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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Are you the "Riggermortis" on Spoonpullers.com? If not, you may have someone else with your boat name floating around in Canadian waters.
  2. Ray, the DVD sponsor packs are not ready yet.....still in production, be patient.
  3. You mean we are not going to see you on top of your flybridge getting rained on any more?
  4. Jerry, I would be willing to bet your 26' Penn yan is as heavy as Paul's 30' Trojan. The only reason you fish for Browns is your boat is too heavy/expensive to take offshore!
  5. Did they get rid of their thin silver-scale series? That would suck.
  6. Vince, are they proposing windmills out in the lake off Sumerset? Seems they have plenty of greenspace near the plant to put them on land.
  7. What is the story behind this? Did Bill take a guide's favorite fishing hole? Seems outrageous to me.
  8. Because they are talking about closing the launch at Wilson state park, you may want to make arrangements to get a slip at Olcott. You can leave from either port.
  9. Hey......you made a funny Sounds like a great outing boys, thanks for the report.
  10. Just heard the state of affairs with the DEC from a little birdie. The next two classes of DEC will be canceled. We are down 30 bodies now, next year due to retirement etc. , the force will be down 60 officers. The comminsioner is on record as saying he would just as soon get rid of the DEC police force!!!!! These guys take the same training as State troopers, plus are getting additional training in homeland security....because they don't know who else is going to patrol the borders other than the Coast Guard. State troopers get $70,000 plus benefits as new grads, a DEC officer gets $39,000 and has to try to make a living in Long Island (where new graduates end up). Ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a DEC officer on a stream? With all the cuts coming our way, downstate politicians don't understand conservation. NYC as a population is anti-hunting. PLEASE take the time to write or e-mail your congressman to maintain funding to DEC officers. Thank you.
  11. Pike Hunter, this time of year the shallows are filthy with Lakers. The first coutour line on the south shore is usually at the 30'-33' mark which you will notice a slight dip on the graph. The fish will usually be somewhere past that first dip. Look at the pictures of the lakers we caught and you will notice how LARGE their eyeballs are! The other thing you will notice when you look at a laker is how big their nares are. These fish can see and smell REALLY well, and they live a long time so they probably have seen a lure or two. If you get into a big pod and can't get them to go, sometimes a jig/minnow with light spin gear is the way to go or drifting with three-way rigs with a small spinner blade a head of a minnow. From the other posts, and what I saw in the stomach of the one fish I kept.....small smelt are making up the diet.....about the same size as a trolling fly.
  12. Go up to Small boat harbor near Buffalo, and fish Erie. You won't regret it!!
  13. During the summer months, you can walk-troll a small rapala along the pier walls and catch largemouth at the Olcott piers, so I am sure you can do the same at any of the piers along lake O. Just make a long cast parallel to the pier, walk with an open bail after you have let out more line, close the bail and take a stroll from end to end holding the rod tip down along the wall.
  14. I was thinking BROWN TROUT written all over it!!!!!!
  15. With a handle "slimyfish" you have to love Lakers!
  16. To be served at the walleye er I mean wedding reception.......walleye flourentine with a side of walleye gill-plate scallops. Honeymoon at Quinte in November Good thing you bought all your toys before you got married.
  17. Yea.....you don't want to sink. Piece of mind, get it fixed now before the season really starts.
  18. Just finished an 1.5 hour hand pump job to get the oil out of the dipstick hole Neighbors probably think I was doing something else . Anyway, noticed a gas smell in the spent oil. Is this normal for an I/O? I don't see any slicks on top and the oil volume-out was normal.
  19. Marine-Tex putty. Wait until it warms up before using. For fine spider cracks in the gelcoat, don't worry about them. The Bayliners have a thin skin and are prone to cracking in overstressed area like around cleats. If you fix the gelcoat without fixing the problem the cracks will return. With cleats you could put stainless or aluminum backer plates.......if you can gain access to the spaces . Unless the cracks are big enough to allow water to get in and ruin the balsa core, I might just look the other way. These type of dings, you will want to fix. Apply putty and sand flush.
  20. Poor Jerry......he probably will be tossing and turning in his sleep over that shot. Beware boat trailer owners on the east end.....if you come to shore and your trailer tires are flat don't blame Bob, blame Jerry.
  21. The 'Guilty' fly should be spelled 'Gill-T' IMO ....... or just use my whole boat name "Gill-T Hooker".......that will fit in nice with the rest of the goofy gag names (just a poor attempt to get a fly named after me)........wow, WTF just happened with the edit feature? Help Chad!
  22. The 'Guilty' fly should be spelled 'Gill-T' IMO
  23. Underwater footage of Pike strikes shows that they often grab a large bait across the middle and quickly switch the bait to go down head first. If you were using a buried/weedless single, the hook would end up outside the mouth or head-first. When you strike with the bait head-first, the lure will probably slide right out without the hook engaging. I have seen these type baits rigged with a stinger treble, rigged on top of the bait with the eye of the treble over the shank of the large single. That rigging might just do the trick.
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