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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. What Tim means is........ he likes to use both holes
  2. Kwickfill has non-ethanol american gas. When you go in, make sure you thank them for not putting ethanol in the gas, and explain that is the reason you chose that station.
  3. For you Barcelona guys, I have never fished there. Do most fish to the west towards Erie? How is the trashfish situation? I spent an exhusting morning last Sunday off the Catt. cleaning perch and silver bass/white perch off the lines that it really took the fun out of fishing. Barcelona intrigues me because of the Laker, steelhead option. Hey, 1.5 mph wormharness speed is the same speed lakers like dodger and flies.
  4. I just ordered their new DVD..."How to shake-off a shaker".
  5. If they can't compete in Michigan, their pompass butts will probably be coming here to compete.
  6. If you want to do silvers on the cheap. You can rent small boats with outboards in Valdeez. In August, just long-line troll large vibrax spinners or spoons near creek mouths and waterfall drops. The tides and wind effects on the upper layers makes trolling with dipsys and downriggers REALLY difficult, but you will be pleasantly suprised by the fish you can catch with surface lines. In the evening at Valdeez, or Seward, you can wade out from creek mouths and cast Vibrax spinners and kill Pinks, and Silvers. Try to find/or custom make the Vibrax with orange fur on the treble. Silvers LOVE their orange colors up there.
  7. How high Mark? I usually have out mini-disks out 200' on braid (15'-20' down?) as my high lines, but have always wondered if a two-color core or deep diving crankbait fished clean might take some fish.
  8. I have been wondering where all the walleye talk has been? I know there a lot of people fishing for them, and yet there is very little discussion on this forum. Come on walleye guys!!
  9. Migration is Niagara then east towards Olcott in the spring. Then it seems they slide across to Canada in July, about the same time they start receiving upwellings with cold water tight to shore. Then some head east along the Canadian shore towards Scotch Bonnet and then further east. Some Canadian fish stay near their port of orgin and stage. Some come back around past Niagara and Stage along their stocking ports on the south shore with most going to the Oswego, Salmon river. Pen imprinting is real important to convince fish NOT to all go to the Salmon River.
  10. I agree with the above comments, in that I would not deploy 400' of copper in 50' FOW, but would not hesitate in 100'. The methods used in the dive curve for the precision trolling guides were done on an inland lake with no currents, using a straight troll. There are huge variables not counted in the study that we experience in Lake O. NOBODY trolls in a straight line, so every time you make a waggle, copper on side you are turning towards, will drop. Take your copper down to the school football field and let it all out and see how frigin' long 400' is. Lots of variables working against it's length in Lake O. The variablility, rise and fall is probably what makes it effective.
  11. Gill-T

    Catt. July 18th

    Braid dipsys 135' back, wire dipsys 125' back with worm harnesses/pink blades. Had to clean WAY too many perch off the lines. One and done on brown fish, now back to fish that fight (now I sound like Slimyfish! )
  12. More like 50' on a straight-no turn 2.5-3 mph troll. When you stall on a turn, the stuff drops quick and you will get zebra mussels on you lure in 100'.
  13. The lense is all foggy because of the all the huffin' and puffin' realing in that fish Tim. Nice job on the king.
  14. I use fireline #30 lb and DON'T have a problem. Not sure if it is the shape or wax coating, but I get less fleas on my braid than my wire. The difference being if I do get fleas, the roller tip on my wire rod cuts the fleas off nicely as I reel in, where as I have to use the "slap" technique to shake them off the braid.
  15. Thanks for the report. I will be fishing off the catt. Friday and Sat.. Just hail Gill-T Hooker on 68 and I can tell you what is happening east of you.
  16. I am a firm believer in the view of the spread has a lot to do with your success. Like Capt. Vince says " everything matters", for example the flashers/flies on the divers may be pulling fish away from the higher copper lines. How far back and how deep the dipsys and copper is running in relation to each other and the downrigs lines matters! I once saw some really cool underwater footage on In-Fisherman tv, where a diver was filming from a position deep under the water looking up at trolling rigs passing by. What I got from the footage was fish first see the downrig lures and orient themselves with the boat and start swimming in the direction the boat is traveling. Even fish deeper than the downrig lines, they slowly tracked them at a distance. These fish that are too far away to make a move on the downrig lines are the ones that you are targeting with the junk lines brining up the rear. It is important to know the whole picture. Ideally, you would want divers at AND below downrig lines. Copper, has been disputed about the actual depth it runs on a straight line troll, but from what the group that put out the "precision depth trolling guide" book dispute the 20' down for each 100' of copper......feeling the copper has a dimished return over length so by the time you get to 400', there is not much difference in depth achieved compared to 500' and 600'. In other words we are fishing higher with copper than we thought. Not a big deal, because fish come from "out of temp" all the time. But sometimes they are only biting in their preffered temps.......deeper than your copper is running. Maybe, in the middle of your troll you hit a band of higher cool water and now the copper starts hiting again. It is probably best to let the fish determine what they want.
  17. No reason why you can't use only dipsys. I have every sized planing devise out there, including the deep six and double-deep six. If I were to devise a six rod spread for you involving no riggers. It would be a slide diver or leadcore or copper on the outside lines with the leadcore or copper needing in-line planer boards or big boards w/planer mast....to take those lines out WIDE and out of the way. You don't need boards for the slide divers. Middle lines would be size #1 dipsy with braid or wire set on a 3-3.5 setting. Inside dipsys would be a size #1 dipsy with braid or wire set on a .5 or 1 setting. You can't run two deep sixes out the back without tangles. The other option is a six rod all in-line planer leadcore or copper set up. You set the longer lines to the outside, working shorter on the inside lines.
  18. Go to at LEAST 30# lb line to keep fleas off. You can always place lighter line as a leader material.
  19. Wow, great shooting!!! Isn't there some of the most beautiful slate green water off Niagara county right now? What I can't understand is where the hell is the bait? You would think all those fish are feeding on something.
  20. As long as you are not wearing double-crush glow crocs, your feet will be safe.
  21. Rick, I experienced similar blank fish graphs off Wilson this weekend. Had the girls with me Sun. and Mon. .....which meant we started trolling at 9:00 am , and the of course they wanted to jump into the water first before setting lines. So each morning before we set down, I am staring at a blank screen on the graph. No bait, no hooks. The girls and I are swimming out in 200' FOW (68 degrees refreshing) and I keep looking at the graph while we are stationary, and I can't believe the amount of hooks appearing under the stationary boat! The thermocline shows up perfectly as well. What I learned before sending down any Temp probes or downrigger lines was an accurate depiction of where the fish were holding and the thermocline temp break. So we are done swimming and I anxiously set line to where the fish are showing, and as soon as we start trolling.......the graph goes blank again? Stop the boat to swim again (hey it was hot), and hooks everywhere! What I learned from this experience is just because nothing is showing on the graph doesn't mean there aren't any fish around. Next time I am scratching my head to figure out where the fish are, I think I am just going to go for a swim. The best theory I can come up with regarding this irregularity is there was a north current rolling cold water in all night, and a SW wind blowing it back out so the fish were on the move.....too fast to show on the graph.
  22. Tim, I am going to get you a meat-packers' tampon for your engine hood. . Finally got some browns eh?
  23. Some ahole had the bright idea to steal my expensive Racor fuel/water separator and swap it with their used dented cheapo Thank god it fit, could have been disasterous with a gas leak!!!!! Boat is slipped in Wilson, and the filter was swapped during the spring ESLO. Who ever you are, I am sure you had water in the gas issues and did not know what else to do, but you really pulled a bonehead move!!!!! If you have a consious please bring my filter back so I can punch you in the head.
  24. How are your rods loaded? If you have the rods in the holders towards the middle of the transom, you are pulling the weights towards each other. Sounds like you are in a cross current, however. Figure out what direction creates the most blow back and try to troll straight into the current with the cables straight back.
  25. I catch a lot of pike locally on rattletraps. In Canada, spoons.
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