Thanks for going on the defense of this unfortunate incident that happened to RodBuster and crew. Unfortunately most people don't have the understanding of the job function of an officer in the line of duty. I can asure all good fishermen that no intentional harm was done to to tangle lines or lose valuable gear. Everday I personally deal with issues on the northern border to asure that my homeland (an yours) remains safe and secure. You are correct in stating the Canadian border is not the Mexican border.There is 4 times as much more border to the north and 1/4 of the officers to patrol, all potential points of entry must be considered. Everyday the threat exist of illegal aliens,contraband,weapons,etc entering, and when confronted desperate measure are often taken to avoid capture. Please remember that law enforcement have families they want to go home to safely, and yes they spend time fishing when time allows too.
Respectfully yours.
A LOU member.