Cohos show up in the spring when the emerald shiners move in. Two things to look for : one, look for a school of bait that looks like a bunch of little dots on your fishfinder. These usually present in the upper 1/3 of the water column towards the end of March in 30-70’ fow in Niagara County. Those are emeralds and there will be cohos around them. Second, look for diving Terns. Terns can only feed on small bait. Where there are terns, there is small bait and potentially cohos. This scenario can take place anywhere but usually near the shoreline. Cohos don’t really need anything special. Your spring brown spread will have plenty of coho catching capability. If I sense cohos are around, I will add a orange z-dodger and fly to my shoreline spread off a rigger or add a mini spin doc and fly for the deeper bite.