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Dreams Come True Charters

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Everything posted by Dreams Come True Charters

  1. The rigger cables are sold and pic is gone thanks [ Post made via Android ]
  2. I guess the Smelly Jelly is still available since I have seen nothing from the guy that said he wanted it! Please guys at least let me know if you dont want this stuff if you say your going to take it other guys want it and I feel bad they cant buy it. Thanks Rick
  3. yes scott it is. Let me know if you want it its a good deal for allot of line! Call me after 5 tonight Ill be at the store or text me if you want it! Thanks
  4. Theres allot of big alewifes out there so try some mag spoons to !!
  5. Smelly jellys are already sold. Thanks guys [ Post made via Android ]
  6. so far everything is still available but the smelly jelly pending payment.
  7. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: Capt. Rick Pecci / Dreams Come True Charters ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):Mat 12th Time on Water:6 hrs Weather/Temp:sunny warm 70's Wind Speed/Direction:minimal Waves: flat Surface Temp: 50.4 Location: mexico bay LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 21 Total Boated: 15 Species Breakdown: 15 Kings, 1 Brown Trout, 4 Lakers, 1 Rainbow Hot Lure: Stinger Sting Rays, Nk 28's and Dream Weavers Trolling Speed: 2.5 to 3.0 Down Speed: 2.5 to 2.8 Boat Depth: 110 to 170 Lure Depth: 50 to 85 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Another banner day for the crew aboard the Dreams. The morning started well with rods going within the first few minuets of the morning and we move rods well untill about noon. All green spoons anything with green in it so you guys can choose what to run but NBK Stingray has been #1 for me. Small dippys on a 1 and 2 setting out 225 to 300 worked well but the dippys werent as hot as last week. The 400 copper was thou taking at least 6 kings and 2 lakers. Some smaller skippy Kings came on sliders as well as the one Brown and a Laker. Dippys and riggers took the rest. 50, 60 and 70 was my rigger spread and I went as deep as 85 and took the biggest King there. West was best troll in the morning and we only took 2 fish going East due to a hellashus current. Not much bait around but some Kings had their tummys packed with big adult alewifes. Well, Im sure we all hope they stick around as they sure are fun on light tackle. Tight lines
  8. Whats the brand on the snubbers? [ Post made via Android ]
  9. NEW STUFF NEW STUFF and the Dreams Come True is all cleaned out for this season!!
  10. I will be adding more stuff later!!!! [ Post made via Android ]
  11. Just to let you guys know with the more recent thieveiy but also to all whom grace the parking lots of the Salmon River. I have been going to the river now for over 30 years and that everyone knows that goes there often is that there is a rash of break ins and theifts to cars in the upper sections of the river and has been for many years. Lets just say I have heard rumors and they are just that not facts is that is is some locals that very frequintly seek out these lots and target cars that are in places that the angler has to walk far from there vehical to fish so the cannot be detected when they steal. I do not know who they are but I have lost lots of gear in the past up there also. These guys make a regular run up and down these upper lots waiting for a clear shot to steal. The only combat is to not leave anything your not using that day in your car of value. I have heard of countless numbers of gear theft. These guys need to be caught and delt with as I also have lost thousands of dollors of gear to whom ever it is. I do hope you have better luck in finding who they are but check your local e-bay and craigs list cause thats where all this is prbably going to end up for beer money! Just saying!!!!Sorry about your loss is sure sucks!
  12. Guys, this is what I preech about all the time. Its lake Ontario a put and take fishery to a point. There are countless miles of water with fish enough for everyone. This fishery is here for us and because of us with our tax dollies and pen projects etc. If you think keeping a lake with several hundred miles of circumstance a secret then for all whom make their living by fishing it will be broke and gone. Shes been here for a long time and will for the future. I choose to tell all and enjoy the fun. Remember you were once the guy that didn't know crape about this lake and you once looked fir the same info and advice. Do us all a favor, charters gas stations tackle shops coffee shops diners camp grounds and more please no more secrets!! Tight lines to all and life is toooo short enjoy the ride unroll there all gone. [ Post made via Android ]
  13. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: captain. Rick Pecci the dreams come true ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):sat may5th Sunday may 6th Time on Water: 6 hrs each Weather/Temp: nice 40's 50's Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: sat rough sun flat Surface Temp: 40's Location:Mexico bay LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: over 50 Total Boated:over 36 Species Breakdown:kings lamers browns Hot Lure: all stinger stinger ray spoons dream weavers nks Trolling Speed: 3.0 Down Speed: 2.5 to 3.0 Boat Depth: 110 to 130 Lure Depth: 60 to 80 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAIL Another great king weekend aboard the dreams come true. Mostly all kings a few lakers and one nice brown. Most kings were 1 to 2 year olds up to 20 lbs. The brown was around 8 lbs. Lakers were big and nasty. One pushing 20 lbs. My troll speed has been higher 2.5 to 3.0 at the ball. Lots of schooled up fish and bait. Looks like fall out there. Most fish hit going west as I noticed a big current. A nice break is set up in about 125 foot. Water is green so everything I ran was green. Stinger sting rays and nk's and dreamweavers all took fish. NBK was hott! I'm still running 12 lb. Test and having fun while the kings last. Small dipsys in green out 275 and 285 on a one setting and 300 and 400 coppers were also hot. 60 70 80 on the riggers did the best back 30 to 50 off the ball. Get out guys and have fun! They won't be here for long!!! ==================== [ Post made via Android ]
  14. I still have a bunch of the holders left!! If anyone wants some! [ Post made via Android ]
  15. This is a season for the record books! If anyone ever wanted to fish this lake NOW is the time! Call your friends, neighbors and fellow anglers and get here! Great job guys!! Tight lines [ Post made via Android ]
  16. Thanks guys I did see that on ebay. [ Post made via Android ]
  17. Looking for an Okuma Titus 50L reel for a 500 copper. thanks Rick 315-790-7412 or [email protected]
  18. my Jedi mind tricks will work on you. Those are not the droids, oh, I meas flashers you've seen before! LOL
  19. Awesome welcome to the club!! King sickness!! Lol [ Post made via Android ]
  20. I was using stinger spoons bri. Nothing to fancy. What custom flashers I don't know what your talking about!!!! Lololol [ Post made via Android ]
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