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Posts posted by Recycled_Fish

  1. Greetings from Recycled Fish!

    We first want to thank the moderators of the board for their generous offer to let us share the Sportsman's Stewardship Pledge here. It's something for anglers everywhere, and you guys are obviously a stewardship-minded community, which is very cool.

    We saw that you have your own pledge, the LOU Pledge, and that's great. Please take ours as well - you'll get a free membership to Recycled Fish and double your "Pledge Power."

    Recycled Fish is the organization of anglers as stewards of the resource. In this new year, there's a push like never before for those of us who love the lakes, streams and seas to be the best caretakers of them that we can be.

    Our waterways are a "canary in the coal mine" for bigger environmental problems, and in our times they're speaking to troubles indeed. We anglers and sportsmen are the ones who have for generations been their stewards, and we must carry on that legacy together.

    Check out the Sportsman's Stewardship Pledge below, and then click through to our site to add your name to stand up as a steward in a new way in 2008!

    Everybody who takes the pledge gets a free packet of goodies in the mail from us, including FoodSource Lures, a Seafood Watch guide, RF Decal and more.

    There's no cost, nothing to buy, but everything to lose. Our lakes, streams and seas need not just sportsmen but stewards in 2008.


    I choose to be a good steward of our natural resources on and off the water by living a lifestyle of environmental awareness.

    I will always abide by fish & game laws where I fish or hunt.

    I practice Catch and Release & Selective Harvest faithfully and responsibly.

    I will “police my resource,â€Â

  2. Cheers!

    We came across your website and forum, and think it's an awesome testimony to anglers being good stewards of the resource.

    We're pleased to be able to join in here.

    Our organization is called Recycled Fish. Visit our site at www.RecycledFish.org, and be sure to take our "Sportsman's Stewardship Pledge," there's a link right at the top of the home page.

    You get a free membership to our organization, and it's another great way you can stand up as a steward of our fisheries.

    Some guys say, "I already do all that stuff in the pledge, why do I need to fill out a form to say so?"

    Truth is, we use that info to justify the case that anglers and other outdoors-men and women really ARE the primary stewards of the resource, so it helps us make a case in the media and in public perception.

    As dedicated as we all are, we can all continue to grow, and we're doing that together at Recycled Fish - hope you'll join us today.

    We're happy to be joining you guys here at Lake Ontario United!


    Teeg Stouffer

    Executive Director

    [email protected]

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