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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Where do I get information about it.
  2. Yeah, the other coke would be cost prohibitive.....but might juice up the lures........can you imagine a Steelhead on coke?
  3. Soak them in Coke (the soda) overnight. In the morning rub clean....looks like new.
  4. For the Sodus event, we found a nice spot around 515' FOW that we had to ourselves. Plenty of bait, some hooks also. We caught steelhead, but did loose a screamer that was a mature king. I saw enough big hooks on the graph to make me think that is where the majority of east end kings are now.
  5. I was shocked at the Oswego, and Sodus events by the lack of people even trying for Kings. One observation I can say, going back to last year.....there was a lot of bait around the west end of the lake from the second week of June on through the fall. Having a slip on the Niagara the last two years made it was convienient to fish every weekend off the bar. Other than ESLO dates, I had the place to myself and caught Kings every time out. There were times when skippies were so thick you could not get to the big guys, but there was always action. Maybe, with the cleaning waters, the Niagara plume will be a stronger draw going foward. If I was a new charter captain looking where to start up a business......it would be Niagara County.
  6. It depends on the time of year also. Cool nights in August can cause surface temps to drop enough that as the colder water sinks into the warmer layers below......a flip occurs. Mostly on the west end it is a NE or strong E wind that causes the flipping. However, A STRONG south wind will rip the surface layers off inshore and roll the cold water on top. Last summer three kids drown off Olcott getting caught in on of those south wind roll-overs. The kids whom where good swimmers supposedly, where trying to reach the little square island pier and where swept out. I believe one kid made it if memory serves correctly. Strong forces for sure.
  7. I will be in the Niagara and Orleans for sure. Not sure if I want to fish for Browns in the east events. Those browns fight almost as bad as Lakers!
  8. I tried the wigglefin disks a few times, but I find they kill the "whip" of the fly that I believe is the trigger. I tried a few times and gave up on them.
  9. That was a wierd storm. Landshark had his cellphone and uplinked the radar loop. There was a lot of red and orange in the cell, so I got the hell off. I did not hear any thunder either, but when the storm rolled through western NY, there was lightening and thunder.
  10. With the kids home for summer, me working, and the wife in school full-time, my parents stepped up and took my two daughters for two weeks in North Carolina. Part of the time spent at the beach. With my overweight mother whom had a partial knee replacement two years ago, and my father with Parkinsons, my biggest fears almost came true last week. The hurricaine off the coast was reeking havoc with rip-tides all week. While in shallow water a rip grabbed my mother, and two kids and started pulling them out. My youngest was holding onto my mother's bathing suit for dear life, and my nine year old was washed out of view by waves. At this point my mother, as you can imagine, is in full panic mode. Nobody can see what is happening on shore. By the grace of god, the rip carried them to the next sand bar where they were able to get their feet underneath them. My mother is going to need counciling......and so is my wife. Count your blessings people. Understand what is really important in life. There was a lot of boats still fishing as that storm rolled in at Oswego at the Pro/Am event :?: I was off the water by 9:30 ahead of the storm. This weekend they are calling for more thunderstorms......please be safe!!!!!! You can always earn the prize money back.......if you are alive.
  11. Thanks, first time fishing the area with no prefishing. I traveled west the first day for 30 min. so I guess I was close to Fair Haven. I figured I was near some port because boats were heading out from shore towards us. I found a slick/scum line in 120' FOW that I worked until 10:00 that had some good bait and some big hooks down 80', but could not move a rod. Spoons on riggers, spin docs/flys on divers and copper NADA. Tried to go back through them with whole herring/three fly rigs.....got some sniffs, but no fish. Saved the skunk by heading out to 400' for a steelhead. Between the lack of fish on the graph and the wierd weather would you say that it was an odd event or is fishing usually that slow out there? I am a west end guy and am used to seeing bait and hooks.....I have never seen so much "blank screen" in all my life.
  12. Thanks for the report, full of details as usual. How far a ride is it from Oswego to Fair Haven?
  13. Maybe, the D.E.C. should be spending money, not on restoring Lakers but bringing back the Lake Whitefish.....Kings can feed on those and they seem to do better in cleaner water.
  14. Nice meeting you Ray, Bob, Richard, and Jason. Great finish for you guys.
  15. Blow them fleas elsewhere!!!!!!
  16. I think it may be a stagnant water thing also. It seems the fleas end up where ever the water ain't movin. Assuming the salmon like current across their gills, the fleas maybe a "tell" that there is a lack of current in the area.
  17. Think good thoughts .....no skippies, no skippies, no skippies
  18. I just PM'd Rod with the info, so hopefully we can make it work. Bob, tell Richard to hang in there, the FAT lady is not singing yet.
  19. So, first step is get a slip? or will they accept the application without the marina information only to be added later?
  20. Ok, I was using a backslash in Pro/Am and that was the problem in the link. I got the forms I need for Sodus. I will check with Oswego again tommorow. Looking at the forms I see a space for "Docked at", I assume they want a slip number. Does anyone have the phone #'s for the marinas in question. What if there are no transitional slips available, what do I put on the form?
  21. Thanks, Rod but it doesn't look like we are going unless Landshark drove the two hours for the walk through. I have to say, the current logistical format for signing up is not really well thought out IMO. First, why not allow same day sign-ups on the day of the Captain's meeting ESPECIALLY when your website has been under construction and goes to **** on the day of a deadline......I can't pull up their site anymore! Somewhere in big print deadlines need to be posted for first timers (live and learn I guess).
  22. Soap opera update.....apparently we are having entry fee issues Houston.
  23. So.....because you are making a living at fishing, you have the right of way? What? Please, running 600' copper in a pack is lunacy! Maybe, we need a flag system to denote if someone is running copper!
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