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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Might be a moonshine spoon but can’t really tell.
  2. My brother has been struggling to find walleyes so far this year. Muddy water has plagued the water off the Catt. I thought I would throw my hat into the ring and see if we could find them. Trailered my rig to small boat harbor and took up a troll along the international border but ended a three hour act of futility early. Marked some nice bait pods but almost no predators around them. Perhaps they are still in the Niagara feasting on the strong Emerald Shiner run this year. Oh well, I guess we will have to wait for Ohio fish to show.
  3. Well.... you ain’t a nube anymore.
  4. Great footage and action as per usual. However, the background music sounded like someone was strangling a squirrel lol.
  5. Boat not fixed yet as this is a busy time for boat guys. Zero walleyes tonight.
  6. Mission accomplished on South end.
  7. I threw my hat in the ring. Bluegills for fish fry first order of business, then casting for walleyes tonight (Otisco).
  8. Don’t worry about having the latest, they are hitting everything. A cigarette with a treble will probably work right about now.
  9. Boat doctors are open.
  10. Last I checked slippery sinker closed. Wilson Harbor might have their shop open.
  11. I use two Weldon pad releases per line on anything longer than 4 colors. A single Weldon Pad per 4 colors or less. Bury the braid 3/4 into the pad.
  12. This time of year I typically fish 10-2pm. Sleep in. Good weather windows dictates when I fish also.
  13. Well done! I almost got spooled on a king on Wednesday on a eight color w/flasher/fly before it shook the hook. What a time to have boat issue while there are four year olds around.
  14. Rob, anytime a front is approaching during the spring, expect East or NE winds on Ontario.
  15. Camouflage your weights and they will follow your spoons.
  16. Thank you for an excellent product, price point and service.
  17. Spoon patterns used today.
  18. Yep I remember. I was watching the penn yan getting towed and said to myself “I wonder when I will need a tow” lol. Oh well 14 years was a good run.
  19. Try kirbing the hook and see if it helps.
  20. Cool uncle, great name.
  21. Thanks gents. I think the original (1988) fuel pump went. We were picking up to head in, got up on plane and it pooped. Changing fuel filter didn’t help.
  22. Stupid easy fishing continues off Niagara county. Fished from 10:30-4 and took over 40 fish. Fat lakers were a nuisance even high in water column. Lots of kings The age structure has changed this week from mostly three year olds all this spring to mostly two year olds as a percentage. The bad news is after 14 years with my current rig, boater’s bad luck gremlins caught up with me. I got a towed. Special thanks to the town of Newfane fire dept for the assistance. I was sad to see the cormorants tearing up the released king fingerlings. It looks like they got crushed.
  23. Waiting for ice to melt on fiberglass then out for a king hunt off Olcott. Looks like the day is shaping up nicely. Good luck all.
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