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Posts posted by Hookedup

  1. Had a group from PA out today for another trip on Seneca these guys have lucked out on the weather and the fish each time they have come up.  We had a good south wind up north and one heck of a strong current running the opposite way.  It made for some tricky trolling angles but we got it done.  Some great Lakers up to 11 pounds and four beautiful bows all were put in the boat.  The guys all limited out and we got to let some nice fish go.  Bows all came off the same rigger at 40 ft and some lakers were also up in the 40 to 60ft range.  Most were in the 110 to 146 ft range and had to be hit at the right speed of 2.1 to 2.3 at the ball just tapping bottom.  We had a couple double and a double on the rigger with two good lakers that made things fun. No fleas a few weeds but nothing to bad, temps were all over.



  2. Thanks for the report. Evening trolls haven't been very productive last couple nights.

    Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app[/quote

    I saw your rig in Watkins last night in the parking lot figured you were out. Did you hit south end?

  3. Got out of work this morning at 7 ran up the lake to Severne in some major fog, thank goodness for radar. Loaded the clients up ran to the Laker Zone. Set lines at 8am and boxed out at 9:30. The Lakers were turned on I couldn't keep the rods in the water. Dipsys out 220 to 240 with flasher/flies, riggers at 130, 120, 35, and 60 core and copper all took fish as fast as I could get them out. Just one of those days when everything worked. Ran into some weeds but no fleas. T-cline is setting up around 50 ft, down speed of 2.3 was hot. Sean

  4. I have flea flicker all set to go on reels when it does happen but Cortland is no longer making it anymore so I stocked up on some blood run flea line that is suppose to be coated so they cant grab on... Has anyone run the blood run line yet and if so whats your opinion..


    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    Mike I've ran it two years its Great! This year I am testing the 20lb sea flea from blood run (not in stores yet). So far its been great on the rigger rods will see with the fleas. The 30 lb blood run flea line is light years above the Cortland line it doesn't look like rope in the water.

  5. I start at my speed and if I'm getting fish I'll kick it up and keep trucking. Now if things slow down will slow down. I work a lot of 120 to 130 ft contour lines so I get some tight S turns in that will let you know what they want. A week ago on a two boat trip with Nick things were slow but both boats put fish in the boat and the ones we got were at turbo speed halling Butt on turns. I am also fishing for a mixed bag on my trips and I need quantity. If I was in the lake trout derby early season fishing i would add a slow program in for deep pig Lakers. Now threw summer you can usually get those piggs running fast out deep under suspended bait. This is when I like to cover some water!

  6. I have noticed some changes on Seneca just over the past couple years. I'm sure a few years from now DEC will notice the same things. First more young browns and bows that look good. Without question we have less Lakers in Seneca over the last year or two. The mornings of 100 Lakers are over. With the electronics we have now days it doesn't make it hard to see the amount of Lakers is now down which I think was the goal. This promotes the Salmon, Bows, and Browns but for the beginner they can be much harder to catch than Lakers. I've also not had any small young Lakers put in the boat like in the past but have had many small lamprey. So will see what kind of a hit they take in the next couple years. None of this has to do with the above post, just my opinion on what's happening on the water. I'm with Ray on the Sutton's they catch fish but I can't run them in my program I fish to fast. If you run Riggs and can slow down they will put fish in the boat. Sean

  7. I had 57 deg down 45 the other day witch is where I like to get bows. It was 67 to 68 on top OK for browns but not much else. I'd start running a summer program top down to 130. I wouldn't plan on setting the world on fire in shallow with flat lines. We had lots of warm water dumped in lake last three days so lake should be setting up good.

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