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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Why not a UV-glow two-face deer blind ?
  2. If a deer sat at the base of a tree and ate every last apple, they would explode with gas! Apples are a “desert”. Deer need a good mix of greens,browse, protein from nuts and lastly fruit. They will eat two or three apples and keep moving. Great kill spots as they make noise crunching them that blocks the sound of you drawing your bow.
  3. Gill-T


    I could sit and watch them all day.
  4. That has been a destination hunt I have always wanted to try. Do you hire a farmer to take you back w/horses?
  5. Wow!!!!!!!
  6. Yes. I believe Canadians were concerned about some runs of steelhead that developed off tribs to the St. Lawrence that they considered discontinuing stocking on the East end of the lake.
  7. Take time to go thru these videos. Much of the hard work on maintaining a quality fishery in Canada falls to fishing clubs. https://www.lakehuronfishingclub.com/
  8. I was a hired gun for Vince lol. Had a blast. In reference to -does the signature of a shark ball matter..,,,I believe the great Vince Pierleoni once said at a LOTSA lecture “everything matters” as it pertains to what we put in the water.
  9. This is how we extract fishing secrets out of you Pete! Got ya!
  10. I will call BS on attraction of facets. Go to John King’s website michiganangler.com and scroll thru some of his underwater videos. He has a few with underwater audio on capturing how obnoxiously loud cable hum is under the water. I can’t believe fish can “hear” or detect anything with that hum going on. I spend a lot of effort making my gear quieter and more stealthy. I do own a non-faceted shark and catch fish off it. Don’t buy into gimmicks or snake-oil salesmen......that is how we ended up with Trump.
  11. good for that kid! At 18 I would have shot the deer in the brow tine because that is were I would have been looking!
  12. Makes you think twice about napping in the tree!
  13. There is a ton of variables unique to each stocking location. Water turbidity, water temps, proximity to cormorant roosts, how the fish are handled, presence of a VHS fish die-off while pen-rearing takes place, type and amount of fish predators around when fingerlings are released, etc etc. that a few years of data is hard to hang your hat on. I would like to see a longer clipping study that would include direct stocking at upstream locations, pen-reared, and direct lake stocked.
  14. The Tunison Lab at Cornell receives federal dollars, you know what Rick meant Salty 13.
  15. What is the hours on the motor?
  16. Your observations are on the money, esp. the part on the fish evolving to run later. To bring the runs back to better support the bank fishery, the DEC should consider only stripping eggs and sperm from late October-November fish and increase the allotment going to pen-rearing. If the DEC is afraid of too much natural reproduction happening, stocking more fish into the streams that cannot support natural reproduction due to warm water temps and poor substrate, would help keep natural reproduction down while supporting the fisheries around the lake. I don't like the DEC's stance that two pen-reared fish equal one direct stocked because of better survival rate. There was not enough study time and data to support the 2:1 theory as fact. The DEC does read these posts so keep the good conversation going.
  17. The Atlantic Salmon program has ZERO effect on the Lake Ontario fishery and the economies of the ports around the lake, therefore, you have had ZERO net effect on the lake. BTW, saying hello to biologists at State-of-the Lake meetings does not constitute “working” with them. To call out and question Capt Vince’s credibility is just plain stupid. Keep in your lane.....stream fishing for that one Atlantic per year you catch.
  18. Now that is a buck!!
  19. I think the idea “Salty 13” is that the fish are NOT imprinted on the salmon river.
  20. Guys might go up to the mountains days in advance to set up remote camps and scout. Bad cell service areas means they may not have gotten word. I love the southern tier woods after three feet dumps. I have the place to myself.
  21. Big fish have moved in onto humps. Try inshore.
  22. Hopefully, hunters out in the mountains of Montana get out safe. I am sure there will be people stranded. Three feet of snow......
  23. Yes, I believe that is correct Brian. 2016 was a warm year of weather hence the record alewife year class.
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