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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. All out of twizzlers Captain W.....activate Team Crazy B!tch.
  2. For me the deadliest rifle is the one you shoot best. I choose to shoot a lever 30/30 because the gun fits me perfect and there is negligble recoil. The new Horandy soft tip bullets shoot great. If you shoot the 243 well, why change? Sometimes with higher hits, the blood pools in the sternum and there is not much of a blood trail. It does not sound like your doe went far enough to start spewing. With that being said, I agree with Paul.....there are better bullets available. Federals make a product you would be hard pressed to hand load better.
  3. I was having carb (I believe) issues at end of season with stalling while docking. New shift cable, spark plugs and wires. Oil smelled really gassy when I changed it in spring. Been five years since last rebuild. Considering the cost of rebuild, I am thinking of just buying a new carb so I have a spare in waiting. Any thoughts on the best marine carb for my 305?
  4. Steelies? Me?
  5. Cool Now you know its a Chinook only tournament right? None of those brown fish.......until night
  6. Well my excitement about the new Wilson tournament has been tempered slightly with my usual boat mates being non-commital because of their portion of the $800.00 entry fee . I am considering other options such as jumping on with another team. Any teams out there that need a body PM me. Understand Wilson is my home port. I have also held slips in Youngstown and Olcott so I know Niagara county waters.
  7. Thanks Bill.......how are you using the ATF fluid.....spray bottle? ......what is your start up proceedure come spring. Do you need to remove the ATF before restart. Are you pulling the carb each winter?
  8. If I pull my fuel filter next spring and refill it with a 50/50 fuel to seafoam gas treatment before reinstalling it, would there be any deleterious effects on my motor? I see these carb cleaner sprays, but they are only going to clean the bowl and air baffles then fall into the engine. The fuel inlets would not get touched with a spray right? My thought is by placing the gas treatment in the fuel filter it will get where it needs to go. WHAT SAY YOU MOTOR HEADS?
  9. Sounds good RR.
  10. Steph, you have your toys too.....here is a shot with your strap-on in action
  11. Looking for two working Cannon Mag 10's. Just need motors, so if you want to keep other parts as spares.....thats fine.
  12. I heard the weight was 29.999999
  13. Welcome Dale. Glad to hear the boat will see water again. You should consider attending the LOTSA seminars in February and meet some of the guys.
  14. Since there is no fin to whip the flasher around, was not sure if there is enough of a trigger to work as well as other flashers.
  15. Fuel issues, fuel filter issues, carb issues, fuel pump issues. Could be any of the above. Start with the easy fixes first......ie change fuel filter (dump out gas in glass jar and check for water), gas treatment such as stabil or seafoam. If you still have problems.....start thinking carb or fuel pump and a good marine mechanic.
  16. Anyone try these yet? Underwater video of the jointed nils masters look REALLY interesting! http://www.vk-products.fi/index.php?opt ... 77〈=en
  17. I would love to get a hold of some 15-20 lb pancake weights that you guys supposedly have, but I cannot find any west coast tackle stores that carry them online.
  18. That is a hoss!!! Great deer, now put some friekin' orange on before someone with poor eyesight puts a slug in ya'.
  19. Billy, do you know if the rod holders on the unit are metal or plastic?
  20. I am amazed breeding takes place at all. I can't find my pecker in my pants when its cold out let alone achieve full attention!
  21. Cabelas has the black edge SDocs.
  22. If you want to spend the money.....Tar Hunt bolt actions are the cat's azz. They will not beat the UltraSlug gun at the range however. www.tar-hunt.com/
  23. Wow, I just relooked at your target postings. Almost as if your scope was loose. Wonder if there is a difference with their 20 gauge vs 12? I guess that is why you should try different brands to find the one that your gun shoots best. Have always had good luck with the federal/barnes as well.
  24. 100 gr thunderheads. Super sharp blades, easy to find in stores, shoot good. Tried those montecs, and they fishtailed off my bow....gave them away.
  25. Jeremy, if you are still experimenting with ammo... try the Horandy SST's. I have a ultra-slug single shot in 12 gauge with the bull barrell -magnaported and it absolutely drives tacks even with a cheapo scope.
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