what part of the water column were the biters coming from? My buddy caught one 120’ down and the 100’ down on riggers. I thought maybe he was fishing below the fish by targeting the deep marks.
A dead fish in a cooler or on a rope is still a dead fish. Stocking numbers factor both into the equation. Total numbers is not what the spirit of this thread was about. How do we stop the slide into smaller fish that spawn at 2 years? Perhaps a slot for kings on the Salmon River? We want the two year olds yanked out. Catch and release anything over 30” ??
Just a snapshot in a three month-long run but look at all of the 12-14 lbers. Perhaps the answer is not the bigs get ripped out (no fishing on the Ganny during most of the run) but maybe only the smalls can jump into the raceway at the Corbett Dam?