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Everything posted by shu9265

  1. If you guys will have me, I would be happy to go along.
  2. Sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Our condolences, Bill and Donna
  3. STATUS: S6453 LIBOUS Same as A 10382 Russell Environmental Conservation Law TITLE....Authorizes an individual to angle for fish with up to 3 lines 01/13/10 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION
  4. Here is a web site for info about the "non-resident" Canadian fishing license and Outdoors Card. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/Le ... 65323.html Here is a list of SOME of the regs for equipment needed on a few boats. *** NOTE the changes in safety equipment as the length of the boat INCREASES ! ! *** Pleasure craft greater than 6 m (19’8â€) in length but no greater than 8 m (26’3â€) in length 6. One (1) Class 5BC fire extinguisher, if the pleasure craft is a power-driven vessel, plus another class 5BC fire extinguisher if the pleasure craft is equipped with a fuel-burning cooking, heating or refrigerating appliance Distress equipment 7. A watertight flashlight 8. Six (6)* Canadian-approved flares of Type A, B or C Pleasure craft greater than 8 m (26’3â€) in length but no greater than 12 m (39’4â€) in length Personal protection equipment 1. One (1) Canadian-approved personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each person on board 2. One (1) buoyant heaving line no less than 15 m (49’3â€) in length 3. One (1) approved lifebuoy with an outside diameter of 610 mm or 762 mm that is attached to a buoyant line no less than 15 m(49’3â€) in length 4. A reboarding device if the freeboard of the vessel is greater than 0.5 m (1’8â€) 5. An anchor with no less than 30 m (98’5â€) of cable, rope or chain in any combination 6. One (1) bailer 7. One (1) manual water pump fitted with or accompanied by sufficient hose to enable a person using the pump to discharge water from the bilge of the vessel over the side of the vessel 8. One (1) Class 10BC fire extinguisher, if the pleasure craft is a power-driven vessel, plus another class 10BC fire extinguisher if the pleasure craft is equipped with a fuel-burning cooking, heating or refrigerating appliance Distress equipment 9. A watertight flashlight 10. 12* Canadian-approved flares of Type A, B, C or D, no more than six (6) of which are of Type D
  5. CROSSBOW DEMONSTRATION DAY April 17, 2010 (Rain or Shine) 9am – 3pm Wilson Conservation Club, Inc. 2394 Wilson-Cambria Rd., (Rt. 425) Wilson, NY 14172 Find out for yourself how much fun it is to shoot a crossbow – we will show you how Demonstrations all day long on how to properly and safely shoot a crossbow Experts on hand to answer your crossbow questions Shoot crossbows from Barnett Outdoors LLC, Crosman Corporation, Excalibur Crossbows, Horton Manufacturing Co., and TenPoint Crossbow Technologies Refreshments Available • Refreshments Available • Refreshments Available For More Information Contact: Chris Schotz 716-731-1641 Mike Meyers 716-778-9752 Bill Hilts Sr. 716-731-9984 Free of Charge Open to the Public Free of Charge Bring the Family Free of Charge Open to the Public Free of Charge Bring the Family
  6. I got my Sportsmans Lic. and also a bunch of antlerless tags. And I didn't use even one tag ! We just didn't have the deer in my area of Niagara County this year. The deer I did see, were mostly does and yearlings. Hopefully I will see more deer this spring as the weather starts to break and they will continue to live in the area. If so, I may harvest one in the fall. (maybe)
  7. Now if they will allow us to use crossbows, there will be a large number of archery hunters that will return to the woods.
  8. No New Boating Permits required. CONGRESS RESTORES 35-YEAR EXEMPTION FOR RECREATIONAL BOATS FROM PROPOSED EPA PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS NO NEW PERMIT FOR BOATS REQUIRED ALEXANDRIA, VA, July 22, 2008 - In a remarkable display of bipartisan support for recreational boating, both the House and Senate today passed S. 2766, "The Clean Boating Act of 2008" which will permanently restore a long-standing exemption for recreational boats from permitting requirements under the Clean Water Act. The legislation now goes to the White House for the President's signature. Congressional action was spawned by a U.S. District Court decision in September 2006 under which an estimated 17 million recreational boats would have fallen under Clean Water Act permit requirements effective September 30, 2008. The permit would have dictated maintenance and operation procedures and potentially subjected boaters to citizen lawsuits as well as a penalty system designed for industrial polluters. "This is a fabulous victory for common sense and it just goes to show what can be done when the boating public, the marine industry and its representatives in Congress row together in a bipartisan way," said BoatU.S. President Nancy Michelman. BoatU.S. Government Affairs Director Margaret Podlich was quick to shower praise on a boatload of legislators who did much of the heavy lifting including Sens. Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Representatives Jim Oberstar (D-MN), Steve LaTourette (R-OH), Candice Miller (R-MI) and Gene Taylor (D-MS). A complete listing of all legislators involved will be available at http://www.BoatUS.com/gov soon. BoatU.S. has worked for more than a year with the National Marine Manufacturers Association and a broad coalition of stakeholders to resolve the problem before the permitting deadline. "One of the real keys to success here was our collective ability to activate the grassroots," said Podlich, noting that tens of thousands of letters and e-mails were generated by boaters and anglers over the course of the past 12 months. BoatU.S. is the nation's leading advocate for recreational boat owners with over 650,000 members.
  9. Next time you go out off the Fort for bass, try moving out to the 20-25 foot range. When my dad and I used fished it, we always got the trash fish in less than 20 fow. Hope this helps. shu.
  10. Sparkly Boat. Very nice for use in Fla. That is one Large Bass. Enjoy the warm, and good fishing.
  11. Have you guys tried using in line planner boards, or big boards yet? I fish on Lake Erie, and those will out produce dipseys hands down on some days. I like to run a variety of spoons, stick baits, and harnesses from the boards with jet divers, or run smaller dipseys, with rubber bands also. And I agree, dipsey's will out fish riggers all day long.
  12. It works very well for walleye !
  13. Is this still available?
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