More excess. Stop all immigration....period. We have 10% unemployment and we keep allowing people to immigrate to our nation. I see these families at a clinic I work at. They all are instantly given medacaid, medicare, food stamps and access to public housing. Why?.......because the idiots in Washington believe the answer to the underfunded social security is add more people to the system to generate more tax revenue. I know..... lets keep adding people until there is no green space anywhere.....pave it all, we need more traffic! Starting salaries for a State Trooper is $70,000. When policemen are getting ready to retire, they jack up their overtime because their pension is based on the final years of earned income. There are too many retired police officers making six figures. Don't get me started on teachers. Teachers' unions are fighting the consolidation into one health insurance which would save millions. Do we really need all the duplication of services? We have State workers, county workers, town workers, village workers and all the government and taxes that each garner. Seems to me we could consolidate and get rid of all town and village forms of government and roll them into the counties jurisdiction. Lets finally dissolve the thruway authority!!!!!!! Honestly, if they see the slightest bump in the I-90, they tear it up and repave it to keep their jobs going. There are plenty of bridges that need rebuilding with that money. Ok, that is my rant. I still don't feel better however. If the state wants to find their 8 billion dollars I would start with finding solutions to these problems.