
  2. Yippeeeee! I love it when things get more complicated
  3. I heard we are going to be mandated to use those push-button zebco combos everyone was running last year?
  4. Can I hitch a ride? Thanks Dell
  5. Probably Lakers Sean. Next time out send down a gang troll w/peanut.
  6. Now THAT is how you put together a fishing report!
  7. Braid will not swell and crack your spool. Some tried mono cable (ocean fishermen), and that WILL crack a plastic spool. Braid has some great features. It is easier on the hands, easier and cheaper to terminate at the ball, less blow back, no hum. The draw backs are no hum (my braid rigger caught the least fish this year) if you believe the hum draws fish via lateral line, flea build-up, your line counter on your rigger will be off 10' at 100' of cable out because of the smaller diameter so you will have to pay attention or lose equipment.
  8. I think I have them all......I would have to vote for Northport Nailers for their paint jobs, and NK's for durability (best split rings and stock hooks). Can't pick a specific brand over another because as mentioned I use all brands, but if I am making my decision based purely on amount of time spent in the water........Northport Nailers, Dreamweaver SS, NK's, Michigan Stingers then everyone else lumped equally.
  9. Weather has been awesome for Grouse hunting. Been enjoying the fruits of Allegheny Co. state land. A few pellets in this one He He He.
  10. She is giving us a peak today........mud city.
  11. I had good luck with the #30 AFW camo wire. The only problem I encountered was it pig-tailed easily.
  12. Ugly stick light 7' downrigger rod (one piece model).
  13. With three in the boat.......I can run a four leadcore, three rigger, two dipsy spread that gives me little missed water in the golden 20'-110' zone.
  14. For all the features you are looking for........I think you will have better luck finding something in fiberglass.
  15. Calumet Marine on Lake Michigan could hook you up.
  16. According to Bob Cinelli, Roy is doing well and rehabing. Leg clot.
  17. If you can find an open launch, you can catch Browns right now along the shore.
  18. Until your hunting dog drinks it. I lost a Springer to antifreeze from my Uncle's deer camp toilet.
  19. A-tom-mik sells smoke torpedo wire. AFW makes a smoke/brown colored wire, but it pigtails too easy (stiff) IMO.
  20. 5 gallon bucket with oats in bottom....they fall in but can't get out. Mouse trap loaded with CRUNCHY peanut butter. Smush some peanut bits into the bait holder mechanism. After they lick all the peanutbutter off, they try to dig the peanut pieces out of the mechanism and whammo.
  21. I had a bearing go last fall on my boat trailer after one year post-new pack job. I had a bearing buddy on the hub. Not sure if I got a bad (chinese) bearing set? I usually repack every 2-3 years due low usage. I went to the bearing buddy system because they are more durable to tap back in place. They are also a lot harder to remove as I found out. After seeing the state of the grease after one year......I may have moved into the "repack every year" camp. I started using synthetic grease. I will post my findings. Half the trailer tires have dust caps, half bearing buddies so I should be able to see what is working better.
  22. Happy B-Day J....... hopefully the inmates treat you right today (watch out for that soap on the floor trick)
  23. Gander has A-tom-mik 45 lb copper. Start with a 300' or 400' length. Good reels to hold all that copper and required backing would be Tekota 800 or Penn 345. If I had to spend money on a good setup, I would make sure to invest in a quality SS wire/dipsy setup first.
  24. Prayers sent. What a shock......isn't he like 30 yrs old?
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