Not sure this will produce for us in three years. Water temps are really warm this year. I think you need water in the 50’s to have eggs eye-up once fertilized but with evolution, who knows. Jurassic Park.
Not sure how the resolution will be degraded going from a still photo captured off cell cam movie footage, but this cool interaction took place on the way to my first sit in deer woods. I was feet away from a Fisher guarding his baby Opossum kill. Complete disregard for my presence and it probably would have fought me to protect it’s meal.
Eden NY. Saw this posted by a coworker of my niece (ie. I have no idea who the lucky hunter is). I would say by the body size, the deer was a regular at the Eden Corn Festival.
Ya, I saw that. I even contacted FishUSA product support to track down but they were told by Pradco that it was a limited run produced at some point or something custom. No dice.
Only theory. I have heard it is to loosen the eggs. I think sometimes they are posturing and chasing one another. If kings are left alone they will collimate in the water from top to bottom similar to other saltwater species. I think groupers are known for this. When in Alaska you can really see this tight schooling behavior.