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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. lake erie ice is GONE!!!!!!
  2. Find floating weeds/debris.
  3. I have a pair of 27's that I use for spring brown fishing, and downrigging for upper level fish above 40' (steelhead, cohos) I have them spooled with #15 mono. Great lightweight reels that when paired with a LIGHT action downrigger rod make for my favorite set-up to catch fish on.
  4. Yep, drove along the lake yesterday....very little shore ice this year. It will be early trolling this year. Good news because the ESLO is early this year.
  5. I have been using Optitackle Duolocks for years. Good product. The company was sold to another minnesota tackle company, so hopefully they maintain their quality.
  6. Hmmmmm http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/salt ... id=4975762
  7. Yes, the sentiments that Chad articulated are spot on. Please do not paint ALL LOU members with one brush stroke. We are a slice of America. All creatures .....liberal, conservative, lunatic fringe etc. are represented here. All expressions without insult are welcome, so if you can enlighten the viewers with FACTS without insults, then you will find a home here as well. As with any politically charged topic, usually the far right and the far left bump their gums and bang their fist the most, however, I think you will find that most of us are in the middle and can handle both sides of any arguement.
  8. "Low Flyer"
  9. Just name it "Boat".
  10. Free launch. Make sure you hit the dinner in town for breakfast. You get a full meal for about $5.00.
  11. Dearest Salmonboy, you can still launch at the Youngstown launch. They just rennovated the launch and waterfront. Just turn down the hill at the blinking light in town and drive down past the Yaht club.
  12. I would ask Jim at the Boat Doctors Vince. If he doesn't service EFI motors.....there is your answer. If you would have to haul it out and wait for it to be fixed......how much money would you loose from lost clients? Carbs are easy to fix when they go bad. Ask any marine mechanic what type of engine they would like to work on......what is the cheapest to fix....I think you know the answer already.
  13. Most major tribs have the benefit of a pier to cast off. I usually wait until after March 20th, but if weather is warm, the bait will start coming in early. If the piers are not happening then you have Plan B.......Steelhead peak run in the creeks. Off the piers I chuck hot'n'tots, stickbaits, small spoons and with a second rod....emerald shiners under a bobber.
  14. It would also explain why the Dreamweaver SS blank has been hot lately.
  15. I wonder how much money could be generated by bringing elk back to Adirondak Park?
  16. More excess. Stop all immigration....period. We have 10% unemployment and we keep allowing people to immigrate to our nation. I see these families at a clinic I work at. They all are instantly given medacaid, medicare, food stamps and access to public housing. Why?.......because the idiots in Washington believe the answer to the underfunded social security is add more people to the system to generate more tax revenue. I know..... lets keep adding people until there is no green space anywhere.....pave it all, we need more traffic! Starting salaries for a State Trooper is $70,000. When policemen are getting ready to retire, they jack up their overtime because their pension is based on the final years of earned income. There are too many retired police officers making six figures. Don't get me started on teachers. Teachers' unions are fighting the consolidation into one health insurance which would save millions. Do we really need all the duplication of services? We have State workers, county workers, town workers, village workers and all the government and taxes that each garner. Seems to me we could consolidate and get rid of all town and village forms of government and roll them into the counties jurisdiction. Lets finally dissolve the thruway authority!!!!!!! Honestly, if they see the slightest bump in the I-90, they tear it up and repave it to keep their jobs going. There are plenty of bridges that need rebuilding with that money. Ok, that is my rant. I still don't feel better however. If the state wants to find their 8 billion dollars I would start with finding solutions to these problems.
  17. Tom, put me down for a #15 torpedo please.
  18. I need 10' of tape. Thanks BW you are like Santa come late.
  19. I will be pulling teeth in Booth #12.
  20. Any luck finding some silver disco tape BW?
  21. mono can crack your plastic planer reel because it absorbs water. I use the SPECTRA line sold by Amish outfitters. You will never loose a board because the line snapped. However, if I have one complaint it would be for while using light stickbaits like rapalas in the spring, the planer releases need some serious jiggling to get them to slide down the line. Some people like to use weedwacker line so releases slide down easier.
  22. I am picturing all the salmon from the west end shooting the gap in August when it is time to go home to the east end.
  23. The niagara river in April......even into early May can give you safe harbor to fish if the lake is too rough. Drifting for Steelhead, Lakers, monster sheephead, maybe an oddball brown or walleye.
  24. You may need three boats if you include the strippers!!!
  25. Kremerica
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