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Everything posted by ladyblugill

  1. nice job guys. scott,i remember talking to you early on when we entered and you saying 20 would be great but would be happy with 15. congrats on the 29 boat turnout. the more the merrier. as someone noted there's alot of dead water "inbetween". that with the weather forecast should make it interesting.stay safe and good luck to everyone.
  2. after putting back 2 nice 11.5 browns last week thinking they didn't have a chance and spending all week only seeing 3 on the board we decided for a new approach today.bingo!..a lovely 12.05 laker for the current leading division fish ....catch us if u can ...can't wait for the sandy shootout on sunday. please feel free to contact on ch. 68 as much as possible.....mary ellen just can't get enough of open communication.
  3. there was a l.oc. boat derby ?...how'd i ever miss that one ? sorry...couldn't resist
  4. i like the salmon only part of it.that's the way it should be for the biggest and the best on the lake.sounds like a good tourney. good luck to all.
  5. thank you mick. last yr. the at the oak site posted results pretty much daily but i haven't found them there yet. we tossed back a 11.5 brown today and you always wonder.glad we did even tho it would be on the board now it wouldn't make it 2 weeks from now.but it's nice to follow. thanks again.
  6. thanx for the laughs ray. happy b-day.
  7. we went out of braddocks last friday and had a great day on the browns. mary ellen got to reel the best one in at 13 lb. 14 oz. just ran 2 rods 45 ft. down over 55 f.o.w. and had non stop action.on the n.k's. here's the pics.
  8. looking at the l.o.c. derby board i'd guess you're right. congrats to spoonfed.
  9. where did they go?...i guess it goes to show you don't want to jump the gun on anything.looking at the current l.o.c. board i would have to say dave was right on the money with handicapping the trout prize in the boat derby if it took place.
  10. I've waited long enough to say what I want to say. Evidently those who usually have a lot to say on this site when it comes to suckholing are afraid to step up to the plate, when it comes to something being this wrong. This is BS. It was clearly stated on the entry form that the GO-No Go date would be May 15th. According to this post Post subject: Re: LOC Derby $1200 per Day Boat DerbyPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:05 pm Joined: Sun May 04, 2008 7:25 pm Posts: 81 Yes, I have received enough email and verbal commitments along with actual checks and registrations for a go. For those who need an applicaiton there is one in the LOC newspaper and on the web site. This Derby was a go. Futhermore, You told me personally at the weigh station in youngstown during the spring derby, the first week of May, that this derby was a Go. Dave, you've tarnished your credability with me. Once you made the commitment to Go, you should have stood by your word,even if a few boats short. You should have anticipated that there would be people registering at the last minute. Once you said it was a Go you should have honored your commitment, even if you took a loss. That is business. I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh. I sent my check in, in April, and it was cashed. To come home yesterday evening from getting my boat ready to fish this derby in the mornning, turn on the computer to this site, and find out it was cancelled -due to lack of interest- really pissed me off. This is not what I expected from you. Futhermore, the respose from this site totally underwhelms me. This site should be more than a mutual admiration society. ROCK and TROLL
  11. thanks Tim, those sites made it easy for me to get the info i needed regarding the open division. was thinking of wrapping up the summer derby by doing the sodus one.didn't realise that each day was indivisual instead a 2 day combined event.saw the price for each day and i am fine with all that. would like to know the prize structure. is it a certain % cash back within the division entrants ? also how many places are usually paid along with # of boats normally entered? it might all be there somewhere but can't find it. ....Gambler.....might be your computer...i can scroll all the way down the rules no problem.
  12. the results would be nice.
  13. missed the opening week due to fishing the spring derby for the first time or at least opening day anyways so got a late start on the turkeys. after more than 2 weeks of trying to lure in the only mature gobbler that i new of on our block in hilton i finally connected this morning.this bird probably didn't move much more than 500 yrds for the past 2 weeks and had no interest in my calling or decoys or anything except the hens he usually was already grouped up with.even actually got to watch him breed a few from a couple hundred yrd. away a few times.this morning was different.he gobbled away in his usual roosting area right from the jump so nothing to get excited about. but about 6 a.m. the hens came off the roost from the other side of me yelping like crazy.so i st.arted to chime in and for the first time he started moving closer.fortunately the hens beat him to my decoys and had some tense moments as i literally had them walk by me within 5 ft. and new if i spooked them it"d be over.shortly after he came gobbling and marching in from the opposite direction...alone... ...and it ended up being one of my best and amazing hunts ever... 10 inch beard Yup...it feels like a twenty one pound laker to me!... .....actually I did weigh it
  14. Jim and Ange just got lucky. i bet theres no way you could have talked Pequad into jigging for lakers 20 yrs. ago or even a couple yrs. ago for that matter. we ended up with 10th and 14th place. it was fun while it lasted
  15. hey..you look familiar. nice pics of the kings. we crossed paths and chatted inside the boathouse at the marina.our boat was parked a few down from you.surprisingly we had a couple lakers around 20 lbs. that held on till the end.woulda never believed it after the first couple of days but they got hard to find after that.we enjoy the area too and will be seeing you next yr. good luck in the pro-ams.
  16. july 10 and 11...entry fee increased to 250 this yr. always a great time. if you need a place to stay call the clarion early and you get a big discount on the rooms if you ask for the amara-can walleye tournament rate.
  17. i wouldn't be overly concerned or put too much into fishing the canadian side of the bar. a couple yrs ago our motor crapped out on us while fishing just over the line during the spring derby. n/e wind and 5 ft waves put us too far over for the u.s coast guard to come out and get us after we finally gave up and called them with our coordinates.they said they would contact the canadian c.g. and they would get back to us. 5 minutes later the cell phone rang and they were on there way.after a brief conversation they said normally they would have towed us back to the niagara but the conditions were to difficult. couldn't blame them for that since it was a straight with the waves tow back to st. catherines.once at the dock in the harbor they just asked for our driver i.d's so they could notify customs that we were inthe country.they never came on the boat or drilled us with questions and were very pleasant and respectfull. after many yrs. fishing the canadian side of the bar that has been our only experience with the canadian authorities. it was kinda interesting tho on the way back to retrieve the truck/trailer in youngston and going thru u.s. customs sitting in the back of a taxi when the customs agent asked..."what was the purpose of your trip to canada"..
  18. time is drawing near and the 4 of us are still undecided about entering the pay every day derby.since we will be spending 8 days at the niagara for the spring derby i say go. but some say no. because the website says 1000 a day guaranteed may 1 and may2. but what about may 3 thru sept. o6 ? not much has been said on here or anywhere else so we don't know what to do. does anyone on here have any definate information to the status of the event? they said to ask ray. he has lots of common sense..
  19. ladyblugill

    sodus 4/13

    had another good day today on the perch but it looks like it's winding down.finally found them near the channel on the deep side of the drop off in 18-20 f.o.w...still got a bunch of big spawned out 12 inch females that are probably following the contour back out to the lake. quite a few boats coming back in from trolling on the lake.guess it's time to switch over to that program.
  20. were you at sudus today?
  21. another spot to try if you have a boat is sodus. i was there today and the perch fishing doesn't get any better than that.fatheads in 10 -12 fow produced the bigger ones. anchor once you find them.
  22. it all sounded like a bunch of baloney from the beginning to me.the libs like to threatin and scare to get there way. wouldn't doubt to see local govs. take over some parks and launchs as which already happened at i-bay and braddocks yrs. ago.braddocks is privately run now tho i believe. the cost usually goes up a couple buck but at least there still open.
  23. probably saw you. only saw 2 boats today each with 3 people aboard.left at noon. fishing around newark?
  24. don't know which way your hour is away but if it's south or east i'd go to sodus. i'd suspect i-bay to be kinda muddy right now but don't know for sure. was at sodus today and pounded the perch this morning for a couple hours before the breeze picked up and my anchors wouldn't hold. 12- 20 fow..fatheads under a slip bobber.
  25. thanks for clarifing that dave. like i said i would enter either way. i.m.o. dick shleyer and yourself have done more thru the eslo and loc derbies than anyone else out there to make the fishery what it is today and which many have benifeted from and enjoyed.i like the format and the added interest it could bring to the summer derby. thanks for your efforts and i hope it works out.
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