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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. An expensive sport will invariably become out of reach in cost for the average working man in the near future IMO. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/11/22/gm-takes-a-stake-in-electric-boating-start-up-pure-watercraft.html https://www.purewatercraft.com/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC_Link&utm_campaign=Outboard&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI49b8_qG29AIVjf6zCh24KAinEAEYASAAEgIxXPD_BwE
  2. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    ……so I have this picture in my head of you chasing a deer while dragging your oxygen tank. Hardcore man …..hardcore.
  3. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    I assume they were not wearing orange. Upcharge.
  4. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Public vs private will be different. On public land I am expecting deer to be pushed in the morning by hunters walking in. It’s all about studying a terrain map, figure out a way to get in the middle of it all without being seen, heard or smelled and wait for light. There is also movement deep in the backwoods around remote mast crops. Where you hunt Rob, I can understand why you wouldn’t hunt mornings. Field oriented deer can see you coming and going if they are nearby. Bucks will be out all night chasing so they will sleep in. Consider getting into stand at 9:30 am to catch that late morning buck wake-up and take a stroll time and then stay til dark. You will spook less still hunting to your stand late morning on your walk in. You would be amazed by the amount of deer that slink off without snorting or make a sound when you walk in when dark.
  5. Giant. We cut some day old tracks of a bear Saturday. Congrats on your trophy
  6. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    9:30 this morning on state land Catt County. Old battle scarred 9 pointer with some stickers. He was blind in one eye and had a pus pocket wound on his forehead. Easy down hill drag to the creek for a little bath before going for a ride back to camp
  7. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    whoa…be careful you are out of practice! Remember a night of card playing, Genesee Cream Ale, chili, and excitement of opening morning can put a quick end to your scent-free undergarments. 💩💩🙀
  8. 7” of snow predicted in Catt county. No way! Crockpot kills all.
  9. I had read some research at the start of the pandemic that ungulates could be vectors for COVID. Worst fears appear true. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/11/10/1054224204/how-sars-cov-2-in-american-deer-could-alter-the-course-of-the-global-pandemic
  10. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

  11. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Yep. Different strategy. Down there you play the game of determining hunter movement opposed to pure deer movement. I will do the work and get back 3/4 mile at least and never see a soul. Sit right in the middle and let the day unfold. Lately, deer drives don’t happen until the second week. I am seeing the evolution of the public land hunter into treestand use
  12. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Leave your northern deer alone for opening week. The neighbors will push deer onto your properties for when you return. Join in the fun on a large southern tier block. In the big woods, hunter movement can be welcome.
  13. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    I was vaccinated Dec 2020/ Jan 2021. Doubt it was from that. There have been 7.52 BILLION doses of COVID vaccine administered worldwide. We have a huge population of vaccinated people. The side effects are not worth spending a minute of discussion on as they are inconsequential.
  14. If you catch a trespasser, chances are they will not be wearing orange. This adds an upcharge to their ticket by breaking two laws
  15. Laws are often developed to counter our own stupidity. To save us from ourselves and/or litigation. I had my gun pointed in the direction of an individual that was walking through thick redbrush wearing upper and lower full body carhart brown clothing. The hunter was trespassing on private land. The incident never got to the point that I took the safety off but I was viewing the brown blob through my scope. The incident shook me. It doesn’t matter, public or private land as you never know who is trespassing. The orange hunter safety clothing was part and parcel with the state changing the legal hunting hours. The state probably would not have increased the hunting hours without the changes to hunter orange.
  16. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Great genetics
  17. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    it’s falling in Catt county but I am up north.
  18. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Snowing here. The old lady says no tree stands until medical tests done. Good weekend for a blind anyway
  19. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Usually piebalds are small. That is the biggest one I have ever seen!
  20. Agreed, winds on the west end were on average more manageable this year. The one thing that made spring king fishing more difficult this year was the lack of the usual amount of East winds we get in April and May. East winds serve to keep the Niagara water to the west and East winds can also drive fish towards the surface where they are easier to get at. The damn bait never left the bottom this spring.
  21. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    If it helps folks out (even those in Ohio), I spent a lot of time in the woods last week. The woods are mostly vacant of any mast crops or apples. The deer have really taken to green fields. The does are bedding in thick secondary growth near field edges and are acting like they do during gun season by not moving much as they are in hiding from bucks. I watched doe groups move less than 100 yards in an entire all day sit. If you hunt the big woods, you will think there are not many deer around unless you can find a pile of Hickory nuts. The clock is ticking. Dead deer finally showing up on roadways tells us there has been an uptick in activity. Buck sightings really started to increase Saturday.
  22. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Welcome back!
  23. Gill-T


    I don’t believe anything coming out of Washington
  24. Gill-T


    The tax bill sitting on floor of the house has provisions to address the fact that billionaires are paying zero tax. The tax plan pays for the two trillion ten year spending on the infrastructure bill.
  25. Just a reminder that in NY you must now wear orange while hunting with a gun. https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/28605.html
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