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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Yes, the vast majority of garbage on NY stream banks is NY garbage, but there is something about out of state visitors doing it that for some reason ranckles my feathers more. It is like the coffee table........when a family member puts his/her feet up on it to watch TV it does not draw a response.......but when a neighbor comes over and does it you are like..........dude get your feet of the table!
  2. Hey Jeb, I thought I was the only one taking trash bags into the gorge. If more fisherman see clean banks, they are less likely to trash the place.....start a trend and maybe the culture of fishermen dumping trash on the banks will end one day. I could extend the rant toward all lot of out of state fishermen that might feel their non-resident fees include the "right" to snatch fish and dump garbage but I won't go there
  3. Happy 60th buddy. A great milestone
  4. I shoot my 30/30 with the levolution ammo and love it. Very accurate with extra punch.
  5. I love my '88, 23 footer. I will post some off season projects I will be doing on This Old Boat forum.
  6. Dreamweaver SS Leopard Frog. With modifications of course.
  7. Rick, my families prayers are with you and yours.
  8. I think Lou Dobbs was fired because he is visably drunk on air every night.
  9. For Walleye fishing where you are stringing many baits with light pull, go with amish outfitters....you will have the hardest pulling/tightest line for the rings to slide down. Is your boat equiped to handle the load? You will need stainless backing plates for your mast for sure!
  10. Chautauqua or eighteen mile?
  11. OMG....where should I start. First, buffy fishing. Then there was shirtless bear-wrestling in your driveway.....and now this "man-love" fest. Obviously, you were either effected by the late 80's "I love you man" budlight comercials or perhaps your refrences to the movie Brokeback Mountain have more meaning than you are letting on.............not that there is anything wrong with that. Is anyone else uncomfortable with this thread? I think an intervention might be in order ( I nominate LANDSHARK) to protect Muskybob. I am going to shower now.
  12. You got to make it yourself. You will need Mag eye stickers, hologram die sticker, and glow crush tape. Money on Kings.
  13. This is my version. Similar components. I call my version the "dinner spoon" because it seems to come on in the late afternoon/evening bite. I like the Fishlander or Silver Streak Blue or Green Thunder blank better.
  14. Another good thing to do with the block out is to apply a bilge-coat paint (after degreasing), to keep the water out of the stringers when slipping your boat.
  15. Black or brown wolly buggers. Browns love gobies and sculpins.
  16. You can keep trebles on floating/diving baits. Legal.
  17. Try the smaller sized hot'n'tots
  18. Look at the Shimano Charter Specials. Built for great lakes trollers in mind, and they carry them at Cabela's.
  19. Stan, our fish AVERAGE 7 lbs so take our suggestions and downsize a little. If you are looking to stock up in the off season look at the Stinger Scorpion or Stinger size, Dreamweaver SS, and the smaller Northern Kings, Northport Nailers and Evil eyes (Eppinger). Anything with orange on it will work. Below 40' red becomes gray, so I like orange glow past 40'. Chartreuse would be a second color of prefrence. 2.8 mph is a good average steelhead speed, depending on the spoon used. Slower 2-2.5 with evil eyes, SS, Michigan Stingers and faster for heavier Northern Kings, and NP Nailers. I have fished similar lakes to you when I lived in Colorado, and I know the Kokanee and trout would love the orange 6" spin doctor or orange dodger with a small coho/peanut fly.
  20. Guys, don't forget Buffalo harbor and the Niagara. November, the fish move inside the breakwall at Smallboat Harbor. Niagara fishing is world class with guys trolling with braid/wire or ripping giant tubes in the holes.
  21. I will post a picture of what I did to my Cannons before running #20lb sharks. The weak points are the lexan bases and the lexan end assembly. So before my $100 20lb shark hit the water, I upgraded to the stainless bases, upgraded the pully, added a second pully, and attached a compression spring to the end pully. No problems reported and the compression spring worked as intended....when on a wave surge you can see the spring elongate and the wire engages the second pully transfering the load off the end assembly onto the second pully. My friend lost grip of the shark once this summer when deploying, and it free-fell the last 1' into the water without breaking the wire.
  22. Torture, pure torture!!!! How many more months?
  23. Kremer, what about the waitresses at the Black North restaurant?......they were memorable
  24. I like the Cannon coffee colored wire.
  25. Thanksgiving weekend.....take your pick. Good bets are below Burt Dam, Oak Orchard Dam, Oswego River Dam, Salmon River......any tributary will have browns, steelhead and occasional salmon. Primary bait is salmon eggs fished under a bobber.
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