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February 5, 2008
Last visited
November 8, 2023
Everything posted by shu9265
I have Four (4) Cannon Mag 10a electric down riggers that are in search of a new home.
All work as they should.
Two have dual rod holders on them, other two have single rod holders.Wilson, NY
Or in Madison Ohio.
Looking for $200 each, or best offer .
Contact me here or call me at 716 535 7566
Thanks for looking, Bill
I am looking to buy an old Garmin GPS 128 If anyone has one they are no longer using, shoot me a message @ 716 535 7566 Thanks in advance. Bill
Thank You
Looking for one I can install at bar, so I need to find one with coin slot
Does the foos ball table have a coin slot ? Or is it for home use ?
I'll take them !
Give me a call or text at 716-535-7566
Thanks, Bill
I just redid my Islander this summer.
Use West System 105 epoxy and 205 hardener.
DO NOT use pressure treated plywood ! It WILL react with the aluminum and make a real mess !
If you use the west system, make sure you treat all edges and surfaces with (2) Two coats
You won,t be disappointed with the results.
Are these still available ?
PM me your PayPal address.
Thanks, Bill
If these are still available. I will take them !
PM me with your Paypal Address.
Thanks Bill
If they want to fish out of Buffalo, I run Week Daze Sport Fishing from NFTA Small Boat Harbor. Bill
Oh Boy it was a tough bite today out of the Catt. Ran west to Dunkirk turned and trolled the hill and back down the line. Managed 5 fish.
Two came on Renosky Mirror image perch , Riggers 68 down.
Took 2 on dipsys 100 back 3.5 setting, black and purple scale 3D worm harness, One came on a harness and 10 jet diver 150 back on an inline board.
Only saw 1 other boat out there with us today.
Fished out of Sturgeon Point on Thursday am, Was a bumpy ride out headed west to the micro wave towers,
Set up and trolled with following waves back toward the point.
3D worm harnesses did the trick today. Black and Purple scale. Pulled them behind jet 10,20,30,40 and dipseys.
Most of the fish came on 20 and 30 jets and divers. Back 100 -125 feet behind small boards.
Boated 11 of 12, Best just over 10 pounds.
The reason I asked for pictures, you are an 8 hr round trip from me. And I would like to see what I am interseted in buying before I commit to it.
So sorry to ask for a picture.
DO you have any pictures ?
Already have the wish bones, just trying to find the masts.
Anyone have a set of out riggers they no longer use or want ?
I have a friend that is looking for a pair.
Thanks in advance, Bill.
If you add a piece of one of those noodles (the kids use in the swimming pool) onto your net handle, it adds some color, and it WON'T sink ! And it doesn't get in the way like a tether does.
Looking for down speed and temp sensor unit, Moor,Cannon, Fishhawk ?
Anyone have one used ?
Got a great price on New ?
Please let me know.
Thanks, Bill 716-535-7566
Does anyone have any Tite Lok bases they are not using ?
Have a friend that is looking for some. These are the ones that can hold up to
(4) Four rod holder tubes.
http://www.titelok.com/product_info.php ... 1336de2715
Thanks in advance, Bill
Thank You for this very informative article. I don't fish Lake Ontario as a rule, (I fish Lake Erie for walleye)
And I am thinking this info will be a great help to me when I venture to Wilson this year to try my hand at Salmon fishing.
I fished out of Olcott yesterday (Wed. july 28,2010) and the fleas are there, but not a big deal.
Only small amounts showing up on mono and wire.
Is this vessel still available ?
What is the price ???