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Tackle Buster

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About Tackle Buster

  • Birthday 11/18/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sodus Point, NY
  • Home Port
    Sodus Point
  • Boat Name
    Tackle Buster

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  1. Hello Harvey, I'll take 20 - 12 lb and 20 - 16 lb at your earliest convenience. You have my number. Thanks
  2. Maybe no one knows anything because I, Me, Myself was working on this in between running two small business and working a 90 plus hour a week job. Everything was laid out and ready for production including registration by the end of May as discussed with some. Read back through the thread it was a guaranteed event in place and ready to happen with some fine tuning required for payouts. Information rules, structure, dates etc available online. Ahhhhhh it doesn't matter , I'm not waastng anymore of my time. "Unstable fuse", maybe one should look in the mirror from time to time.
  3. Best fishing boat out there, Can ya stretch it into a 35
  4. Yes Al it is going to happen. To what extent is going to be determined greatly on the participation level. I am trying to find the time to get a sign up registration together. It will all work out here eventually.
  5. We will be holding the Sodus "Pro / Am" as planned, to what extent is to be determined. Although we have had the initial rush of yes, absolutely, definately we are in so on and so on. The commitment is slow forth comning. We wish we had the capital to run with the original plan but unfortunately we do not. We will be fine tuning some things in the near future and setting a deposit deadline for those planning to participate. At that time we will be able to determine the pay out and prize structure. We are hoping to be close to or BETTER than the initial structure. There will be competitive fishing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. the rewards will be determined by all of you. So we ask, get the word out and be ready for a one of a kind fishing event at Sodus Point. stay tuned for updates.
  6. Warren's Hardwater Blowout has been canceled due to unforseen circumstances. Additionally: the tackle shop will be closed until April 2nd. Lodging will be available by reservation only. Sorry for any inconvenience
  7. Wayne, Thank you and I will be talking with you in the near future as to the sponsoship offer, we do appreciate that greatly, at this point we are doing this on our own (imagine that) As to the big fish friday for our tournament running from July 19th thru July 21 (WE will be running that as well, that is the easiest portion of this event). Mr. Brown, I appreciate your willingness to answer questions directed to me on my post however, I would appreciate it even more if people would consult with me prior to answering my questions. Thank You
  8. typo on the last message but the same as it's been for the past 10 plus years: this one should work [email protected]
  9. UPDATE: I've ask, I've ask, I've ask. Heres the deal. Although the original poll shows one thing and the numbers can be taken for what they are. We have TWO eople working on this tournament. This takes A LOT of time and effort to put together. And this is the easy part. I have ask for email with team name and events you will be fishing and events you might be fishing, Definitely want to see both but NEED the ones that know they will be attending. The format and rules are there to review, http://soduspointbaittackle.shutterfly.com/ww they may be tweaked somewhat but it will be close to whats there now. I have received two emails at this time and 10 other forms of confirmation as to participation. I'm asking again for the last time. (yep I'll be the butt of the day, someone has to do it) I need emails sent to [email protected] with the team names, events you will fish, events you might fish. We have way to much going on to waste time here if no one is going to participate. If we can get you all involved as to who is going to participate. We can make this a BIG enjoyable and competitive weekend. If not then I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens when we set our sign up dates and get the numbers and see what we can do at that point.
  10. Wow, wasn't sure I was on the same site. Looks good Thanks
  11. Although most of what 1fish2fish posted as pertaining to the Pro/Am of last year is similar to our tournament rules it would be wise to review our tournament information and rules as we update them. We put the first draft out last week and will update as neccassary. Information can be found at http://soduspointbai...utterfly.com/ww Thanks
  12. First and foremost yes, However as mentioned earlier this can be a great learning experience regardless of your current experience.
  13. Chas0218 - The observer for your team will be randomly picked at the catains meeting to go on another boat. The observer on your boat will be from another team. It is your choice on your observer, however this should be a wise and seriously thought out choice to perform the duties required of them and to maintain the integrity of the tournament. Not just in it for the 100.00 or 150.00. Should you choose an observer that is just going for a boat ride not only are you afecting the integrity of the tournament but you are giving your observer's team an advantage over you. Matt -If we was to do the best 6 of the 9 box limit that would be unfair to the Am teams and anyone else that may be just fishing the shootout only. that is the reason for the first 6 from the pro division. Thanks
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