Just heard the state of affairs with the DEC from a little birdie. The next two classes of DEC will be canceled. We are down 30 bodies now, next year due to retirement etc. , the force will be down 60 officers. The comminsioner is on record as saying he would just as soon get rid of the DEC police force!!!!! These guys take the same training as State troopers, plus are getting additional training in homeland security....because they don't know who else is going to patrol the borders other than the Coast Guard. State troopers get $70,000 plus benefits as new grads, a DEC officer gets $39,000 and has to try to make a living in Long Island (where new graduates end up). Ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a DEC officer on a stream? With all the cuts coming our way, downstate politicians don't understand conservation. NYC as a population is anti-hunting. PLEASE take the time to write or e-mail your congressman to maintain funding to DEC officers. Thank you.