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Everything posted by ladyblugill

  1. i'm definately going to enter this one either way if it takes place but one question i have Dave is on you're first post is you state the reason for keeping the 600 # is no need for 1099's and taxes. i alway's thought that was the magic #. reading the latest derby gazette rule #21 states that all derby recipents are responsible for paying taxes on prizes 600 or more.. i'd hate to enter my boat and do all the splitsies to find out next yr. i only got to pay the taxes. could you please clarify since i plan on winning numerous times
  2. i see one of the sponsers is the 1000/day derby. is that still looking like a go. haven't heard much about it lately but wouldn't want to miss out on anything.
  3. o.k.....then it sounds like to me that they don't have the experience or knowledge to govern the charlotte peir let alone the great crountry we call america.
  4. nothing...the topic evidently took a turn.can i ask you why child obesity is the first lady's pet project yet they don't seem to care about the taxpayers dollars being spent on everything from ice cream to soda pop.i'm not trying to point a finger that lower income people are more at risk or the cause but since 1 in 6 receives an entitlement that could truly effect the impact i am concerned about the genuine interests and concerns of our legislators.
  5. if they really wanted to help people and there health instead of stupid pet projects and bills and new taxes they could easily just reform one of the biggest entitlement programs called food stamps.since a significant # of people, i believe it is 1 in 6 americans are now receiving them.instead of a soda tax that would blanket everyone including those that eat and drink responsibly maybe the legislators should revise the use of them. no more pop..no more candy bars..no more potatoe chips....and now no more salt.
  6. everybody has to do there own math but the empire passport can be a good way to go if you do a lot of launching at state launches or visit the parks. still 65 bucks this yr, no increase believe it or not.i launch a lot at those places and it easily pays for itself by the end of june for me. after that i almost feel like i'm getting something for free from the state for a change. .now would be the time to do it if you use them enough.
  7. too many rules on the am. side. i can understand it on the pro side. much more at stake and a whole different ball game. i like the idea of a pro/ open division format but the wannabee ams with the big egos wouldn't want to welcome the competition from us old has bens..just some "open communication" to stay on track with the topic, before i get crucified..
  8. i bought a few reels for my tipdowns at davenports at sodus a couple weeks ago. nobody else around roch. had any left then either. nice ones and cheap too. give them a try if you're out that way.
  9. great idea, dave. perfect for people in my situation.whether licenced captains pay twice as much or not i'm definately in. hope it works out.
  10. sorry for chiming in.thought ray's topic was what could be done to get more boats entered. if you don't like the answers maybe you should quit bringing up the topic every year.just keep taking care of yourself.didn't realise i was on such a liberal forum. surprised you didn't call me a tea bagger.as far as a bigger boat, don't think so.as much as i enjoy the competition it's still just the fishing i enjoy most. living just 5 minutes from the lake and being able to fish any day i want i can pick and choose when to go out.the rough water doesn't bother me a bit and been out there during tournament/derbies plenty of times over the past 25 yrs. while much bigger boats never left the dock. but i wouldn't want to put an observer, especially someone i don't know thru it....by the way i did fish one last yr. and had a good time,the observer was a good guy and the boat that i joined in on was plenty big enough to accomodate all of us comfortably. that wouldn't have been the case on my boat.
  11. ..blue pills....everyone knows the standard tip is a hundred and i personally would not feel good about shorting someone i don't know if that were the case. i think the point is that my 20 fter is a boat load with just the 3 of us and having a 4th sitting around taking up space especially during the crappy spring weather wouldn't be a pleasant day on the lake for anyone. i'd guess that was icemans point also.
  12. amen.....seems like a no brainer to me but i guess some people just don't get it or are just stubborn.
  13. went out of spiegel yesterday. it was a mess. lots of snow over a few of inches of sluch. fishing sucked. i.m.o. the best exercises for tomarrow would be elbow bends while watching the playoffs.
  14. sounds good. thanks for the report.
  15. good report. will be out there soon. what was the size of the perch in your limit?
  16. definately up. lots of great ice fishing to be enjoyed and a nice relaxing break from trying to avoid you guys with the 900 ft of copper..
  17. you might have to worry about coyotes in brighton at some point but i doubt you'll have to ever worry about nuicance permits. i beleive they are what ruined my property for hunting this fall. it's not what i would call urban or even suburban but it is far from the big woods. doesn't take alot of permits to have a big impact on the hunting in this type of envirenment even if there isn't a large number killed. the rest are educated and move out before the season starts. i don't doubt they are justified in some areas but beleive the d.e.c. is also clueless in others, possibly due to the lack of resources (manpower) to adequetely regulate the true impact between the damage and deer population and the outcome it will have on the hunters on the surrounding properties. just my opinion. i also hunt the southern tier and this yr. was about avg. if not a bit better than the past few yrs. so i guess it's all about where you're hunting and a small change in the activity in your area can make a HUUUGE difference.
  18. i think they do it in stages. by division or places within a division. my girlfriends came 2 weeks before mine at the conclusion of the summer derby.
  19. couldn't agree more with what s. o. said. buying the bulk plastic at sam's is the way to go. don't know about the 400 tho. bought my foodsaver at kohl's for a little over a hundred 3 yrs ago and still works great after much use.
  20. .....very nice......congratulations. thanks for the pic and the story. must have been alot of excitement for you and your buddy when it hit the scale..
  21. you did good compared to what we did today off braddocks, bear. we got some fish but it was a slow pick. the good kings we got were dark and in the low 20's. nice day on the lake but i hope the fishing gets better.
  22. nice snow pillow you made for the bear. it looks very comfy. is that a zepco on an ultralight. looks like i have to step it to the 404 from the 202 if i want to get the big ones.
  23. nice pic ray, but we need to see more sand and waves. . we tried it all too, didn't want to go out to 500 so conceded for the lakers. got a couple, the best about 14 lbs. and didn't bother to weigh it in. gonna save on the gas tomarrow too..
  24. i just got into archery 3 yrs ago after about 30 with the shotgun and love it. what i like to do is go out just before dusk and watch them come out to feed. i got this buck in hilton ..at the end of my first wk. i seen him twice in july. once at thirty yrd for about 5 minutes. then he disappeared. continued to see the same 3 or 4 smaller bucks thru out the summer and into archery.but he was gone. figured he left my property or got hit by a car. i finally decided i would take one of the smaller bucks to get my first under my belt with an arrow when as i was going to climb up into my tree stand i see him half way across the field walking right at me. there he finally is and i'm not ready. anyhow i did get him. you can see the scar and damaged fur at the base of the neck so i'm thinking he was hit by a car and the reason for his disappearing. basically just a big 6 pt. with a triple brow tine. not a monster rack like the one in jerrys pics but a real heavy in mass like his. the taxidermist said it was 3 1/2 yrs old.
  25. i don't blame him for being bummed. i don't see any reason for a minimum age but there probably is one.
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