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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Speed, speed, speed. With spoons a speed/temp unit are very helpful to make sure your spoons are kicking and not dead. If you don't have a speed/temp probe try this ....... Put the spoon in the water next to the boat and make sure the action is right. Send it down. Now bump up your speed until your downrigger wires start to hummmmm. Try to point the boat into the down current so your lines are straight behind the boat and not angled. Any time you make a change in trolling direction you will have to adjust the throttle so the downrigger wires are maintained at a similar angle/blow back. For the silver species it is better to be too fast than too slow.
  2. Having trouble catching fish on Erie lately? This might be why. Latest bloom I have ever seen! http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/ ... 3.250m.jpg
  3. You will also find on the site R&R tackle is back offering the super-light spoon models. . Very speed tolerant spoon that you can run down to Laker speeds if needed.
  4. Sorry for your loss Ray. I am counting the days with my Britainy.......not looking foward to the end. Best cure is a new puppy.
  5. Atlantics are kind of funny. They love to run 50+miles up rivers to spawn in headwaters. During their time, Atlantics ran the Oswego all the way to the seneca river into Seneca and Cayuga lakes and then up their tributaries. Fish ran all the way to Rome even. Reportedly they never colonized the Niagara because the big water did not suit their needs. It appears they need skinny water to spawn. They have been lifting fish over the Streetsville Dam on the Credit and are now finding them 70 miles upstream. If they removed the dams on the Oswego, Salmon, Sandy, Black etc. the fish would find a way themselves. No politician is going to sign off on removing clean energy sources and that is why I think the Atlantic problem will continue.
  6. Reasons for the demise of Atlantics in order of importance are 1). Dams 2). Over harvest 3). Pollution 4). Thiaminase from alewife ingestion inhibits successful reproduction. None of these problems are going away. I hate waste. My tax dollars could be better served to fix the problems THEN do the stocking. You want to solve the atlantic problem?.........get rid of the dams so fish can get into the headwaters. New York ain't going to do it so stop wasting time and money on a pipedream. Out of approx. 2 million Chinooks stocked.....we catch approx. 70,000/year. Of the 1.1 million Atlantics stocked by the US and Canada.......creel survey shows only approx. 1,500 caught/year and no river fishery to speak of.
  7. On the Canadian side since 2006, 5 million dollars spent, tens of thousands of volunteer hours, stream and hatchery improvement projects, a million fish stocked per year and they get a return of approx. 100 fish. The project is still in its infancy but I would categorize it as a failure at this point.
  8. I think last years totals were 87,000. If they really wanted to plant Atlantics with the intention of getting a run to stick in the Salmon River watershed, then why do they ship the eggs to Cortland? Raise the fish at Altmar in Salmon river water! Just don't displace any Pacifics please. This program is a waste of money as it is currently constructed. This crap has been going on since 1983.......with the same results. If something ain't workin' then it is time to change how things are done.
  9. Tony, with the forecast of strong NE, North winds this weekend, the fish will be moving in with the waves between the piers. Launch your boat and travel towards the mouth. Where you pass the last boat slips entering into olcott harbor at the metal retaining wall, there is a deep hole that gathers fish. Anchor and fish eggs on the bottom or cast glow spoons at night.
  10. So what is the best way to drain the tank? Tubing size? Do you prime with your mouth (insert joke here)?
  11. Naw......this type of weather puts the kings between the pierheads. You just need to grab your pier-gear.
  12. Nice fish Al. Did the cormorant poop kill the motar on that lighthouse? I thought my wife's excrement was bad!!!!
  13. My 14 year old Brittany has one of those. Same size too. The tumor is benign and does not effect his quality of life so I have not had it removed. Other than the extra weight it shouldn't effect the deer (which looks healthy). Now come spring there is going to be some very confused fawns looking to suckle.
  14. What are the other options, I don't want to drag my boat down those hills to the south launch.
  15. Is the launch open at the north end? One of these posts someone mentioned the the north launch was closed.
  16. East winds...blackening fish......lots of boat traffic.....not a good combo, I stay home and get the honey-do list done before hunting season.
  17. You can order direct from Moonshine.
  18. I was off the pier off olcott last night. Lots of fish stuck around the piers jumping....waiting for rain. Last light was busy, but died after an hour.
  19. I want to use it this weekend.
  20. My never used Okuma Convector is having issues. When I pull drag the line guide does not move thereby when you start reeling again it makes the line coming off the spool out of synch with line guide. Anyone have a quick fix?
  21. Don't get discouraged about your skills. This is the last run of reduced stocking numbers due to weak egg collection four years ago. If I were a betting man, your greatest chance at matures will be in front of the Salmon and Oswego rivers......and to a lesser extent Olcott. Remember, due to low egg counts the DEC came to Burt and fertilized eggs in Eighteen mile creek water......maybe more imprinting????? Matures can be very finicky. Fish the prime times of morning and evening even when it is still dark. To fill in the gaps, the offshore steelhead bite is good all September into October.
  22. Sounds vaguely like your fishing technique.
  23. I used to place all my stuff in a bag with pine boughs in. On my way into my stand I would snap off pine branches and rub them on my clothes as I walked. Thought I was pretty smart smelling like a pine tree.......but I kept getting busted! Then one day while watching my dog roll in bird crap it hit me.......when you wipe something on your person the smell is magnified to the 100th degree. I could not smell the bird crap in the lawn, but once it was on my dog's neck.........whew! I could smell him from 15 yards away. I believe you don't want to smell like anything.....if possible. Wash your clothes in free-and-clear unscented laundry detergent and keep external wear in a separate bag. Use fresh undergarments and long johns for every hunt (washed in free-and-clear). I use NO cover scents. I shave my head anyway, but noticed I stopped getting busted when I started buzzing my armpits also. I use unscented over-the-counter "Secret" deodorant. I shower before every hunt....so twice a day for morning and evening hunts. HUNT THE WIND. All these crazy tricks mean nothing if your set-up is all wrong. Use drainages to hide your movements and scent as you come and go to your stand. Ok Ray you can start the jokes.
  24. I have taken two elk with a 7mm mag. All I can say is WOW. Small opening going in and a MASSIVE hole coming out the other side. I agree with the premise of taking both. Very easy when winded at high elevations to do something silly......like dropping your rifle down a rock slide I have seen a bent barrel from a horse falling over on a scabbord also. Take both.
  25. The eyes are stocked in the lower river. The fishery is really just getting started. I wish they would stock more.....great structure and bait in the lower river.
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